Happiness is to live a simple life. People thought we need a lot of things to make us happy but we don't need any of them. Love the things that you do and do the things with a passion. Happiness is knowing what you do next hour, next day, next week, next month, next year and looking forward to do the things that you love and enjoying what you have. Co le vi vay ma Phat song hanh phuc nhat. Cai tam (= dao duc) tot the thay dc tu con nguoi, tam tot thi con nguoi tot va con nguoi tot thi xa hoi tot va xa hoi tot thi quoc gia tot. Khi toi dong cua cong ty o VN vi ng ta ko co dao duc lam viec toi noi vay. Dao duc lam viec nhat la cong nghe cao la trach nhiem nhung gi minh viet va nhat la co dam me nhg gi minh lam. Neu mo cong ty ve san xuat thi de vi co the kiem soat hang ngay de dang, ve phan mem thi ko the vi su phuc tap va lau dai vi vay can dao duc lam viec su tin nhiem va nhat la dam me cong viec cua nguoi viet code. Toi noi voi ho rang VN 100 nam van vay muon thay doi thi cai tu duy cua con nguoi fai thay doi ma no do xa hoi, giao duc, moi truong song va nhieu thu...
Day la quoc gia ko ban giao voi TQ va ca My. Ho tu choi. Xem nhg nguoi lanh tu cua mot quoc gia noi ve hanh phuc cua cong dan ho la tren het.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Passion/dam me
The world will be peaceful if in each of us has a passion about something that we love. We will understand and forgive to each other, we will not envy because we have ourself to compete. To fix oneself is the hardest one.
Even we have nothing we're still be nice because we have our passion to lean on. Ko ai thuong va hieu minh chinh ban than minh cuoi cung.
Even we have nothing we're still be nice because we have our passion to lean on. Ko ai thuong va hieu minh chinh ban than minh cuoi cung.
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Vietnam in 1975 and Vietnam now and between.
When I watched the Oscar award recently, there was a movie talked about last days in Vietnam in 1975, it was nominated for an award. I watched it the same night and so touching about the fact and I was there after 1975. The movie began with the question " who will leave and who will left behind" and I was the among left behind. I escaped in 1975 in a small boat to Malaysia and I asked myself this question either to live free or die, then I answered to myself to live free. I chose Canada because at that time, I was 20 and I thought that because the American causing the war and left us behind. In the film, the same person asked himself that this was what we fought for and Americans came to make this happened. Here are the footage of Vietnam then and now. Once day I write the book about my ordeal that I have went through. I live far from Vietnamese community and only time I see the Vietnamese when I am back to Vietnam. It was the great movie about the collapse of South Vietnam and Vietnam is the only country that goes back to the communist. I saw the Lambretta in movie and I also had the same scooter painted in yellow banana.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Welcome to 2015
Time flies so fast it has been a year. I took a long vacation from Jan to April last year to visit Australia, China and Vietnam.
Happy New Year 2015 at Time Square, NYC.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Season's Greeting...
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for writing to me to encourage me to write to share my stories and my view. I hope that you learn something from this blog about love & life and music/arts. I found out that someone even posts my music in their blog when I play my guitar of "bai chieu chu nhat buon". Someone else posts my picture at Agkor Wat. The world is about sharing what we know and thought. Nghe va nhin canh cung dc bai do toi da choi hon 3 nam roi bgio ko con nhieu thoi gio nhu truoc.
I love these Christmas carols specially I'll be home for Christmas from Frank Sinatra. All of my imagination gone wild in my mind when hearing these very old Christmas songs. I hope you enjoy as I do. Peace. Hom qua Christmas Eve nguoi hang som dem qua chay ruou ma ong ay tu lam khi toi noi Merry Christmas and thank you. Khi ra ve toi noi them 1 lan nua I wish you a peaceful Christmas. Ong quay lai va noi cam on do la dieu toi can nhat. Ong ay cung gia lam roi. So Peace to everyone. Ko gi qui bang su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. If you have a peaceful soul/in your mind you can almost do anything in this life. Peace presents for calm and cool life. Khi toi viet thu chuc ban be toi cung viet nhu vay....I wanted to wish you and your family a peace and prosperity on your way heading into the New Year ! Chinh ban than toi bgio toi ko can gi ngoai tru su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. An uong dau co quan trong bang doi song tinh than Tet toi hay ve VN va di tham nhieu gia dinh cai gi toi cung da qua va da an het nhg ho ko hieu dc nhg gi toi nghi toi den tham de hoi tham va trao doi nhg cau chuyen can noi. Gia dinh nao vui ve va de thuong thi toi se den nua va nguoc lai thi toi ko den tham nua. Doi voi toi cai quan trong nhat tren coi doi nay la cai tinh than.
I love these Christmas carols specially I'll be home for Christmas from Frank Sinatra. All of my imagination gone wild in my mind when hearing these very old Christmas songs. I hope you enjoy as I do. Peace. Hom qua Christmas Eve nguoi hang som dem qua chay ruou ma ong ay tu lam khi toi noi Merry Christmas and thank you. Khi ra ve toi noi them 1 lan nua I wish you a peaceful Christmas. Ong quay lai va noi cam on do la dieu toi can nhat. Ong ay cung gia lam roi. So Peace to everyone. Ko gi qui bang su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. If you have a peaceful soul/in your mind you can almost do anything in this life. Peace presents for calm and cool life. Khi toi viet thu chuc ban be toi cung viet nhu vay....I wanted to wish you and your family a peace and prosperity on your way heading into the New Year ! Chinh ban than toi bgio toi ko can gi ngoai tru su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. An uong dau co quan trong bang doi song tinh than Tet toi hay ve VN va di tham nhieu gia dinh cai gi toi cung da qua va da an het nhg ho ko hieu dc nhg gi toi nghi toi den tham de hoi tham va trao doi nhg cau chuyen can noi. Gia dinh nao vui ve va de thuong thi toi se den nua va nguoc lai thi toi ko den tham nua. Doi voi toi cai quan trong nhat tren coi doi nay la cai tinh than.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Nelson Mandela 1918-2013
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
"Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people."
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do." - Nelson Mandela
Monday, December 2, 2013
60 minutes delivery by robot
Someone has argued this video clip is nothing more than to boost the Amazon stock it is currently at closed at $300 mark. It is impossible to have a thousands unmanned drones fly autonomously on the sky of US with the approval of FAA. The technology is there but it is not guaranty that it will work 100% therefore maybe one will fall from the sky and kill someone. Depending on the area that we are using for example the drone can be used in the agriculture such as crop spraying aircraft.
I have the web server from my house and you can turn camera and light of my place. So everything is possible. Day la mot website toi gan day viet de noi qua phan cung de vang bon den hay xem webcam bat cu noi nao tren the gioi neu noi do co internet. Da tu lau toi da nghi co cach nao de dieu khien dung cu trong nha o bat cu noi nao tren the gioi toi da thu nghiem tu VN co the lam den sang va tat o day nua vong trai day chi qua internet dung Firefox hay Internet Explorer dieu khien bang web co le thuan tien nhat vi o dau cung co browser.
I have the web server from my house and you can turn camera and light of my place. So everything is possible. Day la mot website toi gan day viet de noi qua phan cung de vang bon den hay xem webcam bat cu noi nao tren the gioi neu noi do co internet. Da tu lau toi da nghi co cach nao de dieu khien dung cu trong nha o bat cu noi nao tren the gioi toi da thu nghiem tu VN co the lam den sang va tat o day nua vong trai day chi qua internet dung Firefox hay Internet Explorer dieu khien bang web co le thuan tien nhat vi o dau cung co browser.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving et tombe la neige
Thanksgiving is a very special to me it is not because it is a holiday but I have a lot of good memories about Thanksgiving it just happened, I had my job interview in Boston after Thanksgiving day and I remembered when I flied from Boston to Los Angeles on Thanksgiving night, the whole airplane had only 10 people so the stewardess asked everyone to move to the business class in the front of airplane so they could server us easier....and since only 10 people they treated us as in the business class and I got connected on time in LA to Hong Kong, it was a nice trip...I planned to go on the Christmas but my friend suggested that I should fly on the Thanksgiving night because he would cover for me when I was gone...Ko fai toi thich ngay le ta on la ngay nghi nhg toi co nhieu ky niem dep de thuong cua ngay nay...
Khi toi den Montreal day la bai nhac dau tien toi mua tu mot sieu thi khi di mua do, Tombe la neige - Salvatore Adamo. Toi den Montreal vi noi nay noi ca tieng Anh va tieng Phap ma toi truong thanh trong truong Phap o VN nen toi biet hau het nhg bai nhac Phap noi tieng. Day la mot trong nhg bai nhac ma toi thich nhat. Montreal rat thich hop voi ban nhac nay vi noi do lang man. Toi ko thich My vi ho da gay ra chien tranh o VN nhg mai den nam 1998 thoi tong thong Clinton toi moi qua My lam cho cong ty lon o Boston va toi moi hieu rang chien tranh la cho chinh quyen My chu ko fai do nguoi My, nguoi dan My cung nhu ng Canada deu yeu thich hoa binh. Toi co ban ng My nhieu hon ban nguoi Canadian. Do la ng cung lam trong cong ty, khi noi ve ng My hay Canadian toi noi ve nguoi sinh ra va lon len ko fai nguoi tu nc khac den dinh cu. Noi ve that tot va vo tu nhat la nguoi Canadian nhg so it thoi vi ho van bi phong kien vua chua cua nc Anh do ho ngay xua va noi ve trung binh tot thi nguoi My co nhieu nguoi tot hon. Ca dao VN co cau di mot ngay dang, hoc mot sang khon la dung vay. Nghe noi ko bang song that voi lai moi ng co cai nhin khac nhau rieng toi la vay. Truoc khi toi den My lam nhg nguoi ban Canadian noi ben My ghe lam dung qua do lam nhat la Boston va New York. Toi tra loi voi ho rang di moi biet dung hay sai. "To know but not yet to do is not yet to know." Toi qua My nho 2 nguoi ban than o Canada den trong nom nha cua, trong luc cho dich vu dia oc ban nha. Khi den Boston toi moi nghi ra rang cuoc song minh chang can gi ngoai tru su binh an trong tam hon chi can cai ban lam viec, cai giuong va cai tivi va computers de lam viec la du. Tu do tro ve sau cuoc song toi rat don gian toi gi fai mua nha de lam no le cho vat chat. Ngay xua toi cu mua nha roi ban nha roi mua nha to lon hon. Toi co 1 chiec xe hoi ma mua nha den 2 garages roi toi ngay lam viec sua chua nha dung la no le cho vat chat. Tu khi den Boston den gio toi chi muon nha o ko thich thi don di chang phien phuc gi ca chang nuoi tiec gi ca. Song cang don gian cuoc doi cang hanh phuc va binh thang hon. Toi khong thich gi bang su binh yen trong tam hon. Bgio toi thay co nhieu nguoi kho cuc vi vat chat nha cua xe hoi va cai nay cai no de lam gi ? chet roi chang mang dc gi theo ke ca Steve Jobs co ca ty dollars roi co mang di theo dc dau. Quan trong la song de lai gi khi minh chet. Toi thay nguoi doi bgio ma ho nghi nhieu ve vat chat toi biet rang ho chua biet song hay chua biet huong thu cuoc song minh dang co vi ngay mai ko biet dc co the hom nay la ngay cuoi cua cuoc doi. Live like today is your last.
Match: stewardess
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Saturday, November 9, 2013
multiarch - Multi architecture
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." Alan Kay, 1971
Most of the smart people are humble. Silence is gold. You need to know yourself well that is enough regardless how people says. Live for yourself because at the end of the day only your self esteem and be proud what you have accomplished. Knowledge is great, keep us busy to fulfil l our passions. With knowledge we can do anything specially the things we think...and dream about it.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Co khi mot ngay tro thanh de thuong hay dang ghet cung con tuy thuoc vao may man. It depends on the day sometimes you need luck to make through the day. This morning I was looking on my stock, I saw today day index is -20 points so I lost about $500 dollars for my investment. And now it 12:45 PM I am just doing my work and forgot about the stock because I knew today is my lost anyway so to get some work done for the day then suddenly my wireless LAN died what was a day it never happened before. So I brought my laptop to connect to router with the cable and forget about the wireless for now. Before connect to a wire Ethernet and my laptop was working again and the financing page was loading. Then I went back to my desk and I noticed that financing page the index was green so I took a glimpse of Nasdaq it moved to position with +3 instead of -20 then I lost nothing today. "Best things happen when you least expect it." This morning I told to myself today is shitdy, it took 2 days to gain a $500 and it gave up all for a day. In the meantime, Tiger Woods hits a golf ball drive in Turkey on the new bridge to connect between Asia and Europe, he is getting 3 millions.
When Tiger Woods father spent his tour of duty during Vietnam war, his father had a very closed Vietnamese friend's name Dan which is Cop or Tiger in English so he named his son as Tiger Woods.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sunday morning
This is typical of my Sunday morning. I am cooking for the whole week. Sang chu nhat toi thuong nau an cho 1 tuan rat tiet kiem thoi gian ve nha toi bo thuc an vao lo vi ba 10 phut la co thuc an. Toi nau co le ngon vi ai cung thich va noi ngon. Sang nay toi lam mon tom chien giong banh tom chien o Ho Tay - Ha Noi nhg ngon hon nhieu, an o Ho Tay chi dc thoi nhg canh dep nhat la buoi sang HN nhe nhang hon Sg, toi vua chien va vua tam the duc, tuan truoc thi lam spaghetti o VN goi la My Y va sau do toi vao phong lam viec 1 ly cafe sua that ngon vua nhan nhi cafe vua doc tin tuc hay email. Hay rau vao toi co trong hung lui va rau que. Co lan toi ngoi doi NL o 65 Le Loi, toi da uong het 2 ly cafe trg khi cho doi. Saigon chi cho nay uong cung dc vi ho co sua tuoi. Mot thoi de yeu va mot thoi de nho. Les amoureux qui passent. Vua roi toi cho nguoi lam vuong uong ly cafe sau do nguoi nay tro lai nho toi mua cafe cho him toi van uong cafe hang 1 cua Trung Nguyen, VN xuat cang qua day. O day chi co cua tiem ban loai cafe nay ma co le toi la khach hang thuong xuyen vi toi mua cho toi va nhg nguoi nho toi mua giup. Toi thich sach se nen nha sach va cho nao cung tap the duc dc toi ko thich den gym vi toi thich vi no rat ngot ngac. Toi thich tam the duc o ngoai ko khi cua buoi sang. Nau an cung nhu design hay nghien cuu rat thoai mai vua nghe nhac vua nau an la mot thu vi hay dam me cua toi nhu choi dan. Toi la mot nguoi multitask co the nhieu thu cung mot luc toi thich nhu vay no se ko phi thoi gio vi toi ko co nhieu thoi gio ranh. Toi giong nhu he dieu hanh co the chay nhieu thu cung mot luc. Luc doi nau an idle thi toi tap the duc khi time out thi toi switch qua task kia.





Day la nhg bai nhac bat huu khi toi lon len co le ai doc bai nay se hieu toi noi gi? Toi biet het nhg bai nhac cua Christophe vi ngay xua ai hoc truong Phap deu biet nhg bai nhac bat huu nay den gio moi lan nghe lai van noi da ga vi qua hay va rat xuc dong... lam toi chat nho lai ngay xa xua do di ballroom dancing voi KD vao dip giang sinh o Hoi Viet My. Chung toi da khieu vu bai nay cua Lobo http://www.objectlayer.com/music/iloveyoutowantme_for_you.mp3 Co ay co thiep moi nhg ko quen ban trai co ay den va moi toi di va tu do chung toi tro thanh ban than, toi dc con gai moi di choi toi chi biet co ay it thoi vi qua trung gian cua mot nguoi khac. Toi biet co ay tu hom sinh nhat cua Loan hom do co to chuc da vu nhg toi ko de y co ay lam nhg co ay thi de y toi. Toi di voi mot nguoi ban trai hoi nho chi di choi khieu vu ko nghi gi cuoi tuan cua chung toi la vay da vu hay dai nhac hoi ngoai troi cua Jo Marcel to chuc hay nhg cua Lasan Taberd. Chung toi chi an choi va hoc.
Les amoureux qui passent Ne se retournent pas Mais il reste la trace Dans mon coeur de leurs pas...
Toi ngay xa xua do. Doi luc di choi gap thay cung di choi. Toi kha la nho thay nhu nha tho Nguyen Sa - Ao lua Ha Dong da day toi lop 12 he day toi ve mon Triet nho vay toi moi thich ve tho cua VN. Hoc truong Phap ko biet nhieu ve triet ly va lich su VN.
Day la nhg bai nhac bat huu khi toi lon len co le ai doc bai nay se hieu toi noi gi? Toi biet het nhg bai nhac cua Christophe vi ngay xua ai hoc truong Phap deu biet nhg bai nhac bat huu nay den gio moi lan nghe lai van noi da ga vi qua hay va rat xuc dong... lam toi chat nho lai ngay xa xua do di ballroom dancing voi KD vao dip giang sinh o Hoi Viet My. Chung toi da khieu vu bai nay cua Lobo http://www.objectlayer.com/music/iloveyoutowantme_for_you.mp3 Co ay co thiep moi nhg ko quen ban trai co ay den va moi toi di va tu do chung toi tro thanh ban than, toi dc con gai moi di choi toi chi biet co ay it thoi vi qua trung gian cua mot nguoi khac. Toi biet co ay tu hom sinh nhat cua Loan hom do co to chuc da vu nhg toi ko de y co ay lam nhg co ay thi de y toi. Toi di voi mot nguoi ban trai hoi nho chi di choi khieu vu ko nghi gi cuoi tuan cua chung toi la vay da vu hay dai nhac hoi ngoai troi cua Jo Marcel to chuc hay nhg cua Lasan Taberd. Chung toi chi an choi va hoc.
Les amoureux qui passent Ne se retournent pas Mais il reste la trace Dans mon coeur de leurs pas...
Toi ngay xa xua do. Doi luc di choi gap thay cung di choi. Toi kha la nho thay nhu nha tho Nguyen Sa - Ao lua Ha Dong da day toi lop 12 he day toi ve mon Triet nho vay toi moi thich ve tho cua VN. Hoc truong Phap ko biet nhieu ve triet ly va lich su VN.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
History of Ctrl-Alt Delete in Windows from Bill Gates at Harvard University
This is my first job at Philips. At Philips we developed our own operating system. Day la viec lam dau tien moi ra truong o Montreal, toi lam designer cho Philips luc do toi lam phan cung(hardware) roi tu tu toi chuyen qua lam phan mem(software). Chung toi ko co dung he dieu hanh cua Microsoft ma tu viet he dieu hanh goi la Micom roi toi tu mini computer toi chuyen qua lam ve vien thong. Day la hinh bao chi den chup toi cat ra tu to bao ngay do rat it nguoi biet ve computer nhu Bill Gates noi. Luc do cai floppy disk drive nang 10 kilo nhu trong hinh bgio mot hard drive cua laptop chung 200 gram chua. Toi da chung kien su phat trien do. Bgio mot USB drive chua hon ca ngan lan va nang vai gram. Cai floppy disk drive ngay xua rot xuong chan la gay chan. Chi co dieu toi ko may man nhu him.
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