Are you trying to convince yourself that life will be better after you complete some projects .. or that doing this course will make you happy or give you a purpose? Will getting this therapy make you happy?
Patterns have a way of repeating themselves .. and life is a series of patterns!
Living in the moment is not waiting until after you get married, or have one baby .. then another.
Enjoy the moments of happiness: Anh hoi em thich gi nhat,
The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges and changes.
TGIF (Thanks Goodness Is Friday) do la cau thuong noi o day chieu thu sau ve do la hanh phuc cua anh va cam thay luoi bieng hon va buong troi, ghe qua nha hang pick up 2 thu ma anh thich nhat: banh cuon va bun bo Hue. Bun Bo Hue do la de Friday night va ban cuon la Saturday. Vi goi truoc nha hang lan nao cung 2 tui nylon tren counter biet do la cua minh. Co khi ve nha vua an toi vua xem mot movie hay luoi an ma choi nhung bai nhac moi ma ca tuan da nghi la se thuc tap bai nhac do. Nhu Yesterday old my sorrows seem so far away. Bai nhac nay lan quan trong dau anh ca tuan. Co khi vao gym roi di boi moi ve nha. Anh khg thich plan/hoach dinh truoc tat ca theo cam hung va nhg su ngau nhien thuong mang den nhg hanh phuc kho quen.
Who promised you that, sometime in the future, life will begin to begin - real life. There always seems to be some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.
Life embraces these obstacles, envelopes them, flows around them, under them and through them.
There is no way to happiness: Em nho dieu nay nhe khi gap anh
Happiness is the experience of living Life, fully in this moment and exploring all that this moment has to offer. You and me.
So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time... you .. your Self ..
(and, remember that you (either consciously or unconsciously) attracted this moment to you for your highest evolution and growth)
Happiness is a journey - not a destination. Each journey starts with a single step .. and continues one step at a time.
So Don't wait enjoy it now
Are you waiting until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter ...
You can experience happiness when you decide that, in this moment, there is no better time to be happy.
And that means unconditionally accepting your self in this moment, just the way you are... only then can this moment give way to a brand new moment and a brand new experience... of happiness
Happiness is the journey, not a destination.
Neu em o voi anh day co the minh se di camping va tro ve chieu chu nhat. Anh se ve som sua soan do di camping den don em cung di. Khong nghi ngoi gi ko toan tinh gi ca.
Hay minh co the bay den den Paris neu off seasons va email xin nghi thu 2 va thu 3 va minh se co mot nghi he ngan 4 ngay o Paris hay Barcelona hay thanh pho nao do o Europe.
Hay minh co the ra ngoai o muon mot cabin gan bo bo, de ngam trang sao roi rung va ngam nhung dan bo hien lanh dang an co vao buoi sang suong mu. Doi voi anh la vay.
Tat ca qua khu chi la mot ki niem dep mac du buon, chi ke de em biet vi do la su that ma em can biet va anh dang huong den hanh phuc moi, mot niem vui moi va tinh yeu moi. Chac chac neu hanh phuc thi ng ta se quen di nhg ky niem buon dung hon.
Hanh phuc khg fai la dich cuoi cung ma la su chiem nguong nhg gi ta dang co trong tam tay ta. Hanh phuc khg fai la cai ma ta co the so huu ma chinh la su huong thu nhg cai ta dang co.
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. - C.H. Spurgeon