Saturday, January 30, 2010
Unbreak my heart
Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Have a nice weekend.
Another TGIF I am feeling that the day is getting shorter everyday. I am still not preparing for my trip so I won't have time to post to the blog anymore. I don't like to travel specially at the airport these days, there are so many layers of securities. I hate the airport. I hope that everything's ok so I can fly away on Valentine's day morning and around 3 PM over the Pacific Ocean. I chose this day because it is easy to remember and I hope that not so many people travel because the 1st day of Lunar New year. Mung 1 tet di chac cung thu vi ng VN ky ko ra khoi nha anh di tu day ve.
There is a new movie "Love happens" it has just been released if you like to watch. just click the link. I thought you may like to watch on the weekend. If you like the movie Sleepless Seattle with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan then you will like this movie, it was shot in Seattle too, there is a dude with Jennifer Aniston, she was very cute in this movie. There are 4 Jennifers that I like: Aniston, Lopez. Hewitt and Garner. I was in Seattle 2 years ago, it is nice but it rains too much I was there for 3 days and it rained all 3 days. Mexican food is good there. Microsoft paid so I had the best restaurants in town.
I hope that you like the movie sit back relax and enjoy the movie and enjoy your weekend. There is only one sentence that I remember in this movie: "Happiness is the state of mind". When this dude asked her to go out she pretended that she was deaf.
Anh ta dinh hoi co ay di choi co ay ko thich va gia vo ra dau nhu nguoi cam diet nhg co ta chi gia vo de anh ta ko theo nua.
Then one day he caught her taking with the concierge at the hotel he stayed. He said to her that she had a speedy recover and now she could talk well. But she replied to him that she was not just deaf but also she didn't know him and walked away.
Mot ngay anh ta bat gap co ta noi chuyen voi nguoi tiep tan o khach san anh ta dang o anh ta noi rang co binh phuc nhanh qua tu cam va gio noi chuyen dc roi co ta tra loi ko nhung toi cam va toi con mu nua gio thi toi ko thay anh dc roi...
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Bai nhac nay co tua de la Tinh Khuc Cho em cua Le Uyen va Phuong nhung gio chi con 1 nguoi con song la Le Uyen. Day la mot trong nhg bai nhac anh thich hoi nho. Cap Le Uyen Phuong nhin xung doi thoi xa xua do. Anh ay danh dan va co ay ca.
There is a new movie "Love happens" it has just been released if you like to watch. just click the link. I thought you may like to watch on the weekend. If you like the movie Sleepless Seattle with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan then you will like this movie, it was shot in Seattle too, there is a dude with Jennifer Aniston, she was very cute in this movie. There are 4 Jennifers that I like: Aniston, Lopez. Hewitt and Garner. I was in Seattle 2 years ago, it is nice but it rains too much I was there for 3 days and it rained all 3 days. Mexican food is good there. Microsoft paid so I had the best restaurants in town.
I hope that you like the movie sit back relax and enjoy the movie and enjoy your weekend. There is only one sentence that I remember in this movie: "Happiness is the state of mind". When this dude asked her to go out she pretended that she was deaf.
Anh ta dinh hoi co ay di choi co ay ko thich va gia vo ra dau nhu nguoi cam diet nhg co ta chi gia vo de anh ta ko theo nua.
Then one day he caught her taking with the concierge at the hotel he stayed. He said to her that she had a speedy recover and now she could talk well. But she replied to him that she was not just deaf but also she didn't know him and walked away.
Mot ngay anh ta bat gap co ta noi chuyen voi nguoi tiep tan o khach san anh ta dang o anh ta noi rang co binh phuc nhanh qua tu cam va gio noi chuyen dc roi co ta tra loi ko nhung toi cam va toi con mu nua gio thi toi ko thay anh dc roi...
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Bai nhac nay co tua de la Tinh Khuc Cho em cua Le Uyen va Phuong nhung gio chi con 1 nguoi con song la Le Uyen. Day la mot trong nhg bai nhac anh thich hoi nho. Cap Le Uyen Phuong nhin xung doi thoi xa xua do. Anh ay danh dan va co ay ca.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bao nhieu...
Tinh yeu ko co su ich ky, yeu mot nguoi ko co nghia la so huu nguoi do. Yeu mot nguoi la san sang hi sinh cho hanh phuc nguoi do va lam nguoi do vui vi nguoi do vui thi minh cung vui. Tat ca la tu nguyen va hanh dong tu su tu nguyen se cao thuong va cao ca hon la vi bon phan vi do la hanh dong tron ven. Vi vay ko niu keo hay nan ni khi ng ta muon ra di va ko con gi bang va tot hon la nen chia tay khi tinh yeu ko con nua va chung ta nen di tim tinh yeu va hanh phuc moi dung de tram trong de mat di luon ca nhg ky niem dep ve nhau. Xa nhau nhg van nghi tot ve nhau thing thoang nghi ve nhau nhg phut choc ma tam hon ta lang dong. Cang keo dai thi lam cho kho tam them. Ngoai tinh yeu chung ta can co nhung dam me khac va nhat la dam me lan nhau. Chung ta can mot khoang khong gian de lam nhg dieu minh thich va ly tuong cua minh. Chung ta se khac nhau vi la 2 ca biet nhg chung ta cung nhin ve mot huong va mong sang som de gap nhau de cuoi va noi Good morning vi de chung ta biet rang chung ta can co nhau tren doi. Tinh yeu can mot su an tam va yen binh/thanh thoi o tam hon de biet rang do la nguoi minh dat het niem tin yeu ko do du va nguoi do hieu minh va minh that thoai mai hanh phuc ben nguoi do. Vi su an tam nay ma cung nhau ta va em co the lam dc nhieu dieu thu vi. Happiness is a journey, a state of looking forward something that make you happy. Hay song nhu mot nguoi tinh mot nguoi ban mot tri am tri ky thi se tuyet voi nhu Clinton noi rang lap gia dinh nhu minh song chung voi nguoi ban than nhat suot doi. The object of love is to serve not to win but to look toward in the same direction... I just like to read your blog, your philosophy are so intuitive...tat ca anh viet o dat la that anh chi muon chia se mot phan kinh nghiem song ma thoi, hom qua o tivi the Jay Leno Show, khi Leno di phong van va hoi nhung ng ngoai duong nhu vay. How often do you lie? anh mac cuoi khi hoi mot phu nu va ba ay tra loi tu nhien rang toi noi doi moi ngay, ong ay thac mac vay ba lam nghe gi toi lam thu ky cho van phong luat su va toi bi bat buoc fai noi doi hoai.
Bai nhac nay nho lai ky niem nghe piano ma chinh minh yeu cau choi bai do trong mot khong gian that yen tinh va dc uong mot chay beer o san thuong cua Hanoi Daewoo Hotel ma co lan em da nhan tin rang neu anh ranh sau gio lam viec thi anh nen den do vi no se thich hop cho anh. Da gan 10 nam roi, hom do troi hanoi dang mua tam ta, thoi gian troi nhanh that. Co khi nhg dieu minh uoc mo va ko bao gio den nhg roi minh mai quen di thi no se den, things happen at the least expected...khi xem phim Love Story anh thich Boston va cuoi cung cung den day lam viec cung chi tinh co ma thoi. Doi luc di nhieu thi biet nhieu va hieu nhieu nhu ng VN van thuong noi la “Di mot ngay dang hoc mot sang khon” rat dung va nhat la that bai nhieu thi minh se truong thanh, song tot hon nhieu, cam thong nhieu va hau nhu chang con gi lam minh so ca. Nho nhg gi Donald Trump noi khi that bai toi con ngheo hon ga xin an o ngoai duong vi nguoi do ko co tien con toi ko co tien ma con thieu no nua. As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. D. Trump. It seems right to me.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bao nhieu nam roi con mai ra di...
Co phai cuoc song nay la tam boi the gian nay ta dang song la phu du gan day con cho cua anh Tippy chet roi thieu no va no ra tro ve cat bui. Co phai tat ca la Cat bui ko? Trong cuoc anh da khoc 3 lan: cha chet, me chet va Tippy chet. Nhg cai than thuong da ra di va ta van con lai de roi ta cung ve coi thien dan. Ta co gang ta song tot ta lam dieu tot roi ta cung chet va ta lam dieu xau ta cung chet. Chet o 20 hay 100 tuoi. Co phai cuoc doi la nhuc hinh. De som mai day lai tiec xuan thi. Vay tai sao ta ko song nhe nhang de dang de huong thu nhg ngay troi qua. Lam nhung gi minh yeu thich.
Bai nhac lam anh nho lai khi tro ve dau nam 2005 truoc Tet VN may ngay co cau "Chang biet noi nao la chon que nha" that ra ko biet minh se Canada hay My que huong la dau. Doi cuoi cung la so mot con so khong va neu con so khong thi ta moi that su song cho chinh ta.
... đế bù đấp nhưng khuyết điểm cho nhau để roi mình sẻ có một hạnh phuc mà càng ngày càng hòan hão hơn mà anh gọi là hạnh phúc tuyệt vời hay một lý tưởng cao đẹp cho cuộc sống của chung ta..Và điều duy nhất để có một tâm hồn trọn vẹn đó là tình yếu nhu anh da viet...em van tim duoc noi anh kha nhieu diem tuong dong ve am nhac, ve quan niem tinh yeu, ve cuoc song, ve long yeu thuong tre em, ve tinh yeu chuong hoa binh, khong dua doi bon chen va nhat la "purpsose of life"...
For English version please use translation menu on left side of this blog.
P.S. Di duoi mua la mot cai thu sang nay anh di lam lay cai du di bo 1 vong vi troi hom nay troi lai mua va rat am nhu mua Xuan, mua o Cali hay mua Saigon co le chung ta da thong hieu ve mua va de hieu TCS viet: "Nghe mua noi nay lai nho mua xa, Mua bay trong ta bay tung hat nho". Uoc gi ta la may thi ta se thay em...
Moi lan cam cay du la nho den chang sinh vien anh cho co gian (hitchhiker) vi anh co buoi meeting voi EMC dung hon la cuoc phong van keo dai 5 tieng khi ra ve la 1 gio chieu mua tam ta o Boston va anh thay mot thanh nien tre dang doi xe bus va che du uot het anh hoi co muon co gian xe di ko neu di thuan duong thi anh se cho. Anh ay noi xin vui long cho toi den subway(xe dien ngam) len xe 2 nguoi noi chuyen thich thu va biet rang anh ay o Pennsylvania state len BU (Boston University) hoc, sau do anh cho anh ta den tram xe dien ngam roi goodbye. The mai den vai tuan sau khi troi mua anh lay cai du cua anh ra thi dung la ko fai cai du cua minh vi cua anh mau den va moi va cai du nay mau xanh dam va cu rit. Thi anh chot nho rang cho chang sinh vien do len ngoi o xe va anh ta da lay nham cai du cua anh vi hom do troi mua anh cung de cai du cua anh o phia anh ta ngoi va khi len anh ta lay cai du cua anh de xuong dat va co le vo tinh lay nham cai du anh hay co y anh ko biet. Vi vay gio moi lan di duoi mua bgio lai nho cau chuyen 3 nam ve truoc ve chang sinh vien anh cho co gian xe. Anh nho lan do interview 5 tieng moi thu deu tot moi nguoi deu happy voi anh nhg EMC ko goi mai hon 1 thang sau ho moi goi va muon anh den phong van lan thu 2 nua, ho vien co la July 4 le loc...anh noi ko can thiet dau toi ko con thich lam cho EMC nua vi dieu nay noi len dc moi truong be boi lam viec o trong cong ty, anh noi it nhat cung mot email noi cam on cung ko co. Anh noi toi se ko co lam cho EMC va it is your lost (do la su mat mat cua anh chu ko fai toi) vi anh biet anh se giup ho rat nhieu. Co nhung cong ty hay nhg nguoi ko xung dang de minh lam viec cho/voi ho. Muon nhu vay thi fai biet dc gia tri dich thuc cua chinh ban than minh. Moi lan mang du vao cho lam bgio co lan anh ke cau chuyen ai cung cuoi tham tai sao anh co cai du (umbrella) cu ky va tai sao anh co tin nguoi nhu vay, ban anh noi rang ko nen cho co gian(hitchkiher) di len xe co khi ho giet minh va cuop xe minh luon anh noi anh biet dc con nguoi khi nhin tu ben ngoai. Tinh chat cua mot con nguoi the hien/hien thi thi mot phan nao qua hinh thu cua ca nhan do. It is a true story. Do la cau chuyen ve mua cua anh.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This morning was bad...
I went to bed around 2 am in the morning and most of the times, I go into the deep sleep in a few minutes and in the middle of the night I heard a loud noise "bang" I did not wake up but instead sleeping through the night.
This morning I could not found my wireless mouse, people uses the remote control to turn the tivi on and off but I am using a wireless mouse to turn the tivi on and off. My tivi is connected to a computer and I am using a wireless mouse to watch movie or read the news using a virtual keyboard. A virtual keyboard on Linux allowing you to type using a wireless mouse it is very much as you type on the cellphone.
I found my wireless mouse under my bed, it felt and broken and I thought 2 batteries inside the jacket were missing because I found one battery lied under the bed with the wireless, it took me more 10 minutes to find another battery and finally I realized only one of the battery felt off the wireless mouse. To be environment friendly I am using rechargeable battery it costs a bit more than the normal battery but you don't have to throw it away instead you could recharge it and reuse again.
After I putted back batteries into my wireless mouse and I looked into the tivi screen do you know what I saw ? A big message "system restart" and it has probably been like that since last night when the remote felt. Then I did a system recover it won't budge so I had to do a hard reset. It is a mystery is it a virus? or system was insane when the mouse felt or what?

Too much high tech too much pain. First time happened to me so it is a good to share with you. At home I setup the equipments the way I wanted and I prefer to work at home. I get a lot of things done quicker than when I am at my office. I like to watch tivi or listen to the music during I am working. At work I have to use the headphone because people is around you and I did not get used with the headphone. Now people prefers to work at home than come to the office specially if you have a right setup. Probably in 5 years most of us will work at home, we can balance our time or life in the better way. And it is very secure with VPN (virtual Private Network), it is like to sit at the office. You probably heard a lot of virtual from my blog and it is true the world will go into virtual reality(VR) everything one day for example we have virtual function, virtual box, virtual machine, virtual local area network (VLAN) it is like you print a file but the printer is located half of world away from you or you get a file from half the world away from you just like you get from your local PC, Virtual Private Network (VPN), the term "virtual is very popular and powerful word in our environment". Virtual function is one of complications in implementation software and it has a profound fundamental. Understand it you will understand a lot of things. It deals with base class object and very powerful meaning in software. Virtual (tieng Viet la Ao).
So I know maybe during I slept and I did kickboxing or Kong Fu. Usually I slept very quiet because I can see myself in the same position in my bed when woke up unless I am really tired like last night. I don't like this week, too much work and I start to hate my job now. I need a vacation so badly if not, I am going to be crazy. Sometimes I just wanted to move to Florida, Hawaii or somewhere in Europe or an island near to the ocean opening a small restaurant or a place to rent bicycles out to the tourists. Em thay dc ko? Doc bai post hom qua. Va se co 1 bai nua.
This morning I could not found my wireless mouse, people uses the remote control to turn the tivi on and off but I am using a wireless mouse to turn the tivi on and off. My tivi is connected to a computer and I am using a wireless mouse to watch movie or read the news using a virtual keyboard. A virtual keyboard on Linux allowing you to type using a wireless mouse it is very much as you type on the cellphone.
I found my wireless mouse under my bed, it felt and broken and I thought 2 batteries inside the jacket were missing because I found one battery lied under the bed with the wireless, it took me more 10 minutes to find another battery and finally I realized only one of the battery felt off the wireless mouse. To be environment friendly I am using rechargeable battery it costs a bit more than the normal battery but you don't have to throw it away instead you could recharge it and reuse again.
After I putted back batteries into my wireless mouse and I looked into the tivi screen do you know what I saw ? A big message "system restart" and it has probably been like that since last night when the remote felt. Then I did a system recover it won't budge so I had to do a hard reset. It is a mystery is it a virus? or system was insane when the mouse felt or what?

Too much high tech too much pain. First time happened to me so it is a good to share with you. At home I setup the equipments the way I wanted and I prefer to work at home. I get a lot of things done quicker than when I am at my office. I like to watch tivi or listen to the music during I am working. At work I have to use the headphone because people is around you and I did not get used with the headphone. Now people prefers to work at home than come to the office specially if you have a right setup. Probably in 5 years most of us will work at home, we can balance our time or life in the better way. And it is very secure with VPN (virtual Private Network), it is like to sit at the office. You probably heard a lot of virtual from my blog and it is true the world will go into virtual reality(VR) everything one day for example we have virtual function, virtual box, virtual machine, virtual local area network (VLAN) it is like you print a file but the printer is located half of world away from you or you get a file from half the world away from you just like you get from your local PC, Virtual Private Network (VPN), the term "virtual is very popular and powerful word in our environment". Virtual function is one of complications in implementation software and it has a profound fundamental. Understand it you will understand a lot of things. It deals with base class object and very powerful meaning in software. Virtual (tieng Viet la Ao).
So I know maybe during I slept and I did kickboxing or Kong Fu. Usually I slept very quiet because I can see myself in the same position in my bed when woke up unless I am really tired like last night. I don't like this week, too much work and I start to hate my job now. I need a vacation so badly if not, I am going to be crazy. Sometimes I just wanted to move to Florida, Hawaii or somewhere in Europe or an island near to the ocean opening a small restaurant or a place to rent bicycles out to the tourists. Em thay dc ko? Doc bai post hom qua. Va se co 1 bai nua.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Nothing is wrong with the blog
Currently google video server is down they are currently looking into it. So all the video that I play will remain black blank screen. Aha even Mr. Google is still having the problem, I just thought because I added the translation table to the blog causing the problem. I lost a few hours to figure out, finally I did the search and aha many blogs have the same problem. It is true that the future is unknown, we can only know what we are doing but the internet is depending on so many elements it was not like 20 years ago you could control your work your destiny. Our life can be so wrong in the future because we depend so much on the internet. It is scaring. No computers there is no electric, no airplane, no it is really scaring. Thay vi tien nghi anh thay cuoc song cang kho so va doa day hon 20 nam ve truoc luc do dau co mat thoi gio de diet virus nhu bay gio. Co le chung ta da sai khi tuy thuoc qua nhieu vao computers. Va hang ngay chung ta mat nhieu thoi gio qua ko lam dc gi cho chinh ban than minh vi ky thuat thay doi moi ngay. Cu tuong tuong nhu chuyen dong dat earthquake vua roi o Haiti hay Tsunami nhu nam 2005 ma xay ra o trung tam cua main optical distributor hubs thi se the nao? We are very vulnerable.
That su nhung nguoi song co lap nhu Amish ho se ko bi anh huong, ho tu choi nen van minh va tu choi tiep xuc voi the gioi ben ngoai co le ho la ng suong nhat va song hanh phuc nhat, ho di xe ngua moi lan toi di ngang qua fia Bac New York va Canada, toi rat thich nhin ho di xe ngua bay gio o Bac My ma ho song nhu thoi xua (it is real) va dan ong hay dan ba deu mat do den va trong ho rat tu ton cham rai ko co vat va va vat lon voi cuoc song nhu chung ta. Xem movie For a Richer and Poorer , Tim Allen dong vai cua Amish. It is a funny movie. We need it.
Co mot nha khoa hoc di du hoi nghi o Waterloo noi rang toi rat ganh ti voi nhg nguoi Amish vi cuoc song cua ho moi that su day du y nghia. Khi phong vien hoi ong ta rang la nha khoa hoc ong co nghi tien loi cua khoa hoc van minh giup cho con nguoi hay lam kho cho con nguoi? Va do la cau tra loi cua ong ay.
P.S. It is 4 PM now all the videos are working now.
That su nhung nguoi song co lap nhu Amish ho se ko bi anh huong, ho tu choi nen van minh va tu choi tiep xuc voi the gioi ben ngoai co le ho la ng suong nhat va song hanh phuc nhat, ho di xe ngua moi lan toi di ngang qua fia Bac New York va Canada, toi rat thich nhin ho di xe ngua bay gio o Bac My ma ho song nhu thoi xua (it is real) va dan ong hay dan ba deu mat do den va trong ho rat tu ton cham rai ko co vat va va vat lon voi cuoc song nhu chung ta. Xem movie For a Richer and Poorer , Tim Allen dong vai cua Amish. It is a funny movie. We need it.
Co mot nha khoa hoc di du hoi nghi o Waterloo noi rang toi rat ganh ti voi nhg nguoi Amish vi cuoc song cua ho moi that su day du y nghia. Khi phong vien hoi ong ta rang la nha khoa hoc ong co nghi tien loi cua khoa hoc van minh giup cho con nguoi hay lam kho cho con nguoi? Va do la cau tra loi cua ong ay.
P.S. It is 4 PM now all the videos are working now.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ta thay em...
Hom qua di lam ve chich ngua cho H1N1 va nhg chich ngua cho benh khac, gio moi biet tai sao ng y ta hoi anh lam viec tay trai hay tai phai. H1N1 o tay trai vi gio no dang hanh ha anh va tay fai thi flu shoot go in ra cai the de kem trong passport khi travel. I am ready. Cung con 1 thang nua la chung ta cung mot bau troi khong fai cach nhau 12 tieng ngay va dem. Cung da 5 nam anh moi tro lai VN va anh ko co nho Saigon anh bi so va am anh nhieu hon khi nghi den on ao nao nhiet cua TP. Doi luc di nhung xu o mien nhiet doi nhu Cuba hay Bahama thi nhin thay nhung loai hoa ma o VN co nhu hoa Trang, hoa Su thi minh bong nho ve VN hay con duong bui bam vao lang xa nao do thi co chanh long va nho ve VN. Thuong cuoc song qua cach biet ko lam cho ta nho va lai Saigon anh co nhieu ky niem buon tu ngay xa nhau voi nguoi ay da 5 nam roi cuoc tinh tan vo de lai nhg ky niem buon nhat la nhg con duong khi xua ta hen ho di choi day do uong ly chanh duong uong moi em ngot nhu Pham Duy da viet...thi ko co gi de tro ve va ko co ly do gi de tro ve. Cuoc song cu lang le troi va biet rang thoi gian troi qua nhanh nhin lai minh doi da xanh reu nhu TCS da viet. Tu ngay con nho anh da thiet tha voi chiec ao dai trang cua may co gai hoc sinh VN va day la hinh anh ma co le la dieu duy nhat anh thich ve VN. Anh goi nhung nang tien nu ao trang (a white angel) co le vi vay khi anh nghe nhac nhat la nhung gi minh tu lam trong video clip va nhg bai nhac cua TCS ma minh choi thi moi thay dc su thoai mai trong tam hon va mot su thoa man thi dung hon. Anh ko biet chuyen gi se xay ra nhg chac chan se co nhg ky niem neu vui hay buon se xay ra de them vao ky niem cua mot doi nguoi, anh thich ve nhg ngay le nhat la Valentine dung ngay mung 1 thi tat ca se vang ve o phi truong va tren may bay tha ho de tam hon tram lang va suy tu ve cuoc doi minh. Nho lai co lan anh ve New Year Eve va 1 lan Thanksgiving anh yeu va nho nhg giay phut yen binh tren may bay mot chiec may bay boeing 737 co hon 200 cho ngoi nhung ngay Thanksgiving do chi co 10 nguoi tren may bay. Anh ko thich su on ao va nao nhiet va co the noi rat ghet nhg noi do ko biet bao nhieu lan anh ve VN va da co lan lam viec o Saigon 1 nam va anh di ngang qua Suoi Tien bao nhieu lan de den vuong o Long Thanh cua gia dinh ma ko bao gio co y dinh vao do. Saigon ko giong o day nhu mot nguoi da noi voi anh rang o Saigon ko co mot noi yen tinh cho rieng minh. Saigon da xa la cang ngay nhieu hon voi anh so voi nhg gi da ghi lai trong ky uc thoi tho au...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I've hungered for your touch.
I've hungered for your touch a long lonely time. Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love.
Lonely rivers sigh wait for me wait for me, I'll be coming home wait for me. Oh God, speed your love to me.
I love you because I feel comfortable and happy when I am with you. Anh yeu em vi anh cam thay hanh phuc va thoai mai ben em. A true love never loses its value with time. ./.tv
P.S. Mot ngay chu nhat thu gian va nhe nhang ko may khi dc mot chu nhat ranh roi de lam nhg gi minh thich, anh nau an cho mot tuan, roi choi guitar va lam video clip. Neu co thoi gio thi anh thuc tap va choi nhac kha hon nhu em da thay. Tat ca ca chung ta neu co mot can ban ve mot dam me nao do chung ta se lam va sang tao duoc. Video clip mang nhieu y nghia vi anh chot nghi ra rang khong fai cai dep ben ngoai chi la phan nho ma chinh la su dong cam cua 2 con nguoi dua den tinh yeu co nguoi rat xinh rat dep ma rat vo duyen. Va dieu quan trong nhu anh da viet minh cam thay hanh phuc va thoai mai ben nguoi do va co the noi bat ky mot chuyen gi. Do la anh va anh khac voi Richard Gere.
Sorry I was busy because...Anh ban vi...
I spent quite sometimes because the virus in 2010. Anh viet blog o
Anh cung nhan email noi bi virus hay system chay cham. Va gan day nam 2010 nhg system cua anh bi nhiem virus moi khi anh di tim nhac hay music. Anh nghi tat ca chung ta nen install Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware cho system du co virus hay khong co virus no se lam system chay nhanh het vi software delete tat ca spyware va malware tu internet qua port 80 ma chung ta thuong dung Internet Explorer hay Firefox de ket noi qua internet. Download version moi nhat va instruction o
Anh viet 4, 5 bai ve nhg virus moi cua nam 2010 em ranh thi doc. Co nhg virus tu xung minh la Anti-virus : Internet Security 2010 lam nguoi dung hieu lam nhg that ra no la nhung virus cai vao may cua nguoi dung de lay nhung thong tin cua may vi vay may se chay cham nhat la ket noi voi internet. Damn so stupid all the bastards destroyed people's systems and waste a lot of time of everyone. Anh rat ghet may ten nay ko co gi lam va ko co dam me nao khac hon la suot ngay lam ra virus. Anh mat nhieu thoi gio de tim cho minh mot anti-virus with bullet proof for systems cua anh. Co rat nhieu anti-virus tren internet nhung it co ai biet cai anti-virus nao tot nhat va hau het ko co hieu nghiem va ko su dung dc. Sofware anti-virus nay tot nhat hien nay em co thay xem so luong nguoi download phan duoi hon 1/2 trieu download va dung. Phan mem anti-virus nay nhe, chay tren XP, Vista va Win 7, hieu nghiem va scan rat nhanh va quan trong tim dc virus moi va diet chung truoc khi system bi te liet va ly do nua la mien phi - it is free so you try for your own system. Trust me on this. Anh cung da download va dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware va su dung o 2 systems: XP va Win 7. Anh dinh ko viet o day nhg neu ko thi ko ai biet ma dung. Anh chi muon shared the info that I know. Xem nhu mon qua nho anh co the giup dc moi nguoi phan nao nam 2010. Doc blog thi biet anh da bo rat nhieu thoi gio cho virus 2010. Vi vay tat ca chung ta nen dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware chi mat 10 phut de install va scan system thi tuy vao dung luong cua moi may co the mat tu 10 phut den 20 phut nhung se tiet kiem rat nhieu thoi gio khi bi virus attack co the mat vai ngay hay vai tieng. I like to have the facts so read the following to know more. (doc bai viet Jan 17, 2010)
Clock the link for reading Dowload the lastest version of Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
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Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:41 AM 0 comments
More popular Spyware Removers. Top on the list is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
I am using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware it proves to be very good and it is free. This is probably is top of the list. When your system is infected by virus and you want to know which anti-virus is the best to download.
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Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:03 PM
Anh cung nhan email noi bi virus hay system chay cham. Va gan day nam 2010 nhg system cua anh bi nhiem virus moi khi anh di tim nhac hay music. Anh nghi tat ca chung ta nen install Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware cho system du co virus hay khong co virus no se lam system chay nhanh het vi software delete tat ca spyware va malware tu internet qua port 80 ma chung ta thuong dung Internet Explorer hay Firefox de ket noi qua internet. Download version moi nhat va instruction o
Anh viet 4, 5 bai ve nhg virus moi cua nam 2010 em ranh thi doc. Co nhg virus tu xung minh la Anti-virus : Internet Security 2010 lam nguoi dung hieu lam nhg that ra no la nhung virus cai vao may cua nguoi dung de lay nhung thong tin cua may vi vay may se chay cham nhat la ket noi voi internet. Damn so stupid all the bastards destroyed people's systems and waste a lot of time of everyone. Anh rat ghet may ten nay ko co gi lam va ko co dam me nao khac hon la suot ngay lam ra virus. Anh mat nhieu thoi gio de tim cho minh mot anti-virus with bullet proof for systems cua anh. Co rat nhieu anti-virus tren internet nhung it co ai biet cai anti-virus nao tot nhat va hau het ko co hieu nghiem va ko su dung dc. Sofware anti-virus nay tot nhat hien nay em co thay xem so luong nguoi download phan duoi hon 1/2 trieu download va dung. Phan mem anti-virus nay nhe, chay tren XP, Vista va Win 7, hieu nghiem va scan rat nhanh va quan trong tim dc virus moi va diet chung truoc khi system bi te liet va ly do nua la mien phi - it is free so you try for your own system. Trust me on this. Anh cung da download va dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware va su dung o 2 systems: XP va Win 7. Anh dinh ko viet o day nhg neu ko thi ko ai biet ma dung. Anh chi muon shared the info that I know. Xem nhu mon qua nho anh co the giup dc moi nguoi phan nao nam 2010. Doc blog thi biet anh da bo rat nhieu thoi gio cho virus 2010. Vi vay tat ca chung ta nen dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware chi mat 10 phut de install va scan system thi tuy vao dung luong cua moi may co the mat tu 10 phut den 20 phut nhung se tiet kiem rat nhieu thoi gio khi bi virus attack co the mat vai ngay hay vai tieng. I like to have the facts so read the following to know more. (doc bai viet Jan 17, 2010)
Clock the link for reading Dowload the lastest version of Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
Remove Malware Quickly with Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
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Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:41 AM 0 comments
More popular Spyware Removers. Top on the list is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
I am using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware it proves to be very good and it is free. This is probably is top of the list. When your system is infected by virus and you want to know which anti-virus is the best to download.
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1. 576,661 downloads 1. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
2. 487,653 downloads 2. Ad-Aware Free Anti-Malware
3. 115,057 downloads 3. Spybot - Search & Destroy
4. 30,044 downloads 4. Trend Micro HijackThis
5. 29,266 downloads 5. IObit Security 360
6. See all Spyware Removers downloads
Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:03 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hay di tim cho minh mot ty dich thuc
Tat ca co the hau het chung ta lon deu mo ve mot ty mot mau nguoi ly tuong co nhieu nguoi tu hoi ly tri hay con tim. Toi tu nghi luc dau khi cai nhin dau tien co le la ly tri neu mau nguoi co giong co du dieu kien ma minh tung mo uoc roi sao tinh cam phat sinh neu co do su dong bo ve dong cam va rung dong cua 2 con nguoi. Neu mo thi hay theo duoi uoc mo do cua minh dung vi ly do di ma thay doi, never give up your dream.
Tai sao co thoi diem de lap gia dinh nhu hi vong nam nay vi la nam tot hay truoc 30 tuoi de theo mot ke hoach du biet rang co the ko mot tinh cam. Chung ta cung biet rat nhieu gia dinh do vo vi su thay doi ve sau cua 2 nguoi vi su lua chon cua minh vi luc do minh nghi ng do cung dc vi cung gioi co dia vi trong xa hoi va cung biet lo gia dinh...noi chung theo tieu chuan ma minh dat ra ko co thoi gian lau de tim hieu de thay rang nguoi do can thiet trong cuoc song cua chung ta noi dung hon la tinh yeu dich that. De tim hieu mot tinh yeu dich that co khi ng ta fai hi sinh mot thoi gian dai nhu vay minh de dat qua quan trong ve ke hoach tren tinh cam.
Hay tuong tuong khi lap gia dinh sau gio tan so lam minh ko muon ve nha de gap nguoi vo/chong, hay minh so fai doi mat moi boui sang khi thuc day. Tat ca vi bon phan va trach nhiem voi con cai chu ko con yeu va thich nhau nua thi cuoc song nhu vay co that hai hung va ghe so den duong nao.
So lai voi mot tinh yeu dich thuc moi nu hon nong nang khi chia tay buoi sang va buoi chieu don nhau ve. Toi nho lai hoan canh cua vai nguoi ma toi biet: Who`s Gonna Drive You Home?
Who's gonna tell you when
It's too late
Who's gonna tell you things
Aren't so great
You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong, but bye
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
Ng do da lap gia dinh nhung song ko hanh phuc rat so ve nha fai doi mat voi su that, khi nghe bai nhac nay thi nguoi ay da khoc vi co ay biet rang minh se tu lai xe ve va ve den nha thi so vo nha de gap nguoi chong ma tinh yeu ko con nua nhg van phai song vi dua con gai con qua tre ko the de thieu cha hay me khi con qua nho. Nguoi ay da tiep tuc song den 16 nam de dua con lon len va nam no len 17 tuoi 2 nguoi moi chia tay.
Neu doi moi nguoi nong can thi cu xu nhu tren rat de nhg mot nguoi xau xa ho nghi nhieu ve tuong lai cua dua con va nhat la de biet chac rang minh nguoi ay da loi lam khi chon mot nguoi theo tieu chuan cua minh ma ko co mot ty dich thuc.
TY va gia dinh can su cam thong, chiu dung/kien nhan, niem tin, chunh thuy tat ca se co dc va tha thu dc neu tinh yeu dich thuc va to lon hon chinh ban than minh.
People forgives as long as they are still loving each other, a reality of a love connection can be gone easy without the daily refreshing - this is when we lose the touch of each other's feeling. This is the time where you find the needs for each other or not. Everything in this life even the memory chip in computers need to be refreshed that is key of happiness this is why we often like to hear the keywords: I love you. This is just to ensure the love and to refresh our feeling/recandle the passion. A truth love is never hesitating to say I love you. This is healthy relationship it keeps us in sync and on track.
It is better to live alone then to live with someone that everyday you wake you're feeling miserable. The future is unknown so it does not matter how long we live even 1 day or 40 years but we shall find the most happiness out of it, even if it is a very short one
Tai sao co thoi diem de lap gia dinh nhu hi vong nam nay vi la nam tot hay truoc 30 tuoi de theo mot ke hoach du biet rang co the ko mot tinh cam. Chung ta cung biet rat nhieu gia dinh do vo vi su thay doi ve sau cua 2 nguoi vi su lua chon cua minh vi luc do minh nghi ng do cung dc vi cung gioi co dia vi trong xa hoi va cung biet lo gia dinh...noi chung theo tieu chuan ma minh dat ra ko co thoi gian lau de tim hieu de thay rang nguoi do can thiet trong cuoc song cua chung ta noi dung hon la tinh yeu dich that. De tim hieu mot tinh yeu dich that co khi ng ta fai hi sinh mot thoi gian dai nhu vay minh de dat qua quan trong ve ke hoach tren tinh cam.
Hay tuong tuong khi lap gia dinh sau gio tan so lam minh ko muon ve nha de gap nguoi vo/chong, hay minh so fai doi mat moi boui sang khi thuc day. Tat ca vi bon phan va trach nhiem voi con cai chu ko con yeu va thich nhau nua thi cuoc song nhu vay co that hai hung va ghe so den duong nao.
So lai voi mot tinh yeu dich thuc moi nu hon nong nang khi chia tay buoi sang va buoi chieu don nhau ve. Toi nho lai hoan canh cua vai nguoi ma toi biet: Who`s Gonna Drive You Home?
Who's gonna tell you when
It's too late
Who's gonna tell you things
Aren't so great
You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong, but bye
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
Ng do da lap gia dinh nhung song ko hanh phuc rat so ve nha fai doi mat voi su that, khi nghe bai nhac nay thi nguoi ay da khoc vi co ay biet rang minh se tu lai xe ve va ve den nha thi so vo nha de gap nguoi chong ma tinh yeu ko con nua nhg van phai song vi dua con gai con qua tre ko the de thieu cha hay me khi con qua nho. Nguoi ay da tiep tuc song den 16 nam de dua con lon len va nam no len 17 tuoi 2 nguoi moi chia tay.
Neu doi moi nguoi nong can thi cu xu nhu tren rat de nhg mot nguoi xau xa ho nghi nhieu ve tuong lai cua dua con va nhat la de biet chac rang minh nguoi ay da loi lam khi chon mot nguoi theo tieu chuan cua minh ma ko co mot ty dich thuc.
TY va gia dinh can su cam thong, chiu dung/kien nhan, niem tin, chunh thuy tat ca se co dc va tha thu dc neu tinh yeu dich thuc va to lon hon chinh ban than minh.
People forgives as long as they are still loving each other, a reality of a love connection can be gone easy without the daily refreshing - this is when we lose the touch of each other's feeling. This is the time where you find the needs for each other or not. Everything in this life even the memory chip in computers need to be refreshed that is key of happiness this is why we often like to hear the keywords: I love you. This is just to ensure the love and to refresh our feeling/recandle the passion. A truth love is never hesitating to say I love you. This is healthy relationship it keeps us in sync and on track.
It is better to live alone then to live with someone that everyday you wake you're feeling miserable. The future is unknown so it does not matter how long we live even 1 day or 40 years but we shall find the most happiness out of it, even if it is a very short one
Monday, January 4, 2010
I have a dream...Without dream we have nothing.
What's about dream. What's not happen so far. I did not have a change so far but it will change - Susan Boyle. I conducted a life not lonely and songs are my best friend, it is my best therapy without them after tomorrow I don't know what it will be. That is the meaning of life we know that it is worthwhile and that is all we need. These are the words from Queen of the Folksingers Joan Baez, I wrote down when I watched her interview on the tivi last week. I did not know during VN war in 1972 she stayed in Hanoi for 11 days and wrote the song "the day after tomorrow" her music is very much like music of Trinh Cong Son but she writes her own music and sings.
I think it is appropriated for me to sing this song "I have a dream" for the new year. Someone asks me why I play all the sad songs. So today I play a happy song, I don't know maybe I have a sad soul somehow it is connected to the sad songs.
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream” Speech.
I think it is appropriated for me to sing this song "I have a dream" for the new year. Someone asks me why I play all the sad songs. So today I play a happy song, I don't know maybe I have a sad soul somehow it is connected to the sad songs.
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream” Speech.
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