Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Morning coffee with pigeons in front of my house.

Buoi sang ngoi uong cafe day la nhg khung canh nang am va khong khi trang day oxygen de cho doi toi tam the duc va hit tho no. Sang thuc day la toi bat nut binh nc soi 2 phut thi toi bo cafe van cafe Trung Nguyen VN vao filtre roi tap the duc sau do tam roi lay ly cafe ra vuon ngoi. Toi khong an sang. Toi ko muon lam gi ngoai uong cafe ngam canh ko laptop/tablet hay phone. Luc truoc toi hay mang tablet ra doc tin tuc nhg it khi doc gi ngoai ngam canh. Co khi tho(rabbit) co khi chim/soc/seagulls-chim bien, co khi bo cau nhu hom nay vay. Day la canh sang som cua nha toi, toi thich thien nhien va su yen tinh o day.
Pigeons live in groups called flocks, and show a strong affinity for human-built structures. A courting male pursues his intended mate on the ground, circling her with neck feathers inflated and tail spread, bowing and cooing all the while. Pigeons mate for life, but if one partner dies, the survivor generally will attempt to find another mate. Pigeons breed throughout the year, even during winter, and can raise four or five broods annually. Haphazard nests of twigs, leaves, and a few feathers are built on window ledges, behind signs, and under bridges.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Engineering Airbus A380/Boeing747, diamond and satelite

Airbus a380 costs 375 millions, can carry 500-800 passengers and weight over 300 tons Do you know that the 2 pilots can not order the same meal during flying they're afraid of food poison, it is interesting that people thinks the ways to minimize the risk. I flied Boeing 777/747 many times but not with A380 and 787. You need to go to the university in order to become a design engineer.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fibonacci sequence/numbers

As I said before art is a source of knowledge and geometry. Art is a science. The flowers pedals are created by Fibonacci sequence. I recently was asked to write C/C++ for Fibonacci sequences in 1 line of code. Toi co lan da noi nghe thuat la tong hop cua kien thuc va hinh hoc/dai so. Gan day toi co viet phan mem ve Fibonacci circular arcs, nhg canh hoa/van vat dc tao hoa tao ra phan lon theo Fibonacci sequences or numbers. Education has to be fun and interest like playing a video game and we should tell the reason why? As you see the video you can tell how important is Fibonacci sequence effects in the creation of things around us. Hoc de biet no lam gi?, cai khuyen diem lon nhat o VN chi biet hoc de lam gi, mot dinh luat no huu dung no giup minh lam dc gi trong nghanh chuyen mon ma minh da chon the nao it nhat fai noi len ly do?
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence:[1][2]
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144... (sequence A000045 in OEIS)
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; 
//write the fibonacci sequences in 1 line of code.
unsigned int fibonacci(unsigned int n)
 return n < 2 ? n : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);
int main()
  unsigned l;
  cout << "type a number:";
  cin >> l;
  cout << "number " << l << " fibo is " << fibonacci(l) << endl;
  return 0;
“Philosophy (nature) is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes. I mean the universe, but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in the mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word of it, and without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.” - Galileo Galilei

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Leonard de Vinci

Leonard de Vinci - a famous painter and a great military engineer and an architect, he designed a tank 400 years before the World war 2 started. Art and science is very closed depending how you look at it. Painting is a source of knowledge and geometry.

To conceive an idea is noble to execute the work is savor - Leonard de Vinci


Tôi nghỉ rằng ít có ai vừa nghiên cưu vừa yêu âm nhạc 2 hoàn cảnh trái ngược , nhưng anh đã thành công , tôi thưởng thưc giọng ca của Anh. Co Leonard de Vinci. Khi Leonard ve cho thay, a master thay Leonard la mot hoa si noi tieng thoi do noi co le toi rat yen tam hai long de gat co ve va ko ve nua. Ve cua Leonard rat that chi tiet vi vay La Joconde hay Mona Lisa noi tieng hien trung bay o vien bao tan Louvre o Phap ma toi da co lan den do (The master said, I can put my brush away now because you - Leonard).
The best thing in this world is the perfection. A perfection theo toi nghi co nghia la nhin bat cu khia canh nao no cung dep ko co khuyet diem, rat tuyet voi. Cai gi hoang hao minh se nhin hoai ko chan. Steve Jobs designed I-phone la mot vi du gan 5 nam de ong ay suy nghi ve no. Picaso ve la mot bieu tuong cua abstract rat nguoc voi Leonard.  Tuy vao nang khieu nguoi ko co khieu thi se can lau hon de lam no hoang hao du gi ho biet the nao la mot su hoang hao. Nhieu lan Leonard da bo lo project vi no ko dien ta dc nhg gi ong ay da nghi. Architecture design lam layout cho blog hay website cung vay can mot mot su dam me co dau my thuat va nhat la su hoang hao. Mot website hoang hao nhat la nguoi ve va lap trinh deu tu 1 nguoi. Vi hoang hao rat truu tuong kho dien ta cho nguoi khac lam dc chi co chinh minh moi lam dc ma thoi co the do la mot nang khieu. Vua that don gian vua hoang hao can nhieu thoi gian va no luc. Simple solutions for complex problems. Dieu gi ma minh lam rat qua phuc tap that ra rat don gian, chan ly cua phuc tap la don gian tat ca nen dc nhin hay bat dau bang su don gian nhat. Do la nguyen tat khi viet phan mem co gia tri khi ma viet qua phuc tap co le minh da di sai roi nen lam lai tu dau. Viet phan mem ma ko ai hieu de bao quang no la xem nhu no ko co gia tri gi ca..Tat ca deu co qui luat ro rang lam theo dinh luat thi no se don gian hoa rat nhieu. Do la ly do can fai hoc nhg dinh luat do. Nghe thuat biet phan giai phuc tap thanh don gian theo dinh luat. Cung co nhng phat minh moi nhu Einstein nghi ra 100 nam sau ng ta moi hieu do la genius nhu e=mc2 ket qua cua bom nguyen tu hay vu tru khong gian. Tan pha va tao lap. Destruction and also creation because energy can create/convert into a mass. This is how the earth is created billion years ago. The Big Bang Theory, after this collision the earth was created.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bullet train 575 km/h & Air Force One.

Saigon to Nha Trang is less than an hour. It is now in France/Japan.
And Air Force One. On Sep 11 we took the president on board Air Force One and the destination was unknown. This type of Boeing 747 or the new one 777/787 and Airbus 350/380 can fly 1000 km/h with the range 10k-15k without refueling.

Đạo đức

1. Khó khăn nhất Của Con Người là Chiến Thắng Chính Mình.
2. Cao quý nhất Của Con Người là Giúp Đỡ Những Ai Khốn Khó.
3. Sai lầm nhất Của Con Người là Dối Gian.
4. Tự hào nhất Của Con Người là Nhường Nhịn và Hy Sinh.
5. Thấp hèn nhất Của Con Người là Miệt Thị và Khinh Bỉ người khác.
6. Dại dột nhất Của Con Người là Đánh Mất Lòng Tin.
7. Khôn ngoan nhất Của Con Người là biết Nhìn Lại Chính Mình.

8 .Sai lấm của Con Người là Khoe Khoang va Tư Phụ.

9. Khôn Ngoan của Con Người là Dam Mê Hoc Hỏi và Hi vọng.

10.Tốt Nhất của Con Người là Sự Yên Bình trong Tâm Hồn

1. The most difficult thing is human is conquering yourself.
2. Noblest of man is living for others.
3. The mistake most people is a lie.
4. Most proud of is human sacrifice and compromise.
5. Most vile human is pejorative and contemptuous of others.
6. Most stupid people are losing faith.
7. Wisdom is knowing is know how to look within at yourself.

. Mistake of man is conceited and show-up.
9. Wise man's passion for learning and hope.
10.Good man always has the peace of mind.

1. La chose la plus difficile est humain est la conquête de soi-même.
2. Noble homme vit pour les autres.
3. L'erreur la plupart des gens est un mensonge.
4. Le plus fier est le sacrifice humain et le compromis.
5. La plus vile de l'homme est péjoratif et méprisant des autres.
6. La plupart des gens stupides sont en train de perdre la foi.
7. La sagesse est de savoir se sait la regarder à l'intérieur de vous-même.
8. L'erreur de l'homme est vaniteux.
9. La passion de Sage pour l'apprentissage et l'espoir.
10.Noble homme a toujours la tranquillité d'esprit.


O day co nhieu nguoi rat te co bao nhieu tien tieu sai het song vao dong luong, co khi noi voi toi rang may bua nay tao lo lang tien nha tien dien. Toi noi may ko the nao song nhu vay duoc lam sao co dc su yen binh, song co nhieu dieu quan trong fai lam fai nghi ma nghi den tien bac la dieu ngu ngoc nhat. Ban than ko binh yen dc thi minh ko the lam gi dc. Luong thi rat thap ma sai con hon minh. Toi noi may ko the nao sai hon luong cua may dc, vo ly nhu vay thieu no suot doi. Theo luat ve kinh te o day thi may co the sai 25-30% luong cua may ma thoi. Thay toi nghiep cho muon tien fai ky giay to roi sau khi tra het tien cho minh roi van the. Non song de doi ban tinh kho doi.  Ho lon ma nhu con nit. Cai so nhat tren doi cua toi la nho va nen hau nhu toi chua bao gio nho va ai ca neu can tien thi ra nha bank muon tien tra tien loi xong ko nho on ai ca vi minh tra tien loi. Dung bao gio muon tien trong gia dinh roi de dong tien phan chia tinh cam. Do la dieu ko tot. Toi la nhu the do. Co nguoi toi thich gi nhat tren doi? toi noi toi thich nhat su yen binh o tam hon. Co rat nhieu nguoi hoi toi sao chua lap gia dinh? toi noi chua gap ai hop hay chua thay can thiet hay cam thay chua can ai do hay rung dong vi tinh yeu la. I love you because I need you and I need you because I love you. Lap gia dinh dau fai la dieu bat buoc hay thay ai lap gia dinh minh cung fai lam nhu mua mot mon qua nao do toi song mot noi ma ko ai quan tam den toi neu toi doc than hay lap gia dinh. Do la dieu toi thich o day ko nhu o VN. Co the mot ngay nao do toi se thay doi nhg bgio la vay. Toi song mot minh rat thoai mai va co the noi la a perfect life.

"At the beginning, I want to give the love to the poor from God" - Mother Teresa
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Teresa
"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." - Mother Teresa
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa
"If you find peace within yourself that means you do the right thing - Neu ban tim dc su yen tinh trong tam hon co le ban da lam nhg dieu tot.  ./.tv
"The more simple life you have, the better person you become" - Cua song cang don ban chat con nguoi cang tot hon. ./.tv 
Vang, toi cam nhan su yen binh trong tam hon khi minh da lam dc nhg gi cho nguoi khac nhin lai toi cam nhan su lang dong trong tam that su la dieu toi muon khong gi bang su thoai mai yen tinh trong tam hon de co giac ngu that yen binh chinh vi vay ta co the lam dc nhieu dieu hon nua vi ko co su phien long va tinh than thoai mai.

Are You Ready For The Rising Tide Of Cash?

Some of the cash has already been spent on dividends; some on share buybacks and some on capital expenditure. But there is still plenty of gas left in the tank, which could spur global markets higher when it is deployed. Theo toi nghi thi dung. Hien gio nhg tap doan lon co nhieu tien nhg ho so khung hoang nua.
It is often said that when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.
Khong biet co dung ko? is the right or overstatement. Khung hoang kinh te xay ra sau Sep 2001 that su cho den gio chua bgio bang thoi tong thong Clinton. Do la thoi ky toi qua My lam. Ngay xua toi ko thich My vi ho gay chien tranh o VN nen toi hoc o Montreal, Canada thanh pho noi 2 thu tieng Anh va Phap gan nhu duy nhat ma toi ao uoc se den do cung nhu Boston trong phim chuyen tinh Love Story.  Toi hoc truong Phap tu nho nen thich tieng Phap va van minh Phap thi thanh pho Montreal co het cho toi. Va toi da den do mot minh va hoan toan tu lap ko quen biet ai het. Toi con nho luc do toi da noi 2 thu tieng thong thao nen 2 tuan sau toi di lam o nha hang Ruby food de duong Decary o Montreal. Va cu nhu the vua hoc vua lam vi toi biet lam nha hang la tam thoi nen ai noi gi ke ho vi minh biet rang minh ko thuoc ve moi truong nay de sinh nhai ma thoi.
Toi co long tu ai dan toc va phan uat truoc su xam luot cua My vao VN va gay ra chien tranh VN nen toi da khong hoc o My gio toi nghi lai thi khi moi lon len toi rat ly tuong con hon nhg nguoi lanh tu VN hien gio goi con di hoc o de quoc My va chi co My thoi nhu thu tuong VN. Ho ko biet rang bang cap Canada va My co gia tri nhu nhau. Montreal cung co nhieu dai hoc noi tieng nhu Mc Gill hay University of Montreal...
  The roi nam 1998 toi dc nhan vao lam tai cong ty My o Boston toi moi biet rang nguoi dan My cung tot nhu dan Canada chi co chinh phu My moi gay ra chien tranh o VN va hien gio toi co ban My nhieu hon ban o Canada.
Hy vong/uoc mo va dam me de roi toi da den Montreal roi sau do Boston. Hy vong/uoc mo va dam me la cai quan trong nhat trong cuoc doi. No la dong luc de ta phan dau.
"And if we don’t have our dreams, we have nothing.” -

Roi o Boston toi chung kien Sep 11 hien gio toi van con giu mot la co My ma o cay xang cho toi khi toi dong xang trong tuan cua Sep 11. Ca tuan trong cong ty kho ai lam viec dc. Va toi mat rat nhieu tien vi da so tien dau tu cua toi vao co phieu thoi diem do. Toi ko can tien chi sai 1 phan nho cua luong di lam roi khong biet lam gi nen tat ca don vao co phieu dinh se 5 nam sau ban ra de co so tien lon lam gi do hay lap cong ty nhung uoc mo do ko thanh va mat gan het tien ca tien ban can nha o Canada cung mat het. Nguoi ta noi rang tien chi la nhg con so ma thoi nhg ko co no thi that toi te......toi se ke le vi vay toi ko co quan trong tien vi toi biet toi se lam ra tien.

Kinh te My chua bao gio khoi phuc sau Sep 11 co the la lan nay ma toi hi vong nhu vay 13 nam da qua. Tu 2001 den 2008 moi dau dc mot chut thi khung hoang tai chinh cho den gio. Cung nho co le vao  Dr Ben Bernanke, America has probably staged one of the greatest comebacks since Lazarus. Thay him thong minh song ly tuong va nhat la yeu nc My. Yeu nuoc la dong luc(motif) de co the lam thay doi dinh menh cua mot quoc gia ma VN thi ko co. Khong fai yeu nc la du ma fai co tai co hoc thuc thuc chat lam dc hay khong tuy thuoc vao kien thuc cua mot lanh tu. Toi hi vong lan nay kinh te se khoi phuc nhu truoc nam 2001 nhung tai lieu va nhg tap doan lon cho thay la co the day la thoi diem. Toi se chon minh mot cong viec thich nhat vi day la co hoi dau tu vao thi truong chung khoang. Thoi diem khoi phuc cung la thoi diem canh tranh nen cong ty chuan bi muon nguoi de cho ra nhg san pham moi theo kinh nghiem cua toi biet. Nhg thang vua roi toi tuong NASDAQ va DOW se ko tro lai nhu hoi 2008 va hien gio do va vuot qua nam 2008 hi vong no se tro lai thoi 2001.
Cam on nhg ai da viet thu dong luc toi viet tiep. Ko gi thich thu bang doc mot su that ve mot cuoc doi toi thich doc sach ve su that cua nhg danh nhan khoa hoc nhu Edison, Tesla, Einstein, triet ly song cua Phat hay Darwin.. va ca hien tai ve Obama, Clinton.  Toi cung doc ve cong trinh nghien cuu va xay dung lon tu truoc den gio do con nguoi xay ra nhu kim tu thap o Ai Cap, Angkor wat o Campuchia. Doc ve kinh te va ky thuat moi. Thich xem phim ve true story/ Sap sua ra mot he dieu hanh moi Tizen.  Minh ko co thoi gio de doc moi thu ma co the chon nhg chu de thu vi nhat. Viet blog nhu mot nhat ky va mot phan nhac nho ban than can bo tuc nhg gi that ra viet blog cho chinh ban than toi nhieu nhat.
Toi ko doc tieu thuyet va ko thich choi game. Toi co mot roommate he choi game suot ngay.
Ngay xua toi gioi nho thay gioi thieu Thomas Edison toi doc va rat ne Edison nguoi phat minh ra dien ma ta sai hien tai. Ong thay vat ly ma toi ko bao gio quen ten ong ay cung giong nha khoa hoc Nguyen Tat Tien con triet ly thi toi hoc cua thay rat noi tien bai ao lua mua Dong thay Nguyen Sa. Dung ra toi fai di dam ma o Cali ma toi ko co di. Toi ko dc diu dat boi gia dinh ma hau het tu cuoc doi va nhg thay nhu ve toan/hoa va vat ly. Toi rat gioi ve toan nho hoc them cua thay Tran Minh Man he ko co lay tien ma toi chi lam viec cho ong ay. Sau nay toi gap thay Vo the Hao/Chu Pham Ngoc Son/Ha Ngoc Bich va Gaston Benneton cung rat gioi ve toan. Xong toi thay o day hoc ve kinh te va tai chinh cung rat good nhu Ben Bernanke/A Greenspan/J Yellen ho hoc ve kinh te o Havard va MIT/Stanfort/Yale/Cornell/Princeton mot nha kinh te gioi fai biet cu xu tinh tranh kinh te xau nhat va co the doan da dc tinh huong. Toi biet dc co le sai lam lon nhat cua him la de Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc a big financing banking sup do nam 2008. Lam cho nhg bank khac bi sup do nhu domino nam 2008. Until then I keep on Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

“hyperloop” high speed transportation

Travel from New York to China in 2 hours. NY to LA in 45 minutes. The hyper loop.
It took me more 9 hours to drive from Ha Tien to Saigon by Honda scooter (5am to 2:30pm) or from Saigon to NhaTrang. It took me 8 hours to fly from Saigon to Melbourne-Australia and more 20 hours to fly from US/Canada to VN either through Atlantic or Pacify ocean. From NY to Paris is 8 hours and Paris to VN is 11 hours or from NY to Hongkong is 16 hours and HongKong to VN is 2.5 hours.
Before I thought it will be faster to fly over Pacific ocean because it seems shorter but the last 2, 3 years I flied over Atlantic ocean to VN via Paris/London/Germany, it takes almost the same time maybe 1 hour more but this route is fewer people traveling so it is less crowded than HongKong/Bangkok/Singapore.
With the hyper loop will take me 2 hours to VN and I hope that I am still alive to ride on it. When I was young that I had a crazy idea that flying into the low orbit and waiting for the earth moves to a certain point then reenter to the earth, it seems crazy but now you can do it with 200 k via Virgin Galactic.
 I recently did a research on magnetic field, it is incredible that how much it can do because I just want to invent something relating to renew energy using magnetic field, it called permanent magnetic alternator, its energy will last up to 400 years.
Play guitar, graphic/software design, cook, tennis, one more hobby for me try to learn/design a green energy but I have so little time to do anything. I know how to write real time software and graphics recently learning more object oriented programming languages and set out to do all by myself. A lot of ideas but so little time to try. (Song can co mot ly tuong va huong di ro rang chinh vi vay cuoc song moi thu vi hon, an uong ngu la chuyen binh thuong minh can cai gi do hon vay)
It seems an engineer you can do a lot of things, you can fly an airplane like a pilot if you want to because it is easy or become a doctor it is easy too than write the software and learn the new technology at the same time everyday it is very hard and earn the living that way, to me it is awesome and challenge but it requires a lot of work. Everyday is a new thing and looking forward a next day. That maybe a happiness? because you love what you're doing but it will not be the same if you marry.
More things to learn because everything is on the internet like an open book and it is ready for you to read. A couple of weeks ago I was reading how to go to Mars and it was not difficult to understand if you have a background and everything that I read it makes sense. NASA will contract to private companies for space explorer as the US Defense department did to the internet by giving the protocols to private companies to continue to develop and look what it turns out today. The private companies here tend to do a better job than the government because the competition in the twenty-first century capitalism. I think the technology for space explorer will be develop very fast in the next few years together with biotechnology.
Before I thought it would be so difficult to go to Mars but it is not because there is no friction/gravity and ....
Maybe one day ....and the hyperloop will be like the internet now and there will be no boundaries. The hyper loop concept is the same as travel into space when there is no air and no friction/gravity at all, the speed can accelerate greater 4000 miles per hour so from LA to Beijing is 2 to 3 hours that it is about right. It is not science fiction but it will happen based on physics laws and principles.
So the point that I like to make here is thinking is one thing but doing it is a another thing sometimes you have to change the design many times because you are the first one to do. The result is uniquely if you can effort the time to do it. At work we don't have the time so we patch very quick and start do an other thing because the companies like to push you to get the best out of you.
....But to know but not yet to do is not yet to know.
The computer can sketch me in a few seconds even print out with 3-D image. I believe that if we apply the principle into the laws of physics it will serve us well. In computer and science everything has the reason of it, even a blank page loads into the webpage it may not working, not because of the blank page but the object is placed before it (encapsulation). The object is derived from a parent class and it has characteristics or attributes - same thing as us. Everything is object including people we are an object to move and interact to each other. Many programming languages are based on object oriented from creating an object until destroying an object to free the resources for a computer to run forever. It is similar to human being. Most of computer ideas are adopting from our daily life activity for example IP address - Internet Protocol address is the same label of your home address where you live in must simple way of 32-bit or 64-bit address. Object is created to serve our purpose and it must be freed. Object and its attributes/signatures are a complex affair.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Good listening soundtrack & my selection...

My selection includes > 140 videos. "Without a Motif, a Song Hardly Has a Chance."
J'arracherai, sans une larme, sans un cri. Les liens secrets qui déchirent ma peau. Me libérant de toi pour trouver le repos. Et pourtant, et pourtant. Adieu mon amour. The Beatles “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato.
"Music has no boundaries."