When we grow up we never know that we can measure the knowledge physically. You can measure the activity of people knowledge by looking their bookmarks or the history of their searches on the web. I am using the internet mainly for for my work it is a getaway of information exchange between one or group of people regarding the issues we work. It is a part of our daily job I was so surprised that one error of compile that we make the world can be aware if we accidentally use the software tools with web interface or email we post in our blog or website. Google will pick it up and advertise to the whole world to know. Don't know if it is good or bad. You can type "mai ma co em doi con de thuong" and google will show to you my blog. A lot of people came to know my by the search engine. I try a few keywords and yes in deed. They requested me to write in English, language we share the language is still English.
The pursuit of my happiness is to find you. You are my destiny ...
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Con duong Duy Tan cay dai boc mat, uong ly chanh duong uong moi em ngot. ... canh do co quan cafe Thien Hong doi luc toi den do de nho lai ngay xa xua. Mai ma cung co cai quan cafe nay neu khong thi biet tim noi dau yen tinh. ... hinh nhu ho khong con biet an gi hay ho co qua nhieu thoi gio ranh roi de tim toi mon ...
thomasalvatran.blogspot.com/2009/06/veoh.html - Cached -
So be chilled if you forget my website link you can use google to find me. If I add RSS(Really Simple Syndication for this blog each of my post you will know right away if you subscribe to RSS feed. As you know people does some volunteer work, in the software community we can do the volunteer work spend a part of the time for the think that we love. It is a free software like linux open source is one of it. The problem of open source they are good but no one to maintain the code and it is easy to be out of date unlike Microsoft pays people to work for them to maintain their code. Sometimes it is so frustrated to work in the open source code to know people does not care to release the official release software that does not even compile. After download and spent hours to compile the kernel (OS operating system) and you got the compile errors. The project is huge always needed a group of people to work on it, usually we have a very basic problem like compile. I knew it is so complex after we merge all the branches together the code can break but at least the one who responsible for compiling at least compile to see it went through without the error. It is hard to make a patch when the release version does not match with version has a problem. This is what I have been done a last few days. It is bad to release the software that cannot compile.
This is the reason that most of companies do not want to use linux for their OS because its support is suck, the code can be break by the unmatured developers. If we add all the times that we spend for linux for all the people has involved around the world does it worth? this is the flaw in the linux. I read some comments from people after the upgrade their system won't boot or does not work like the old version and they can not downgrade to the old version the only way it wipes out the disk to reinstall some of them has spent to fix their linux system all of them can be lost in a few minutes when upgraded. There is a comment of one person when do the upgrade quote: "why they put out such a release like a piece of crap"
So it is free open source but if you spend so much time to make it works will it still be free?
Another problem of technology today it keeps change so fast it is impossible to keep track or to read so we tend to read very fast or bookmark it. And at the end either we know everything or we don't know anything in depth. Linux has the same effect because it does not have a good organization and people like Microsoft does.
The knowledge of one person is not how much you know but it becomes how you find that piece of information you are looking for. I have designed in such the way to find that information without interruption in this process by using a lot of computers because PC are so cheap these days and open many browses at the same times make them connected the ideas together. It is a challenge to remember all of these ideas when you move on to the next day. It is impossible to remember it or piece them together when we need it.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Cross the sky to be with you...
I am sorry for not writing for a while because I was so busy for the past few weeks because the software release but I stayed very late to make this video clip just to say that I am sorry. I hope that you like it those pics are very unique to me that I like to share with you. I like to do many things but I ain't got the time to do it. Gosh, I wish a day has 100 hrs or we don't have to sleep so we don't lose 8 hours.
I will continue to write more often, it is midnight now and I upload the video after I made it. What can be better the feeling of satisfaction that I did the background music, the pictures that I took, arranged the pictures so you as the users can understand what I mean. Few months ago no one knew me before I began my journey it is very much like in this video. If you know me because I try and work hard and our faith have led us here. It is rough to describe the feeling but the pictures and the song that I play I hope that you understand a bit of myself. I don't take things for granted and I believe everything in life you have that you must earn by yourself and believe in yourself no matter what happen and never give up your dream. Maybe you fail but at least you try it is a process of growing. There one say to me that if you want to succeed than you need to double your failing rate. I think it is logic in mathematics. Beside marry work and dream are very important in life it feeds us energy and accelerate us to look forward. This is probably why the earth is round so we could not see what in front of us. The future is unknown but we know that we can enjoy what we have at this moment right? that all life is about to me anyway.
In the past few days I read so much to understand the concept of suspend to RAM and suspend to disk. It is overwhelming of the information that I must digest. Consuming a lot of my energy but it is interesting to know the problem in depth. It seems that I can not stop writing the ideas keep coming out like never ended. It is so strange how your mind is working it becomes a habit. I don't want to ease this kind of feeling. This is when you force your mind to cross the boundary, the limit, the conform zone of it. I want to write out this feeling.
Is love addict? yes, indeed. When the 2 people met they chat or talked about something about their life their stories I guess to share and to be shared find someone that understand us and that feeling nourishing in us each day we met and chat. Sometimes I ask you that what you want to hear me singing and play guitar or tell you a true story about myself or teach you something that you don't know. It is so intrigued that you can not make up your mind because you have enjoyed all of them. That is make life interesting and we have drawn into each other until one day we feel missing something if we don't see each other. Missing is a symptom of addicting to love. Addict is to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively. The way or the degree of missing is autonomously and it is different between us. It depends on the characteristics of each individual, it is kind of silly to ask for the exact feeling like you. The only exception both of us to have the degree of feeling toward something are the same is to lie. We are different this is why we have drawn interest to each other and the way we express our feeling are different. We are 2 puzzles and we put them together we will complete. Therefore, we are different but our goals are the same. I may miss you a lot but I did not want to say out loud because I am a man and that make me to become who I am. We should know more the within of ourselves instead of just a small crack on the surface, the color of the membrane until then you won't know me. I read a lot of philosophy and if you read enough you can become a philosopher too. Buddha is one of my interest reading about life. I came to know from Buddha, it is not how great you are but how you live with your life is critical, what you do with your life is immortal. I believe in karma. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. I don't know the existence of karma because I only have one life to live but I do believe it makes you to become a good person and great person like Mother Teresa. I did not go to the church or pagoda but by read the Buddha's philosophy is obvious to clear my path, I understand more about myself and about the surroundings. Either I marry or single I need to have my own space and that is not going to change. A lot of couples fail their marries because they don't have their own space. If you can not trust one to another then don't marry. Love is volunteering and not an obligation between 2 souls. Tinh yeu la mot su tu nguyen va ko fai su bat buoc cua 2 tam hon. ./.tv
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I will continue to write more often, it is midnight now and I upload the video after I made it. What can be better the feeling of satisfaction that I did the background music, the pictures that I took, arranged the pictures so you as the users can understand what I mean. Few months ago no one knew me before I began my journey it is very much like in this video. If you know me because I try and work hard and our faith have led us here. It is rough to describe the feeling but the pictures and the song that I play I hope that you understand a bit of myself. I don't take things for granted and I believe everything in life you have that you must earn by yourself and believe in yourself no matter what happen and never give up your dream. Maybe you fail but at least you try it is a process of growing. There one say to me that if you want to succeed than you need to double your failing rate. I think it is logic in mathematics. Beside marry work and dream are very important in life it feeds us energy and accelerate us to look forward. This is probably why the earth is round so we could not see what in front of us. The future is unknown but we know that we can enjoy what we have at this moment right? that all life is about to me anyway.
In the past few days I read so much to understand the concept of suspend to RAM and suspend to disk. It is overwhelming of the information that I must digest. Consuming a lot of my energy but it is interesting to know the problem in depth. It seems that I can not stop writing the ideas keep coming out like never ended. It is so strange how your mind is working it becomes a habit. I don't want to ease this kind of feeling. This is when you force your mind to cross the boundary, the limit, the conform zone of it. I want to write out this feeling.
Is love addict? yes, indeed. When the 2 people met they chat or talked about something about their life their stories I guess to share and to be shared find someone that understand us and that feeling nourishing in us each day we met and chat. Sometimes I ask you that what you want to hear me singing and play guitar or tell you a true story about myself or teach you something that you don't know. It is so intrigued that you can not make up your mind because you have enjoyed all of them. That is make life interesting and we have drawn into each other until one day we feel missing something if we don't see each other. Missing is a symptom of addicting to love. Addict is to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively. The way or the degree of missing is autonomously and it is different between us. It depends on the characteristics of each individual, it is kind of silly to ask for the exact feeling like you. The only exception both of us to have the degree of feeling toward something are the same is to lie. We are different this is why we have drawn interest to each other and the way we express our feeling are different. We are 2 puzzles and we put them together we will complete. Therefore, we are different but our goals are the same. I may miss you a lot but I did not want to say out loud because I am a man and that make me to become who I am. We should know more the within of ourselves instead of just a small crack on the surface, the color of the membrane until then you won't know me. I read a lot of philosophy and if you read enough you can become a philosopher too. Buddha is one of my interest reading about life. I came to know from Buddha, it is not how great you are but how you live with your life is critical, what you do with your life is immortal. I believe in karma. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. I don't know the existence of karma because I only have one life to live but I do believe it makes you to become a good person and great person like Mother Teresa. I did not go to the church or pagoda but by read the Buddha's philosophy is obvious to clear my path, I understand more about myself and about the surroundings. Either I marry or single I need to have my own space and that is not going to change. A lot of couples fail their marries because they don't have their own space. If you can not trust one to another then don't marry. Love is volunteering and not an obligation between 2 souls. Tinh yeu la mot su tu nguyen va ko fai su bat buoc cua 2 tam hon. ./.tv
P.S. If you want to see the bigger font on new IE (Internet Explorer9) or FF (Firefox3.5) you can use use Crtl and + (Ctrl+)at the same time to make the website bigger and Ctrl and -(Ctrl-) the same time to make the website smaller. I increased the default font per requested.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Interesting...East meets West -> Obamao
Obama was called Obama Mao in China it seems that he is very popular in China as in USA. See CNN reporter detained in Shanghai over Obama-Mao T-shirt
BEIJING – President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he met briefly with a half brother who lives in China and who recently wrote a semi-autobiographical novel about the abusive Kenyan father they share.
President Obama's father had been a Kenyan exchange student who met his mother, Kansas native Stanley Ann Dunham, when they were in school in Hawaii. The two separated two years after he was born.
The senior Obama married Ndesandjo's mother after divorcing the president's mother. They returned to Kenya to live, where Mark and his brother, David, were born and raised.
Obama Sr. died in an automobile accident in 1982 at age 46.
Ndesandjo lives near Hong Kong and earns a living as a marketing consultant. For most of that time, he has maintained a low profile, with few people knowing of his connection to the U.S. president.
See Obama says he met with half brother while in China
See Obama + Mao = Obamao
BEIJING – President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he met briefly with a half brother who lives in China and who recently wrote a semi-autobiographical novel about the abusive Kenyan father they share.
President Obama's father had been a Kenyan exchange student who met his mother, Kansas native Stanley Ann Dunham, when they were in school in Hawaii. The two separated two years after he was born.
The senior Obama married Ndesandjo's mother after divorcing the president's mother. They returned to Kenya to live, where Mark and his brother, David, were born and raised.
Obama Sr. died in an automobile accident in 1982 at age 46.
Ndesandjo lives near Hong Kong and earns a living as a marketing consultant. For most of that time, he has maintained a low profile, with few people knowing of his connection to the U.S. president.
See Obama says he met with half brother while in China
See Obama + Mao = Obamao
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
If I get mad of you I will listen to this song to remind me life is precious and I am so blessed to know you and I should embrace and cherish the moments...if I ever have that moments again. You are the most important elements to make up my life and only with you my life can be completed not the work that I do because everything can be substituted except your love. Because your love is so great. ./.tv
Thursday, November 12, 2009
If you bought AMD share yesterday and today you could make 22%.
NEW YORK -- Intel Corp. is paying $1.25 billion to Advanced Micro Devices Inc., its largest rival in the market for computer processors, to settle all antitrust and patent suits, the companies said Thursday.
Intel ( INTC - news - people ) said it has agreed to abide by a set of "business practice provisions." In return, AMD is dropping suits in the U.S. and Japan, and withdrawing complaints to antitrust regulators worldwide.
AMD shares soared $1.19, or 22 percent, to $6.51 in morning trading. Intel shares edged up 13 cents to $19.97.
When you have a PC/laptop a chance that its CPU(Central processing unit) is 80% from Intel and 20% from AMD. Intel has 80% market share of world and AMD has 20%.
I have AMD and Intel in my portfolio. So far I make 96.63% this year on AMD and 4.27% on Intel. I think that AMD and Intel are good for a long term investment. I only know hi-tech stocks well so that the only thing that I invest. I did not have luck yesterday I bought a different stock, I should buy more AMD. Sometimes in life, you need luck to make $ or to meet someone.
NEW YORK -- Intel Corp. is paying $1.25 billion to Advanced Micro Devices Inc., its largest rival in the market for computer processors, to settle all antitrust and patent suits, the companies said Thursday.
Intel ( INTC - news - people ) said it has agreed to abide by a set of "business practice provisions." In return, AMD is dropping suits in the U.S. and Japan, and withdrawing complaints to antitrust regulators worldwide.
AMD shares soared $1.19, or 22 percent, to $6.51 in morning trading. Intel shares edged up 13 cents to $19.97.

I have AMD and Intel in my portfolio. So far I make 96.63% this year on AMD and 4.27% on Intel. I think that AMD and Intel are good for a long term investment. I only know hi-tech stocks well so that the only thing that I invest. I did not have luck yesterday I bought a different stock, I should buy more AMD. Sometimes in life, you need luck to make $ or to meet someone.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Life partner is very much like dance partner which has 3C: character, chemistry and choreography. I am looking for someone has 3C as I am. We need to be in sync as in life and in dancing.

This picture of Nancy Reagan kissed Ronald Reagan's casket is always engraved in my mind when I think about marry, love, family and grow old together. People asks me why I am not married because I don't want to marry because of I am getting old or seeing someone gets marry and I want to do the same. See my introduction at my website, I stated very clearly that there is no rush for me when looking for life partner. Life will be miserable when you are not right to each other and I am rather to live alone and do the things that I love and I like instead of living unhappy or just to live because you have to or because the responsibility or other reasons. I look for the true love that we can live the rest of our life and we feel happy and enjoy every minutes that we have. There was one who told me that he thought he was happy for the past 17 years until he divorced then he found someone else and he lives with his new wife now. He realized that is what he was missing for the past 17 years. He is regretting that he lost 17 years of his life to find the true love. I don't want that because I have a very interesting life to live right now. I prefer to live in the dream world than a disgust/dishonest reality.
P.S. To memorize 20 years the fall of Berlin wall, the collapse of Soviet Union and the rest of Easter Europe and ending the cold war. Thanks to the contribution of Reagan and Gorbachev.

This picture of Nancy Reagan kissed Ronald Reagan's casket is always engraved in my mind when I think about marry, love, family and grow old together. People asks me why I am not married because I don't want to marry because of I am getting old or seeing someone gets marry and I want to do the same. See my introduction at my website, I stated very clearly that there is no rush for me when looking for life partner. Life will be miserable when you are not right to each other and I am rather to live alone and do the things that I love and I like instead of living unhappy or just to live because you have to or because the responsibility or other reasons. I look for the true love that we can live the rest of our life and we feel happy and enjoy every minutes that we have. There was one who told me that he thought he was happy for the past 17 years until he divorced then he found someone else and he lives with his new wife now. He realized that is what he was missing for the past 17 years. He is regretting that he lost 17 years of his life to find the true love. I don't want that because I have a very interesting life to live right now. I prefer to live in the dream world than a disgust/dishonest reality.
P.S. To memorize 20 years the fall of Berlin wall, the collapse of Soviet Union and the rest of Easter Europe and ending the cold war. Thanks to the contribution of Reagan and Gorbachev.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
This is one of the songs that I wrote.
Sometimes when the pain is so great the only thing you can do is hope and then the time goes by you feel a little hope and at the end the only you find is hopeless. I wrote this song to record that moments ending our love story...when I watched the "Amazing race episodes" wished you with me because I missed you so much that it hurts.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Co can phai hoi? tinh yeu va su biet on....
anh co muon lam ban em ko? anh co yeu em ko? hay em dong y lam ng yeu cua anh ko?
Toi thiet nghi tinh yeu la cam nhan mot cach tu nguyem va su rung dong do co the lam con nguoi ta hieu nhau ma ko can fai noi len thi no hay hon. Tinh cam co the biet duoc qua su nho nhung va lo lang/an can ve mot nguoi nao do hay nhin qua anh mat co the hieu hay qua mot giong noi da de lai trong voice mail. Ta fai hieu duoc cai cam nhan than thuong do. Mot email gioi thieu cung co the lam ta an tuong hay biet rang se ko hop va chi "hit delete" theo anh do la cam nhan dau tien, cai nhin dau tien, cam giac dau tien la vay va neu cam nhan dc giua 2 chung ta thi do la mot su dong loa hay dong tinh roi do va dau can fai hoi.
Yeu la muon nguoi minh yeu dc hanh phuc, toi giup em ko mong gi hon la em vui va hanh phuc vi do cung la niem hanh phuc cua anh, su thanh cong cua em cung la su thanh cong cua anh ma va co lan em noi voi toi rang toi biet nhieu nhung khi noi chuyen voi toi, anh biet nhieu hon nhg gi anh viet va chi tiet, anh chi dan mot cach nhiet tinh va kien nhan, em noi voi toi ngoai tinh cam con co su biet on va ton trong. Toi ko mong moi dieu gi o em ca ca va cam on em da nghi nhu vay, dung mong muon mot dieu gi khi tu nhien no den mot cach tinh co va tu nhien thi hay hon muon vay minh hay lam va giup em voi tat nhiet tinh cho em truoc. Dung vay nguoi phu nu thuong dam me nguoi dan ong qua su che cho va chi dan va su hieu biet cua ng ay. Tinh cam fat sinh tu su ton trong hay kin trong thi do la mot dieu rat dung trong gia dinh cung vay. Most women want a leading men. Va em cung co the hieu duoc trong khieu vu nguoi dan ong luc nao cung la ng huong dan va no phat sinh nhu vay tu lau.
Toi noi voi em rang em co hoi toi bat cu van de gi neu toi ko biet nhung toi se biet cach tim cau tra loi. Don't be shy. Dung mac co. Em nho toi va hinh dung toi qua nhung hinh dang cua nguoi dan ong khac nhu thay em, de tim ra hinh dang cua toi va toi rat cam dong ko biet do la dieu nen lam hay khong? doi khi mot nguoi tri ky, hay mot nguoi anh ma co the hoi bat cu dieu gi thi con hay hon ca nguoi yeu em co biet ko? toi muon xac dinh ro rang tinh cam toi danh cho em ko fai la tinh thuong hai hay chi giong nhu tinh yeu. Toi thich quan sat va de y nhung cu chi cua em va de cam nhan tinh cam em danh cho toi va neu em khg den toi tu hoi neu xa nhau thi bao lau minh moi co the quen nguoi con gai nay. 4, 5 nam hay den khi ng ay lap gia dinh. Con em bao lau em se quen toi? 1 thang, 3 nam co nguoi noi toi rang neu muon quen thi 1 thang cung quen duoc. Toi kho thuong nhg thuong roi thi kho quen. Tinh yeu ko fai mot do vat ma ta co the vut bo mot cach de dang duoc. Tinh yeu ko fai mot loi noi ma la mot hanh dong. Your problem is also becoming my problem. Do you understand. Vi vay noi len rang em yeu anh hay anh yeu em la cam hung cua cai "toi" rang minh fai thet len de thoa mang cai gi do va dung hoi ro rang ve tam trang cua nguoi minh yeu. Neu luc do anh gian em thi chac chan anh muon ra di vi anh met moi ko muon lo cho em nua, ko muon quen em de ko fai lo lang dieu quan trong toi co lam duoc hay ko? do la tinh yeu doi voi toi. Em noi voi toi rang anh co the lam dc nhieu thu nhung anh ko noi ra duoc 3 chu em muon. Xin dung bat anh fai noi em co the cam nhan duoc ma. Nho rang tinh yeu la su tu nguyen do su dong cam rung dong cua anh va em. Dung lo lang va toan tin neu that su minh cua nhau thi minh se la cua nhau mai mai. Neu ca 2 chung ta hop nhau thi dieu do se den vi ca 2 deu mong moi mot dieu nhu nhau.
(Co len toi goi cho em mot hoa hong toi ve chi co 1 mau lam em tuong la hoa hong binh thuong voi nhieu mau vi chu de la rose nhg that ra don gian 1 net lien tuc va chi mat 1 phut, em cho no rat hay, no la nghe thuat do em cang don gian cang hay, toi cung yeu ve va noi chung thich ve nghe thuat)
P.S. Hinh nhu thoi quen la mot dieu quan trong hang ngay cua chung ta da lau toi ko con viet blog van chuong va y tuong cung bien mat. Neu co the toi se co gang giu nhung thoi quen du co ban biu nhu the nao."Theo em thay thi anh co noi tam sau sac, biet dan, tam hon rat lang man...thich hop lam nha van hon la nghien cuu khoa hoc"
Doi luc vi cuoc song ma con nguoi ko duoc lam nhung gi minh yeu thich nhung neu co dieu kien lam nhung gi minh yeu thich thi se phat hieu het tai nang cua minh. Thoi buoi bay gio ma neu minh lam trong lam vuc minh yeu thich chua chac doi song cua minh dc on dinh vi neu lam nha van co the anh da that nghiep lau roi neu van cua minh ko ai thich. Va doi khi minh chet roi nguoi ta moi yeu thich van cua minh.

O day doi luc minh co dam me nhung dam me trong lanh vuc ma kinh te va xa hoi can den. Co le ve huu thi minh moi co the thuc hien giac mo cua minh. Anh co nhieu y tuong va uoc mo hon 1 chuc domains moi domain la mot y tuong ma da mua de giu hon 5 nam roi ma biet chung nao moi thuc hien dc nhg uoc mo do vi ca ngay di lam ve thi dau oc quay cuong nhuc dau va met moi. Chua chac nha ty phu deu gioi nhung vi ho may man trong hoan canh do va co the muon tien ai do trong buoc dau. Co y tuong ma ko co dieu kien cung ko thuc hien duoc. Ma co y tuong nuoi hoai ma ko thuc hien duoc thi nguoi khac se thuc hien y tuong cua minh. Doi la the - It is life - C'est la vie. Google la mot dan chung khi ca 2: Larry va Sergey la ban hoc cung ra truong va chua co gi lam thi mang y tuong de lam project google search. Cung nhu Facebook cung bat dau y tuong khi Mark con di hoc o Havard. Dieu do chung to khi minh ko co gi ca ke viec lam thi con nguoi se sang tao de muu sinh do la dieu di nhien. Vi vay em dung lo khi em di hoc vi do la luc em dinh hinh/hoach dinh cho y tuong ve sau lau dai hon. Co khi o nha nghien cuu con hon di lam vi do la luc ta tu do nhat ve nhg tu duy sang tao. Quan trong la minh dung thoi gian cho muc dich gi?
Toi thiet nghi tinh yeu la cam nhan mot cach tu nguyem va su rung dong do co the lam con nguoi ta hieu nhau ma ko can fai noi len thi no hay hon. Tinh cam co the biet duoc qua su nho nhung va lo lang/an can ve mot nguoi nao do hay nhin qua anh mat co the hieu hay qua mot giong noi da de lai trong voice mail. Ta fai hieu duoc cai cam nhan than thuong do. Mot email gioi thieu cung co the lam ta an tuong hay biet rang se ko hop va chi "hit delete" theo anh do la cam nhan dau tien, cai nhin dau tien, cam giac dau tien la vay va neu cam nhan dc giua 2 chung ta thi do la mot su dong loa hay dong tinh roi do va dau can fai hoi.
Yeu la muon nguoi minh yeu dc hanh phuc, toi giup em ko mong gi hon la em vui va hanh phuc vi do cung la niem hanh phuc cua anh, su thanh cong cua em cung la su thanh cong cua anh ma va co lan em noi voi toi rang toi biet nhieu nhung khi noi chuyen voi toi, anh biet nhieu hon nhg gi anh viet va chi tiet, anh chi dan mot cach nhiet tinh va kien nhan, em noi voi toi ngoai tinh cam con co su biet on va ton trong. Toi ko mong moi dieu gi o em ca ca va cam on em da nghi nhu vay, dung mong muon mot dieu gi khi tu nhien no den mot cach tinh co va tu nhien thi hay hon muon vay minh hay lam va giup em voi tat nhiet tinh cho em truoc. Dung vay nguoi phu nu thuong dam me nguoi dan ong qua su che cho va chi dan va su hieu biet cua ng ay. Tinh cam fat sinh tu su ton trong hay kin trong thi do la mot dieu rat dung trong gia dinh cung vay. Most women want a leading men. Va em cung co the hieu duoc trong khieu vu nguoi dan ong luc nao cung la ng huong dan va no phat sinh nhu vay tu lau.
Toi noi voi em rang em co hoi toi bat cu van de gi neu toi ko biet nhung toi se biet cach tim cau tra loi. Don't be shy. Dung mac co. Em nho toi va hinh dung toi qua nhung hinh dang cua nguoi dan ong khac nhu thay em, de tim ra hinh dang cua toi va toi rat cam dong ko biet do la dieu nen lam hay khong? doi khi mot nguoi tri ky, hay mot nguoi anh ma co the hoi bat cu dieu gi thi con hay hon ca nguoi yeu em co biet ko? toi muon xac dinh ro rang tinh cam toi danh cho em ko fai la tinh thuong hai hay chi giong nhu tinh yeu. Toi thich quan sat va de y nhung cu chi cua em va de cam nhan tinh cam em danh cho toi va neu em khg den toi tu hoi neu xa nhau thi bao lau minh moi co the quen nguoi con gai nay. 4, 5 nam hay den khi ng ay lap gia dinh. Con em bao lau em se quen toi? 1 thang, 3 nam co nguoi noi toi rang neu muon quen thi 1 thang cung quen duoc. Toi kho thuong nhg thuong roi thi kho quen. Tinh yeu ko fai mot do vat ma ta co the vut bo mot cach de dang duoc. Tinh yeu ko fai mot loi noi ma la mot hanh dong. Your problem is also becoming my problem. Do you understand. Vi vay noi len rang em yeu anh hay anh yeu em la cam hung cua cai "toi" rang minh fai thet len de thoa mang cai gi do va dung hoi ro rang ve tam trang cua nguoi minh yeu. Neu luc do anh gian em thi chac chan anh muon ra di vi anh met moi ko muon lo cho em nua, ko muon quen em de ko fai lo lang dieu quan trong toi co lam duoc hay ko? do la tinh yeu doi voi toi. Em noi voi toi rang anh co the lam dc nhieu thu nhung anh ko noi ra duoc 3 chu em muon. Xin dung bat anh fai noi em co the cam nhan duoc ma. Nho rang tinh yeu la su tu nguyen do su dong cam rung dong cua anh va em. Dung lo lang va toan tin neu that su minh cua nhau thi minh se la cua nhau mai mai. Neu ca 2 chung ta hop nhau thi dieu do se den vi ca 2 deu mong moi mot dieu nhu nhau.
(Co len toi goi cho em mot hoa hong toi ve chi co 1 mau lam em tuong la hoa hong binh thuong voi nhieu mau vi chu de la rose nhg that ra don gian 1 net lien tuc va chi mat 1 phut, em cho no rat hay, no la nghe thuat do em cang don gian cang hay, toi cung yeu ve va noi chung thich ve nghe thuat)
P.S. Hinh nhu thoi quen la mot dieu quan trong hang ngay cua chung ta da lau toi ko con viet blog van chuong va y tuong cung bien mat. Neu co the toi se co gang giu nhung thoi quen du co ban biu nhu the nao."Theo em thay thi anh co noi tam sau sac, biet dan, tam hon rat lang man...thich hop lam nha van hon la nghien cuu khoa hoc"
Doi luc vi cuoc song ma con nguoi ko duoc lam nhung gi minh yeu thich nhung neu co dieu kien lam nhung gi minh yeu thich thi se phat hieu het tai nang cua minh. Thoi buoi bay gio ma neu minh lam trong lam vuc minh yeu thich chua chac doi song cua minh dc on dinh vi neu lam nha van co the anh da that nghiep lau roi neu van cua minh ko ai thich. Va doi khi minh chet roi nguoi ta moi yeu thich van cua minh.

O day doi luc minh co dam me nhung dam me trong lanh vuc ma kinh te va xa hoi can den. Co le ve huu thi minh moi co the thuc hien giac mo cua minh. Anh co nhieu y tuong va uoc mo hon 1 chuc domains moi domain la mot y tuong ma da mua de giu hon 5 nam roi ma biet chung nao moi thuc hien dc nhg uoc mo do vi ca ngay di lam ve thi dau oc quay cuong nhuc dau va met moi. Chua chac nha ty phu deu gioi nhung vi ho may man trong hoan canh do va co the muon tien ai do trong buoc dau. Co y tuong ma ko co dieu kien cung ko thuc hien duoc. Ma co y tuong nuoi hoai ma ko thuc hien duoc thi nguoi khac se thuc hien y tuong cua minh. Doi la the - It is life - C'est la vie. Google la mot dan chung khi ca 2: Larry va Sergey la ban hoc cung ra truong va chua co gi lam thi mang y tuong de lam project google search. Cung nhu Facebook cung bat dau y tuong khi Mark con di hoc o Havard. Dieu do chung to khi minh ko co gi ca ke viec lam thi con nguoi se sang tao de muu sinh do la dieu di nhien. Vi vay em dung lo khi em di hoc vi do la luc em dinh hinh/hoach dinh cho y tuong ve sau lau dai hon. Co khi o nha nghien cuu con hon di lam vi do la luc ta tu do nhat ve nhg tu duy sang tao. Quan trong la minh dung thoi gian cho muc dich gi?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Fall Ending - Cuoi Thu
Hom nay anh nghi lam mot hom di vao rung chup anh va ghi lai nhung hinh anh cua cuoi Thu, cong viec nhieu qua den hom nay moi di duoc nhung cay da trui la nhung van con nhung huong Thu vuong dong lai. Troi mat va xanh tuyet voi cho mot ngay nghi. Hi vong em thich bai nhac Mua Thu Cho em voi nhung hinh anh noi anh o.
The la mot thu da troi qua mua Dong lai den anh biet rang mua Dong se co nhieu thay doi. I am very sure that it will be a very interesting winter...
The la mot thu da troi qua mua Dong lai den anh biet rang mua Dong se co nhieu thay doi. I am very sure that it will be a very interesting winter...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sorry I was busy again. Hope you like this video and the song that I play.
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl I'm so sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied, satisfied
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl I'm so sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied, satisfied
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
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