From Patrick Swayze wife after being married for 34 years.
Still, she said she is "so grateful for what I had and my connection to him. "I feel part of me believes that I will see him again. I'm just going to have go on until then," she said.
Trong cuoc doi neu minh yeu thuong mot nguoi nao do va minh da lay nguoi do roi sau minh co the yeu thuong nguoi khac duoc neu vi ly do nao do 2 nguoi xa nhau. Co the tinh yeu ngay dau hon nhan cho den ngay chia tay ko con nua. Neu gia dinh va hanh phuc xay dung tren mot tinh yeu dich than thiet nghi no se ton tai mai chu. Something that I want to add.
These are Wise Words to keep us together. On their wedding day, most couples are starry-eyed, imagining marriage as a series of candlelight dinners and romantic weekends away. But once the champagne bubbles are gone, there's an awful lot of life left to get through as husband and wife. Just how do long-married couples successfully navigate the years together? We asked men and women married for more than 20 years for their best advice.
Never go to sleep mad at each other. But also, never leave for work mad at each other. It can really ruin your day, and it's not worth it. --Roger C., married 45 years
Respect and a sense of humor are key. The sense of humor needs to kick in when the respect is temporarily wavering. --Bonnie W., married 35 years
Accept that you can't change someone. You have to learn to live with whatever annoys you, and remember that you have as many faults as your spouse does. --Russell S., married 40 years
You have to be best friends, have mutual respect, trust, and be truly comfortable, not just complacent, with each other. --Marianne S., married 40 years
Respect, honor, cherish, and nurture your partnership while supporting one another in the pursuit of personal dreams. --Lisa M., married 20 years
When she gets mad, I just shut up, and she gets tired of talking. After a while, it's over. In all our years being together, we have never had an argument! --James P., married 56 years
Making an effort working together as a partner for the rest of our life. I will lead and share with you everything I know as a friend, a partner, a lover, a big brother and a husband. My role is depending on your mood. ./.tv
My love,
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright
My first love,
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
And I
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...
And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Nho ve mot thien than
That thanh thien vo tu qua va toi mai goi ten em rang toi fai lam gi day de bao ve thien than ay chi co toi voi y tuong quanh quanh ma ko ngon ngu dien ta duoc tam trang nay. Bai tho nay dien ta duoc phan nao y tuong cua toi doi voi em.
Gái Quê
Xuân trẻ, xuân non, xuân lịch sự
Tôi đều nhận thấy trên môi em
Làn môi mong mỏng tươi như máu
Đã khiến môi tôi mấp máy thèm.
Từ lúc bóng em bỏ trái đào
Tới chừng cặp má đỏ au au
Tôi đều nhận thấy trong con mắt
Một vẻ ngây thơ và ước ao
Lớn lên, em đã biết làm duyên
Mỗi lúc gặp tôi che nón nghiêng
Nghe nói ba em chưa chịu nhận
Cau trầu của khách láng giềng bên
Gái Quê
Xuân trẻ, xuân non, xuân lịch sự
Tôi đều nhận thấy trên môi em
Làn môi mong mỏng tươi như máu
Đã khiến môi tôi mấp máy thèm.
Từ lúc bóng em bỏ trái đào
Tới chừng cặp má đỏ au au
Tôi đều nhận thấy trong con mắt
Một vẻ ngây thơ và ước ao
Lớn lên, em đã biết làm duyên
Mỗi lúc gặp tôi che nón nghiêng
Nghe nói ba em chưa chịu nhận
Cau trầu của khách láng giềng bên
Friday, October 23, 2009
My Cherie Amour, je pense a toi.
Je pense a toi. Thinking of you. J'ai mal...
Je m'éveille, je pense à toi
Il fait soleil, je pense à toi
On me téléphone, je parle, je pense à toi
Avec elle, je pense à toi
Quelle heure ce soir, je pense à toi
Où allons-nous me dit-elle, je pense à toi
Je ne sais même plus où tu es
Ni ce que tu deviens
Mais ça n'a pas vraiment grande importance
Nos pas se perdent dans la ville
Vers de nouveaux chemins
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
Qui ne se croisent que par coups de chance, de chance
Il se fait tard, je pense à toi
Si on rentrait, je pense à toi
Je n'étais pas très drôle ce soir,
J'ai pensé à toi
On fait l'amour, je pense à toi
Au petit jour, je pense à toi
Je ne dors pas, je pense à toi
[au Refrain]
La nuit s'achève, je pense à toi
Même quand je veille, je pense à toi
Je fume une autre cigarette, je pense à toi
Le jour se lève, je pense à toi
Les yeux mi-clos, je pense à toi
Je ne dors plus, je pense à toi
Lyrics: Je pense à toi, Jean-François
Je pense a toi, mon amour, ma bien aimee
(I think of you my love, my beloved)
Ne m’abandonne pas, mon amour, ma cherie
(Don't leave me, my love, my dear)
Quand je suis dans mon lit, je ne reve qu’a toi
(When I'm in my bed I dream only of you)
Et quand je me reveille, je ne pense qu’a toi
(And when I wake, I think only of you)
Si je ne te vois pas, je ne peux rien dire
(If I don't see you, I can say nothing,)
Je ne peux rien faire, je ne peux rien voir
(I can do nothing, I can see nothing)
Je ne veux rien savoir
(I don't want to know about anything)
Mon amour, ma cherie
(My love, my dearest)
Certains t’ont promis la terre
(You've been promised the world by some)
D’autres promettent le ciel
(Others promised heaven*)
Il y en a qui t’ont promis la lune
(Some promised you the moon)
Et moi je n’ai rien que ma pauvre guitare
(And me, I've nothing but my poor guitar)
Anne Murray is retired.
The famous Canadian singer is retired. Her popular hit song is you needed me.
I cried a tear
You wiped it dry
I was confused
You cleared my mind
I sold my soul
You bought it back for me
And held me up and gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me.
You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
You needed me
You needed me
And I can't believe it's you I can't believe it's true
I needed you and you were there
And I'll never leave, why should I leave
I'd be a fool
'Cause I've finally found someone who really cares
You held my hand
When it was cold
When I was lost
You took me home
You gave me hope
When I was at the end
And turned my lies
Back into truth again
You even called me friend
Repeat Chorus
You needed me
You needed me
Top 100 Love Songs - The best love songs of all time.
I cried a tear
You wiped it dry
I was confused
You cleared my mind
I sold my soul
You bought it back for me
And held me up and gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me.
You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
You needed me
You needed me
And I can't believe it's you I can't believe it's true
I needed you and you were there
And I'll never leave, why should I leave
I'd be a fool
'Cause I've finally found someone who really cares
You held my hand
When it was cold
When I was lost
You took me home
You gave me hope
When I was at the end
And turned my lies
Back into truth again
You even called me friend
Repeat Chorus
You needed me
You needed me
Top 100 Love Songs - The best love songs of all time.
Sorry I was busy
Cung 1 tuan toi ko co viet blog co nguoi noi rang neu anh ko thay anh viet la biet anh dang ban. Dung vay 1 tuan cang muon song som cang co nhung su co xay ra gio cung tam xong cung boi vi I hate windows bat dau chuyen nhung applications tu windows qua Linux nhu Chat toi co de mot FaxIP pdf file neu thich thi doc. Mot dieu kha thich thu la file sharing giua Linux va Windows, va FAX over Internet. Cung da lau toi chi dung dien thoai ban noi qua internet qua trung gian cua mot adapter. Hau nhu toi ko con noi voi tong dai vi vay cung da lau toi muon goi Fax ko duoc vi ko biet co goi duoc hay ko? Fax thi cung nhu Voice co dieu la can giao dien dat biet de 2 fax machines noi chuyen voi nhau. Mac du o nha co 3 computers va 1 Fax machine ma moi lan muon goi Fax thi di vao hang goi. Gio thi ko can nua toi co the goi Fax qua internet 24/24 mien phi. Tai sao fai dung VoIP (voice over ip) nhu em da biet internet gan nhu mien phi neu dien thoai noi qua internet thi chi tra chi phi internet ma ko tra chi phi dien thoai hang thang nua vi nhu o VN tien dien thoai ban hang thang o day du ko dung cung fai tra hon 25 dollars nhu neu goi Fax duoc qua internet thi hau nhu ko con can den tong dai nua. Moi nam dich vu cua VoIP chi co 20 dollars cho 1 nam ma co the goi My va Canada mien phi. Nhu vay re hon dien thoai ban den rat rat nhieu so voi traditional phone connected to PSTN(Post Service Telephone network/Tong Dai Buu Dien).
Co le tat ca tuong lai nhu tivi, dien thoai ...deu qua internet dieu nay chung minh rang internet is the way to go and IP (internet protocol) is the solution.
Vat va that nhung co vay moi biet thu thach/challenge va cuoc song thich thu hon.

Toi cung duoc nghe tranh luan ve wired and unwired co nghia la nguoi ta bay gio noi con nguoi gom co wired la connected voi techonology va co nguoi ko muon technology trong doi song cua ho(unwired) nhu toi da biet trong bai blog truoc cach cach nhieu nay khi technology ko co con nguoi co nhieu cai tu duy sang tao hon bay gio ly do vi hang ngay chung ta bi qua nhieu high tech ideas va ky thuat ma chung ta fai hoc hoi ma chung ta ko con thoi gian de sang tao do la ly do chinh.
Chung ta luc nao cung bi cell phones va internet quay nhieu cuoc song cua chung ta ko con tinh cam nhu xua vi chung ta mat di cai cam giac cua con nguoi. Va nhat la bien chung ta thanh ke luoi bieng thieu sang tao can gi thi chi search y tuong tren internet. Cai gi cung co cai tot va cai xau cua no. Lam sao ta quan binh duoc giua technology va cuoc song do la dieu thanh cong, chung ta ko the nao tu bo technology vi do la dieu bat buoc de lien he nhu tim viec lam hay tra tien qua internet hay banking. Chung ta ko co cach nao hon vi xa hoi da bat chung ta thay doi nhung dieu can noi la ta gioi hang no duoc cang nhieu cang tot de minh co the co cai tu duy sang tao co le vi vay nhung the ky truoc co rat nhieu phat minh hon bay gio thi ho ko co tuy thuoc vao internet. Toi chi dung facebook va twitter va nhung nhg websites tuong tu de test my widget chu toi khong co dung nhung social networks vi khong co thoi gio hon nua khong co loi ich gi ca. Toi gioi hang toi voi technology co le vi vay Canada va California My phat 500 dollars neu nguoi lai xe dung cell phones hay read/write email on blackberry/i-phones. Tai sao chung ta fai tuy thuoc qua nhieu vao technology.
Nhung buoc tien quan trong cua technology cho 10 nam toi se la biotechnology neu em co the song duoc 10 nam nua thi co le em se ko bao gio bi GIA nua vi nguoi ta de tim ra gene lam con nguoi gia di va se co nhung chien luong de manipulate cai gene de chung ta se tre mai. Genome con quan trong chuan benh cua con nguoi qua DNA/ADN nguoi ta se co blue print hay listing cua nhung gene lam con nguoi benh nhu ung thu/cancer. Thi day that su la mot tat yeu cho cuoc song cua con nguoi. Cung co nhung tranh cai la con nguoi co the chon cho con minh nhung genes thong minh, dep trai, mat xanh....should we that? nhung cung biet rang can thiet khi biet rang dua con ra doi cua minh se benh Parkinson's disease minh co nen sanh con ko vi do do gene defected tao ra va nhung benh khac. Dieu biet truoc thi de cho chung ta quyet dinh va giai phap hon ngay xua do la phan ta co the biet dc ve tuong lai cua chung ta.

Toi da tro lai binh thuong va bat dau chiem nguong cafe buoi sang va ngam canh.
Co le tat ca tuong lai nhu tivi, dien thoai ...deu qua internet dieu nay chung minh rang internet is the way to go and IP (internet protocol) is the solution.
Vat va that nhung co vay moi biet thu thach/challenge va cuoc song thich thu hon.

Toi cung duoc nghe tranh luan ve wired and unwired co nghia la nguoi ta bay gio noi con nguoi gom co wired la connected voi techonology va co nguoi ko muon technology trong doi song cua ho(unwired) nhu toi da biet trong bai blog truoc cach cach nhieu nay khi technology ko co con nguoi co nhieu cai tu duy sang tao hon bay gio ly do vi hang ngay chung ta bi qua nhieu high tech ideas va ky thuat ma chung ta fai hoc hoi ma chung ta ko con thoi gian de sang tao do la ly do chinh.
Chung ta luc nao cung bi cell phones va internet quay nhieu cuoc song cua chung ta ko con tinh cam nhu xua vi chung ta mat di cai cam giac cua con nguoi. Va nhat la bien chung ta thanh ke luoi bieng thieu sang tao can gi thi chi search y tuong tren internet. Cai gi cung co cai tot va cai xau cua no. Lam sao ta quan binh duoc giua technology va cuoc song do la dieu thanh cong, chung ta ko the nao tu bo technology vi do la dieu bat buoc de lien he nhu tim viec lam hay tra tien qua internet hay banking. Chung ta ko co cach nao hon vi xa hoi da bat chung ta thay doi nhung dieu can noi la ta gioi hang no duoc cang nhieu cang tot de minh co the co cai tu duy sang tao co le vi vay nhung the ky truoc co rat nhieu phat minh hon bay gio thi ho ko co tuy thuoc vao internet. Toi chi dung facebook va twitter va nhung nhg websites tuong tu de test my widget chu toi khong co dung nhung social networks vi khong co thoi gio hon nua khong co loi ich gi ca. Toi gioi hang toi voi technology co le vi vay Canada va California My phat 500 dollars neu nguoi lai xe dung cell phones hay read/write email on blackberry/i-phones. Tai sao chung ta fai tuy thuoc qua nhieu vao technology.
Nhung buoc tien quan trong cua technology cho 10 nam toi se la biotechnology neu em co the song duoc 10 nam nua thi co le em se ko bao gio bi GIA nua vi nguoi ta de tim ra gene lam con nguoi gia di va se co nhung chien luong de manipulate cai gene de chung ta se tre mai. Genome con quan trong chuan benh cua con nguoi qua DNA/ADN nguoi ta se co blue print hay listing cua nhung gene lam con nguoi benh nhu ung thu/cancer. Thi day that su la mot tat yeu cho cuoc song cua con nguoi. Cung co nhung tranh cai la con nguoi co the chon cho con minh nhung genes thong minh, dep trai, mat xanh....should we that? nhung cung biet rang can thiet khi biet rang dua con ra doi cua minh se benh Parkinson's disease minh co nen sanh con ko vi do do gene defected tao ra va nhung benh khac. Dieu biet truoc thi de cho chung ta quyet dinh va giai phap hon ngay xua do la phan ta co the biet dc ve tuong lai cua chung ta.
Toi da tro lai binh thuong va bat dau chiem nguong cafe buoi sang va ngam canh.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I hate windows
Sau khi LCD chet thi PC bi hu boi virus. Cung hen chi co 1 Windows system con lai tat ca dung Linux. Lam sao co the google search neu chi co 1 PC ma neu no hu roi lam sao google. Dieu nay chung to rang moi nguoi can it nhat 2 systems mot de dung va 1 de sua may kia neu no bi hu. It is impossible to fix your PC now without to search the internet to download the fix. Things are getting more complicated. Computers phuc vu minh nhung minh cung phuc vu computers va neu computers tro nen phuc tap nhu vay va co nhieu virus do con nguoi lam ra lieu minh co nen dung no hay khong? hay minh nen dung Linux vi co le windows la he dieu hanh co qua nhieu lo hong/lo trong/open ports(cua da mo moi hackers vao) va so ho cho hackers. Toi thich computers cua 20 nam ve truoc khi toi moi ra truong luc do tat ca thoi gio lam va nghien cuu deu phuc vu cho khoa hoc ko co virus ko mat thoi gio hoang phi. Computer rat it khi bi hu. Day la hinh toi chup do to bao Gazette Montreal den chup mot nhom nguoi tien phong ve micro computers do la che de cua PC va laptops bay gio. Luc do lam viet rat hon nhien va vo tu trong do nguoi Nhat, An Do, My, Canada va toi. Luc do computer duoc phat minh de lam nhu Words va Excel nhu bay gio va duoc in qua mot may in. Nhu cau the thoi. Ngay do chi co IBM, Apple va Micom (Philips). Mot floppy disk driver nhu em thay no nang 10 kilo con hon laptop bay gio. Do la su tien trien cua computer nhg no cung co khuyet diem va phien phuc do con nguoi tao ra. Hom nao anh viet tiep nhe. Su tien trien nay neu viet ra cung la cuong sach that day do. Cung goi "con" nguoi nhg co le con nguoi co dieu kien va khan truong fai sang tao con nguoi rat thong minh.

Ngay xua toi lam o Micom lau lam roi.
Bay gio - noi lam viec cua toi o nha.

This is why happened my virus scanner removed ndis.sys when it infected it leaves the system without ndis wrapper for the 1394 Net Adapter device drivers. So the windows will fail to load the 1394 Ethernet, all the internet connections fail because Ethernet driver fails to load due to the missing this ndis.sys
(lam sao mot ng binh thuong co the biet duoc dieu nay nhi?)
Co nguoi noi rang neu de Bill Gates che ra tivi thi chung ta con co nhieu problems hon nua va chung ta fai doi 5 phut moi xem dc tivi. Tuong lai toi nghi neu ROM-Read Only Memory ma re/cheaper thi tat ca OS operating systems nen nam o ROM vi chi doc ma khong viet duoc thi hackers va virus se bi bo tay. Co le Microsoft se kien len toa an vi ho se khong kiem ra duoc tien nua. Toi khong nghi Bill Gates la nguoi gioi va thuc su phuc vu cho nhan loai. He is more a business man than a scientist. Neu khong fai la Microsoft ma la cong ty khac viet Windows thi cuoc song cua chung ta se de dang biet may. Cung co the su tien trien cham mot phan la do Windows. I hate Windows nhung vi anh fai chat voi em qua yahoo msg nen anh can Windows, anh dang chuan bi dem yahoo qua Linux trong nhung ngay toi co dieu kho khan yahoo msg chi ho tro cho Windows. Neu chung ta tu hoi neu mot he dieu hanh nhu windows ma hang ngay co ca trieu computers bi tan cong va nhiem virus lieu do co the goi la mot he dieu hanh tot khong? hay vi ng ta ko con chon lua nao khac ngoai Windows. Nhung chung toi co the chon lua khac nhu Linux hay Unix thay vi windows. Linux hien dang chiem dan thi truong cua Microsoft. Tat ca blog ma em doc hay website cua anh deu la Linux Server vi toi ghet windows toi ghet microsoft lam. Microsoft is a "monopoly" company.
Neu toi duoc lam lai cuoc doi va co dieu kien thi toi se ko chon nganh nay vi no thay doi moi ngay.

Ngay xua toi lam o Micom lau lam roi.
Bay gio - noi lam viec cua toi o nha.

This is why happened my virus scanner removed ndis.sys when it infected it leaves the system without ndis wrapper for the 1394 Net Adapter device drivers. So the windows will fail to load the 1394 Ethernet, all the internet connections fail because Ethernet driver fails to load due to the missing this ndis.sys
(lam sao mot ng binh thuong co the biet duoc dieu nay nhi?)
Co nguoi noi rang neu de Bill Gates che ra tivi thi chung ta con co nhieu problems hon nua va chung ta fai doi 5 phut moi xem dc tivi. Tuong lai toi nghi neu ROM-Read Only Memory ma re/cheaper thi tat ca OS operating systems nen nam o ROM vi chi doc ma khong viet duoc thi hackers va virus se bi bo tay. Co le Microsoft se kien len toa an vi ho se khong kiem ra duoc tien nua. Toi khong nghi Bill Gates la nguoi gioi va thuc su phuc vu cho nhan loai. He is more a business man than a scientist. Neu khong fai la Microsoft ma la cong ty khac viet Windows thi cuoc song cua chung ta se de dang biet may. Cung co the su tien trien cham mot phan la do Windows. I hate Windows nhung vi anh fai chat voi em qua yahoo msg nen anh can Windows, anh dang chuan bi dem yahoo qua Linux trong nhung ngay toi co dieu kho khan yahoo msg chi ho tro cho Windows. Neu chung ta tu hoi neu mot he dieu hanh nhu windows ma hang ngay co ca trieu computers bi tan cong va nhiem virus lieu do co the goi la mot he dieu hanh tot khong? hay vi ng ta ko con chon lua nao khac ngoai Windows. Nhung chung toi co the chon lua khac nhu Linux hay Unix thay vi windows. Linux hien dang chiem dan thi truong cua Microsoft. Tat ca blog ma em doc hay website cua anh deu la Linux Server vi toi ghet windows toi ghet microsoft lam. Microsoft is a "monopoly" company.
Neu toi duoc lam lai cuoc doi va co dieu kien thi toi se ko chon nganh nay vi no thay doi moi ngay.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Busy weekend

Tuan nay ban qua roi mong weekend, sang thu 7 turn the desktop on the LCD chet roi di mua cai moi, tuan truoc xe hu roi tuan nay computer hu. What's next? Maybe another business trip and I hope not. Moi lan di ve nhieu viec lam qua va ca tuan lai an mi goi.

I got a lot of things done yesterday. Fixed computer, did the laundry, cooked and washed the car - she needed to be washed. Tuan nay lam thit kho voi trung va mang cung voi dua chua va canh cai tang o va cai xanh xao voi thit bo. Tu nhien them thit kho tan nhan luon. Yummy...yummy. Troi cung dang vao Thu va toi bat dau lanh va xuong con "single digit at night". La cung bat dau rung. Tuy cay co cay da doi mau co cay tu xanh dang doi sang mau xam. Xin dung che nhe vi chua co nhieu thoi gio de tap bai nay nhg cam hung thi nhieu do.
Mùa Thu Cho Em
Sáng tác: Ngô Thụy Miên
Em có nghe mùa thu mưa giăng lá đổ
em có nghe nai vàng hát khúc yêu đương
Và em có nghe khi mùa thu tới
mang ái ân mang tình yêu tới
em có nghe nghe hồn thu nói mình yêu nhau nhé
Em có hay mùa thu mưa bay gió nhẹ
em có hay thu về hết dấu cô liêu
Và em có hay khi mùa thu tới
bao trái tim vương màu xanh mới
em có hay hay mùa thu tới hồn anh ngất ngây
Nắng úa dệt mi em
và mây xanh thay tóc rối
nhạt đôi môi em thơm nồng
tình yêu vương vương má hồng
Sẽ hát bài cho em
và ru em yên giấc tối
ngày mai khi mưa ngang lưng đồi
chờ em anh nghe mùa thu tới.
Em có mơ mùa thu cho ai nức nở
em có mơ mơ mùa mắt ướt hoen mi
Và em có mơ khi mùa thu tới
hai chúng ta sẽ cùng chung lối
em với anh mơ mùa thu ấy tình ta ngát hương

Nhung buoi sang uong cafe o vuon moi thay thoi gian troi di qua nhung nhg thay doi hien thuc va mua Thu lai den va nghi rang minh van con nhieu thu chua lam...nhg nhin lai minh doi da xanh reu. Troi da vao Thu toi da nho den em, em dep that lam sao ko the ko yeu em duoc va toi da khoc tham vi nho den em.

Elle était si jolie que je n'osais l'aimer,
elle était si jolie, je ne peux l'oublier.
Elle était trop jolie quand le vent l'emmenait,
elle fuyait ravie et le vent me disait...
Elle est bien trop jolie et toi je te connais,
l'aimer toute une vie, tu ne pourras jamais.
Oui mais elle est partie, c'est bete mais c'est vrai.
Elle était si jolie, tu n'oublieras jamais.
Aujourd'hui c'est l'automne et je pleure souvent,
aujourd'hui c'est l'automne qu'il est loin le printemps.
Dans le parc où frissonnent les feuilles au vent mauvais
sa robe tourbillonne, puis elle disparaît...
Elle était si jolie que je n'osais l'aimer,
elle était si jolie, je ne peux l'oublier.
Elle était trop jolie quand le vent l'emmenait,
elle était si jolie, je n'oublierai jamais.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
It will be a difficult choice to pick between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as I said before. With this prize his voice will carry more weight than ever. He has a chance to change the view how the world looks at the American. Most of Canadians think the Barack will heal the relationship between US and Canada that Bush left behind. I think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize like Jimmy Carter.
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most powerful platforms in the world. Winners get immediate global attention and the chance to meet and influence leaders and governments everywhere. Think of it as a megaphone through which worthy, but very often obscure, activists or politicians or environmentalists can shout their message to a gathered crowd. See From Time magazine
See In a surprise, Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
See Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," Jagland said.
Obama's election and foreign policy moves caused a dramatic improvement in the image of the U.S. around the world. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who won the prize in 1984, said Obama's award shows great things are expected from him in coming years.
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most powerful platforms in the world. Winners get immediate global attention and the chance to meet and influence leaders and governments everywhere. Think of it as a megaphone through which worthy, but very often obscure, activists or politicians or environmentalists can shout their message to a gathered crowd. See From Time magazine
See In a surprise, Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
See Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," Jagland said.
Obama's election and foreign policy moves caused a dramatic improvement in the image of the U.S. around the world. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who won the prize in 1984, said Obama's award shows great things are expected from him in coming years.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Xin em doi moi that tha...
Bai Khong ten so 5.
Quấn quít vân vê tà áo
Run run đôi môi mở chào
Tiếng nói thơ dại ngày đó
Bây giờ mộng đời bay cao
Góp hết tương lai vào tiếng
Yêu thương trao em một đời
Hãy sắt se đợi ngày tới
Mai rồi ngọt bùi sẽ chia
Mai rồi ngọt bùi sẽ chia
Nâng niu cô đơn từng ngày
Xoa tay khi em vào đời
Mà đời còn nhiều đắng cay
Hãy đến chia nhau nghèo khó
Quên lo tương lai mịt mờ
Hãy cố yêu người mà sống
Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua

Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua
Xin em đôi tay nuột nà
Xin em đôi môi thật thà
Thật thà chịu nhiều xót xa
Hãy cố vươn vai mà đứng
Tô son lên môi lạnh lùng
Hãy cố yêu người mà sống
Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua
Quấn quít vân vê tà áo
Run run đôi môi mở chào
Tiếng nói thơ dại ngày đó
Bây giờ mộng đời bay cao
Góp hết tương lai vào tiếng
Yêu thương trao em một đời
Hãy sắt se đợi ngày tới
Mai rồi ngọt bùi sẽ chia
Mai rồi ngọt bùi sẽ chia
Nâng niu cô đơn từng ngày
Xoa tay khi em vào đời
Mà đời còn nhiều đắng cay
Hãy đến chia nhau nghèo khó
Quên lo tương lai mịt mờ
Hãy cố yêu người mà sống
Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua

Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua
Xin em đôi tay nuột nà
Xin em đôi môi thật thà
Thật thà chịu nhiều xót xa
Hãy cố vươn vai mà đứng
Tô son lên môi lạnh lùng
Hãy cố yêu người mà sống
Lâu rồi đời mình cũng qua
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Prime Minster of Canada can play piano and sing...
I just need someone to love. Dau fai la chi biet chinh tri, dau fai chi biet software engineer hay nghe chuyen mon, am nhac cho moi nguoi. Cai dam me do lam cuoc song thu vi hon. Happiness is a journey not a destination. La the do.
Co le vi vay em thich Canada. Prime minister Canada bat buoc fai thong thao tieng Anh va tieng Phap. Canada la nc duy nhat noi 2 thu tieng. Tivi cung co nhg dai noi tieng Anh va tieng Phap. Bac Canada noi tieng Phap nhieu ve phia Nam thi tieng Anh nhieu vi tiep can voi My. Thu tuong Canada da so ho la nhg ng chinh tri dung dau mot dang hay mot nha tu ban lon. Ho thuong tu truong luat hay truong kinh te. I think Canada and US are good. Canada thi thanh binh va hoa binh hon vi la nc trung lap. Sang nay anh doc tin tuc UN survey: Canada dung hang thu 4 the gioi ve the standard living, one of the best countries to live in the world. Doc nhung entries cua anh da viet. Ben My thi tuy theo tieu bang ben Canada noi nao cung nhu nhau giong nhu nc communist that su chinh phu lo het vi vay thue cao hon.
Co le vi vay em thich Canada. Prime minister Canada bat buoc fai thong thao tieng Anh va tieng Phap. Canada la nc duy nhat noi 2 thu tieng. Tivi cung co nhg dai noi tieng Anh va tieng Phap. Bac Canada noi tieng Phap nhieu ve phia Nam thi tieng Anh nhieu vi tiep can voi My. Thu tuong Canada da so ho la nhg ng chinh tri dung dau mot dang hay mot nha tu ban lon. Ho thuong tu truong luat hay truong kinh te. I think Canada and US are good. Canada thi thanh binh va hoa binh hon vi la nc trung lap. Sang nay anh doc tin tuc UN survey: Canada dung hang thu 4 the gioi ve the standard living, one of the best countries to live in the world. Doc nhung entries cua anh da viet. Ben My thi tuy theo tieu bang ben Canada noi nao cung nhu nhau giong nhu nc communist that su chinh phu lo het vi vay thue cao hon.
Conscious vs. unconscious
When faced with a difficult decision, we try to come up with the best choice by carefully considering all of the options, maybe even resorting to lists and lots of sleepless nights. So it may be surprising that recent studies have suggested that the best way to deal with complex decisions is to not think about them at all—that unconscious thought will help us make the best choices. Although this may seem like an appealing strategy, new research in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, cautions that there are limitations in the efficacy of unconscious thought making the best decisions.
In order to study and remember, there is a number of way to remember the things that we want to study.
The PQ4R method is a mnemonic technique used for remembering text material. The
name is itself a mnemonic device for the steps involved. If you are interested in better remembering a chapter from a textbook, you should first Preview the information by skimming quickly through the chapter and looking at the headings. The next step is to form Questions about the information. One way to do this is by simply converting headings to questions. Using this article as an example, you might ask, What are the ways to improve memory? The third step is to Read the text carefully trying to answer the questions. After reading, the next step is to Reflect on the material. One way would be to create your own examples of how the principles you are reading could be applied. The next step is to Recite the material after reading it. That is, put the book aside or look away and try to recall or to recite what you have just read. If you cannot bring it to mind now, you will have little chance later. The last step in PQ4R is to Review. After you have read the entire chapter, go through it again trying to recall and to summarize its main points.
P: Preview
Q: Questions
3R: Read, Reflect, Recite
This is my way to study things. Neu em can hoc hay nho mot dieu gi thi day la cach cua toi.
UQC3R Understand, Question, Connect 3R: Remember, Review and Recall
for example: study the VoIP
U Understand: Voice over Internet
Q Question: What is it used for? It is used to talk over Internet
C Connect: Phone to Internet
R Remember: Take time to remember
R Review: Take time to review it
R Recall (unconscious): Do this anywhere you like it. Unconscious is the a strong part of your brain to remember things.
for example: how to remember name of 5 Great lakes. Nho Ten cua 5 Ngu Dai Ho
U Understand: Great lakes in the world locates in North America
Q Question: Where are the Great Lakes? North America
C Connect: HOMES.' Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior
R Remember: Take take to remember the above sentence
R Review: a few times
R Recall: Do this anywhere you like it a few times.
In order to study and remember, there is a number of way to remember the things that we want to study.
The PQ4R method is a mnemonic technique used for remembering text material. The
name is itself a mnemonic device for the steps involved. If you are interested in better remembering a chapter from a textbook, you should first Preview the information by skimming quickly through the chapter and looking at the headings. The next step is to form Questions about the information. One way to do this is by simply converting headings to questions. Using this article as an example, you might ask, What are the ways to improve memory? The third step is to Read the text carefully trying to answer the questions. After reading, the next step is to Reflect on the material. One way would be to create your own examples of how the principles you are reading could be applied. The next step is to Recite the material after reading it. That is, put the book aside or look away and try to recall or to recite what you have just read. If you cannot bring it to mind now, you will have little chance later. The last step in PQ4R is to Review. After you have read the entire chapter, go through it again trying to recall and to summarize its main points.
P: Preview
Q: Questions
3R: Read, Reflect, Recite
This is my way to study things. Neu em can hoc hay nho mot dieu gi thi day la cach cua toi.
UQC3R Understand, Question, Connect 3R: Remember, Review and Recall
for example: study the VoIP
U Understand: Voice over Internet
Q Question: What is it used for? It is used to talk over Internet
C Connect: Phone to Internet
R Remember: Take time to remember
R Review: Take time to review it
R Recall (unconscious): Do this anywhere you like it. Unconscious is the a strong part of your brain to remember things.
for example: how to remember name of 5 Great lakes. Nho Ten cua 5 Ngu Dai Ho
U Understand: Great lakes in the world locates in North America
Q Question: Where are the Great Lakes? North America
C Connect: HOMES.' Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior
R Remember: Take take to remember the above sentence
R Review: a few times
R Recall: Do this anywhere you like it a few times.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The morning after...
Giat minh thuc day la sang thu 2 ko ngu duoc anh xuong nha bep nau nc pha cafe danh rang va nuong 2 banh mi sandwich xong chet beurre voi ti muoi thuong thi toi ko an sang nhung biet hom nay it is a long day. Chua bao gio thay banh mi toast ngon den the vua uong cafe vua nghi se mang gi theo. I took a bag put a laptop and 2 books in case I have to wait va 1 o banh mi mua o nha hang hom qua. 5 gio sang roi TP den cai lang nho xiu do. Nhin trang lang xuong roi binh minh vuot len that ngoan muc lau lam roi toi khong co lai xe ban dem. Hom qua toi da lam homework ve nhg du dinh se lam. Theo google thi co mot dealer gan do 50 km thay vi fai keo xe ve TP se mat 600 dollars. Toi ghi tat cau so dien thoai can thiet. Toi roi nha va den village do co ten rat dep Belleville tieng Phap Bell la dep va ville la thanh pho nhu vay Belleville co nghia la thanh pho dep. Mac du o Bac My nhung co rat nhieu TP mang ten cua Phap ngay xua the ky 14 Colombus den va kham pha Chau My (October 1492: the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus) va sau do nguoi Au Chau thuong qua day giao thuong sau co nhg tran danh giua Canada va Phap va My va Phap nen anh huong cua Phap van con o day, co the thay rat ro dau vet va van minh cua Phap o Quebec city Canada hay nhg TP Baton Rouge, New Orleans o USA. Toi hua se dua em di den nhg noi nay rat thu vi khi thay hoa nhap cua Au va My trong nhg thanh pho nay. Du lich cung la mot cai dem me cua toi vi hoc hoi va biet dc nhieu dieu thu vi.

Anyway, toi den Belleville la 7gio 30 phut den gap ong chu hom thu 7 noi chuyen mot chut roi ong cho den cho garage 2 nguoi noi chuyen co ve hop va dua email de tien viec lien lac. Ong noi neu muon lam an ve mo cho cho muon xe nhu ong thi noi cho ong biet ong se giup do he is from Pakistan.
Dung truoc garage toi goi towing truck den cai lang ben canh lon hon 1 chut 50 km o day co Toyota dealer ma toi da google hom qua. Tai sao fai keo ve TP nen keo den noi nao co Toyota dealers nhu vay se re hon. Towing truck is costly. Den Toyota dealer ho cung tu te ho bao doi o waiting room nhg toi noi can 1 desk de lam viec ho di tim trong building co 1 desk trong va toi ngoi day lam viec va connected voi wireless cua ho de viet ra nhung loi nay. Tat ca rat thich ngam ra mot canh dong lua mi menh mong, Ngoi duoc chung 1/2 tieng thi ho goi ra ho da tim duoc problem cua chiec xe roi bi hu 2 thu: timing belt va water bump va chi phi khoang 700 dollars lam toi cung mung vi toi nghi se ton den 2000 dollars neu hu computer modules. Ho dem coffee va noi chuyen than mat va toi ngoi day lam viec cho ho sua xe. Nhu vay la toi nay co xe ve thanh pho roi. Mot kinh nghiem va ky niem kho quen. Khong biet con chuyen gi se xay ra nua khong. Cuoc song da nhu vay hon 20 nam hau nhu khong con gi lam toi so ca. Co dieu khong biet chuyen gi se xay ra de suy nghi hom thu 6 ma biet co dealer gan thi do biet may cung nho rented a car ve nha moi biet...
P.S. Sorry sang di voi ko mang theo camera. Xem hinh chup tu laptop webcam chay he dieu hanh linux that's all I can do. Linux la he dieu hanh nhu windows danh cho nguoi chuyen nghiep nhu engineer de viet software. Giao dien no khac rat nhieu so voi windows. Co the lam viec voi 20 virtual desktops at the same time. Toi thich song o day vi tu do/luat phap ro rang va moi nguoi deu co bon phan va trach nhiem voi xa hoi minh song, nhu di lam dong thue cho nha nc va nha nc tra tien cho canh sat va canh sat fai bon phan phuc vu nguoi dan. Ngay xua cach day hon 10 nam toi nghi se ve VN song mo cong ty o do luon nhg ve VN o mot nam mo cong ty ko nhu minh nghi vi rat nhieu ly do...viet co le thanh mot cuong sach nen toi da ban cong ty va tro ve day ko co dinh ve huu o VN dau vi lau lam VN moi co the nhu o day. Nhung di va lam va thu va song nhu nguoi VN moi biet dc tat ca va toi co the noi toi biet kha nhieu ve Saigon, xa hoi va da thay doi qua nhieu voi nhg gi toi da nghi khi con nho trong ky uc minh. Co email nhu vay: "Cung mai la ben My neu o VN chac "Cop , Beo" - 2 chan khong tha anh roi.". Lam toi lien tuong den nam o VN toi thich Binh Quoi vi no co mon goi sua va phong canh lang man va yen tinh. Toi va em ngoi ngam nhin may nc luc binh troi, co khi ca buoi chieu nhat la nhg ngay nha hang vang khach, hom do cung nhu thuong le toi ve Vo Thi Sau queo Nam Ky Khoi Nghia (toi thich ten goi ngay xua la Hien Vuong va Cong Ly nghe rat hay) de xuong Queen Bees. Lan nay queo bi canh sat cong lo thoi lai noi khong cho queo toi tuc muon oi ra mau toi hoi cam queo sao ko co bang cam queo trai lam sao chung toi biet duoc. Dung cai mai tui no buc minh noi anh o dau thi anh fai theo luat o do chu, toi luat gi quai dang qua vay, toi tham nghi chua thay ten canh sat nao ma noi ngang nguoc nhu cua, toi da song ben day hon 20 nam neu anh ben do toi se goi xep cua anh noi chuyen chu khong them noi chuyen nhoc ranh nhu anh. Em dung va em so no se lay xe giam cho bo ghet hinh nhu sau su thanh cong cua ng dan ong la mot nguoi phu nu ma toi di tim mai khong thay ai nhu em. Em goi toi noi nho thoi anh dung cai voi tui lam gi anh de em noi chuyen. Em da chuan bi tien $50 ngan hay $100 ngan gi do cho ho em noi thoi cho em xin loi cac anh vi anh nay moi ve VN lam an nen khong hieu luat o day. May ten canh sat biet vay con lam toi, chi ve noi voi ong rang dung co hong dem luat ben do o day, em noi thoi cac anh thong cam, ko noi mot loi nen toi rat tuc va ngam thinh em dua tien cho tui no quay lai nhin thoi anh minh ve, tui no con noi voi toi rang lan sau chung toi giam xe anh luon. Toi tuc muon chet duoc. Hom do chung toi huy bo het du dinh. Cung nhu nhg lan toi dap xuong phi truong Tan Son Nhat vao thay may nguoi Vietnamese customs/hai quan ko bao gio hoi "hi how are you" nhu o day ma mat mai lap li thay kho ma cam tinh. Cuba la quoc gia nho va cung communist ma toi thay hai quan cua ho de thuong hon VN. Buon thay khi minh viet ve quoc gia cua minh nhung do la su that. Lau lam VN moi qua dc co the khong bao gio chung nao thay doi duoc "con nguoi".
Ngoi o office cua dealer, co nhieu nguoi khach vao mua xe hoi ma tuong toi lam viec cho Toyota va thay toi lam viec voi my laptop ho hoi ve xe nhg toi lai fai gioi thieu ho den reception, that ra toi chi muon office cua ho de lam viec vi ho co 1 office trong. Nhin khach hang ra vo nghe ho noi chuyen cung rat thu vi. Toi thich nghe noi chuyen cua 2 vo chong gia vao mua xe hoi nhin ho that de thuong va dep doi. Day cung la lan dau tien ma xe bi su co giua thon que. Ngoai doi neu nhin toi thi ko co kho tinh nhu trong hinh dau toi it noi nhg neu dung chuyen thi toi cung thich noi nhg la nguoi ham voi toi. Co the noi rat hoat bat vi vay moi co the song mot minh lang tu dc chu.

Toyota garage office cung dc - nhin hinh. Cung ok co banh mi co nc co the doi ca ngay ko sao ca. Hoi on ao mot ti nhg co the ngoi o day den chieu toi ko sao ca minh la ke lang thang bui doi co gi ma so nhu bai nhac Dem Dong. Co ai thau tinh co lu dem dong khong nha. Uoc gi anh om em nhay slow bai nay nhi. Chac tuyet lam !
Xong roi ho vua goi dung 4 tieng dong ho nhu ho da hua se sua xong, nhanh that chua lam dc gi nhieu. Goodbye Toyota's office. I am back to my normal life. It is noon time. One more time she is ready to bring me home. She is beautiful again. Xe hoi la giong cai o day - a she. Ra kiem hamburger an chu.

Anyway, toi den Belleville la 7gio 30 phut den gap ong chu hom thu 7 noi chuyen mot chut roi ong cho den cho garage 2 nguoi noi chuyen co ve hop va dua email de tien viec lien lac. Ong noi neu muon lam an ve mo cho cho muon xe nhu ong thi noi cho ong biet ong se giup do he is from Pakistan.
Dung truoc garage toi goi towing truck den cai lang ben canh lon hon 1 chut 50 km o day co Toyota dealer ma toi da google hom qua. Tai sao fai keo ve TP nen keo den noi nao co Toyota dealers nhu vay se re hon. Towing truck is costly. Den Toyota dealer ho cung tu te ho bao doi o waiting room nhg toi noi can 1 desk de lam viec ho di tim trong building co 1 desk trong va toi ngoi day lam viec va connected voi wireless cua ho de viet ra nhung loi nay. Tat ca rat thich ngam ra mot canh dong lua mi menh mong, Ngoi duoc chung 1/2 tieng thi ho goi ra ho da tim duoc problem cua chiec xe roi bi hu 2 thu: timing belt va water bump va chi phi khoang 700 dollars lam toi cung mung vi toi nghi se ton den 2000 dollars neu hu computer modules. Ho dem coffee va noi chuyen than mat va toi ngoi day lam viec cho ho sua xe. Nhu vay la toi nay co xe ve thanh pho roi. Mot kinh nghiem va ky niem kho quen. Khong biet con chuyen gi se xay ra nua khong. Cuoc song da nhu vay hon 20 nam hau nhu khong con gi lam toi so ca. Co dieu khong biet chuyen gi se xay ra de suy nghi hom thu 6 ma biet co dealer gan thi do biet may cung nho rented a car ve nha moi biet...
P.S. Sorry sang di voi ko mang theo camera. Xem hinh chup tu laptop webcam chay he dieu hanh linux that's all I can do. Linux la he dieu hanh nhu windows danh cho nguoi chuyen nghiep nhu engineer de viet software. Giao dien no khac rat nhieu so voi windows. Co the lam viec voi 20 virtual desktops at the same time. Toi thich song o day vi tu do/luat phap ro rang va moi nguoi deu co bon phan va trach nhiem voi xa hoi minh song, nhu di lam dong thue cho nha nc va nha nc tra tien cho canh sat va canh sat fai bon phan phuc vu nguoi dan. Ngay xua cach day hon 10 nam toi nghi se ve VN song mo cong ty o do luon nhg ve VN o mot nam mo cong ty ko nhu minh nghi vi rat nhieu ly do...viet co le thanh mot cuong sach nen toi da ban cong ty va tro ve day ko co dinh ve huu o VN dau vi lau lam VN moi co the nhu o day. Nhung di va lam va thu va song nhu nguoi VN moi biet dc tat ca va toi co the noi toi biet kha nhieu ve Saigon, xa hoi va da thay doi qua nhieu voi nhg gi toi da nghi khi con nho trong ky uc minh. Co email nhu vay: "Cung mai la ben My neu o VN chac "Cop , Beo" - 2 chan khong tha anh roi.". Lam toi lien tuong den nam o VN toi thich Binh Quoi vi no co mon goi sua va phong canh lang man va yen tinh. Toi va em ngoi ngam nhin may nc luc binh troi, co khi ca buoi chieu nhat la nhg ngay nha hang vang khach, hom do cung nhu thuong le toi ve Vo Thi Sau queo Nam Ky Khoi Nghia (toi thich ten goi ngay xua la Hien Vuong va Cong Ly nghe rat hay) de xuong Queen Bees. Lan nay queo bi canh sat cong lo thoi lai noi khong cho queo toi tuc muon oi ra mau toi hoi cam queo sao ko co bang cam queo trai lam sao chung toi biet duoc. Dung cai mai tui no buc minh noi anh o dau thi anh fai theo luat o do chu, toi luat gi quai dang qua vay, toi tham nghi chua thay ten canh sat nao ma noi ngang nguoc nhu cua, toi da song ben day hon 20 nam neu anh ben do toi se goi xep cua anh noi chuyen chu khong them noi chuyen nhoc ranh nhu anh. Em dung va em so no se lay xe giam cho bo ghet hinh nhu sau su thanh cong cua ng dan ong la mot nguoi phu nu ma toi di tim mai khong thay ai nhu em. Em goi toi noi nho thoi anh dung cai voi tui lam gi anh de em noi chuyen. Em da chuan bi tien $50 ngan hay $100 ngan gi do cho ho em noi thoi cho em xin loi cac anh vi anh nay moi ve VN lam an nen khong hieu luat o day. May ten canh sat biet vay con lam toi, chi ve noi voi ong rang dung co hong dem luat ben do o day, em noi thoi cac anh thong cam, ko noi mot loi nen toi rat tuc va ngam thinh em dua tien cho tui no quay lai nhin thoi anh minh ve, tui no con noi voi toi rang lan sau chung toi giam xe anh luon. Toi tuc muon chet duoc. Hom do chung toi huy bo het du dinh. Cung nhu nhg lan toi dap xuong phi truong Tan Son Nhat vao thay may nguoi Vietnamese customs/hai quan ko bao gio hoi "hi how are you" nhu o day ma mat mai lap li thay kho ma cam tinh. Cuba la quoc gia nho va cung communist ma toi thay hai quan cua ho de thuong hon VN. Buon thay khi minh viet ve quoc gia cua minh nhung do la su that. Lau lam VN moi qua dc co the khong bao gio chung nao thay doi duoc "con nguoi".
Ngoi o office cua dealer, co nhieu nguoi khach vao mua xe hoi ma tuong toi lam viec cho Toyota va thay toi lam viec voi my laptop ho hoi ve xe nhg toi lai fai gioi thieu ho den reception, that ra toi chi muon office cua ho de lam viec vi ho co 1 office trong. Nhin khach hang ra vo nghe ho noi chuyen cung rat thu vi. Toi thich nghe noi chuyen cua 2 vo chong gia vao mua xe hoi nhin ho that de thuong va dep doi. Day cung la lan dau tien ma xe bi su co giua thon que. Ngoai doi neu nhin toi thi ko co kho tinh nhu trong hinh dau toi it noi nhg neu dung chuyen thi toi cung thich noi nhg la nguoi ham voi toi. Co the noi rat hoat bat vi vay moi co the song mot minh lang tu dc chu.

Toyota garage office cung dc - nhin hinh. Cung ok co banh mi co nc co the doi ca ngay ko sao ca. Hoi on ao mot ti nhg co the ngoi o day den chieu toi ko sao ca minh la ke lang thang bui doi co gi ma so nhu bai nhac Dem Dong. Co ai thau tinh co lu dem dong khong nha. Uoc gi anh om em nhay slow bai nay nhi. Chac tuyet lam !
Xong roi ho vua goi dung 4 tieng dong ho nhu ho da hua se sua xong, nhanh that chua lam dc gi nhieu. Goodbye Toyota's office. I am back to my normal life. It is noon time. One more time she is ready to bring me home. She is beautiful again. Xe hoi la giong cai o day - a she. Ra kiem hamburger an chu.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The worst weekend/tuan nay xui qua

Friday Sep 2, Tuong la tro ve nha se nghi ngoi nhung dung la "the future is unknown" hau nhu mot dieu ma tat ca deu dong y la khong biet duoc tuong lai. Chiec xe tu nhien chet may o giua highway ma khong co mot dau hieu gi truoc do. Canh sat den giup do va keo xe den mot cai lang nho (a small garage in the small village) vao mot garage nho va toi da ngu o motel mot dem de cho cho sang ra co xe ve nha nhung ho tra loi cung khong biet chiec xe hu gi nua co le 1 computer module trong xe bi hu hong the la toi lai muon xe - rent a car to go home. Va thu 2 lai tro lai do va nho towing truck keo xe ve thanh pho vi cuoi tuan ko ai lam viec. Weekend bad qua di.

When waiting to pick up the rented car to go home, I asked the owner do you need my insurance card he said that I seem a nice man and handsome too, He trust me.
Ong ay hoi where is your original country. I replied Vietnam.
Nhu vay nhin be ngoai nguoi ta cung co the doan biet minh la ng dang hoang hay khong. Toi nghi nguoi canh sat giup do toi o highway chac cung nghi vay vi ho goi a towing truck va dung doi voi toi o highway. Toi hoi ng canh sat sao anh khong di ma doi voi toi ong ay tra loi "I want to make sure someone comes to help you.". Vi luc do troi mua va cung gan toi cua thu 6. Cung hen la co police highway patrol den neu khong toi cung ko biet fai lam sao nua? vi day la lan dau xay ra cho toi.
Dung la "future is unknown" but one thing we can do is trying to be good to be nice as much as we can to people we meet everyday. Day cung la lan dau xay ra d/v voi toi va cung lan dau tien ngu o motel trong mot cai lang heo lanh. I will remember it for a long time.
Khi xe toi bat thinh linh ngung thi toi nhin fia sau thay mot xe tai that lon toi cung nhanh tay nhan nut den hazard trong xe de xe tai biet duoc de tranh toi neu khong thi toi cung con ngoi day de viet entry nay. Van toc o highway la 120 km/gio thi kho ma thang kip neu xe tu dong chet may nhu vay. So chua chet hay vi nhanh tay nghi ra den hazard (den may rui)? cung nho hazard light co duoc vai seconds de lai xe vao le duong.

Bong chieu khong tham khong vang vot
Sao day hoang hon trong mat trong...
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