But now that you've been on more than a few dates, you've noticed the absence of a scriptwriter, cinematographer, hair, makeup, and lighting engineers. That meet-swoon-commit deal only happens in Hollywood, it seems. But consider this: a national survey revealed that 48 percent of men say they do believe in love at first sight.
Eye-lock with violins, anyone?
Of course, the classic definition of love at first sight includes quite a lot of physical sensations, especially where men are concerned - attraction that's triggered by a particular face, a smell, a body, or just the overall vibe for a person.
For a man, though, love at first sight quickly becomes more like "love at first-through-twelfth sight" - that is, not only the initial physical and chemical reaction that happens when he sees a woman, but also the behavior and personality nuances that come out early on in a relationship. They're the ones that determine whether the chemical reaction escalates into true love or explodes into a love-lab disaster.

At that Christmas, she gave me a DVD gift You've got mail because this was how we met. We both like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I sent her a Photoshop picture which I merged her picture and mine into one. She printed it out and used it as the DVD cover. It was very cute. I still carry it with me wherever I go. I believe in a long distance relationship because love has no borders. And I do believe in love at first sight. Em that chu dao. Nam do toi ve VN va di choi voi em dem Giang Sinh.
"Hữu duyên thiên lý năng tương ngộ. Vô duyên đối diện bất tương phùng".
Chia se de duoc chia se co phai la mot trong nhung niem hanh phuc cua con nguoi khong?