My bad I have tried to write but I had no time it is good to be busy but it is bad when it is too busy and I don't like it. Snow storm for the past few weeks I lost a lot of time to clean up the drive way because I live on the hill so I don't shovel cannot drive the car on to the parking. Summer is good but winter is not good. Snow is beautiful when you have the time to clean it up. I don't mind to shovel the snow in the morning then take the shower to go to work it is relax and exercise at the same.
See Massive storm slams the East Coast

What I have been up to? something to do the with "Virtual (ao)" it has been a long time when we use different OS(operating system/he dieu hanh) we partition the hard drive so we can put each OS in master boot, therefore when the PC is power up it will ask which OS we want to run.
The old applications can run on linux using WINE application wrapper and for device driver using device wrapper. This way it takes a lot of time to install a new OS.
There is a way which is called Virtual Machine using Virtualbox. I have worked on the virtualbox to create virtual machine - VM (guest OS) on the host machine (host OS). It is easy and flexible to run guest OS as an application like you run Word, and we can run many OS in the host machine the installation is easy if you don't like you can delete guest OS because it is an application. It allows to switch to different OS on the fly. The dual boot machine as before the problem is for every OS we need to install all the device drivers for Video, USB and others again. The virtual machine we don't have to install the device drivers because it runs inside the host machine. The only drawback is all the guest OS depends on the host machine if the host does not work the rest of the host machine will not work. The dual boot approach will work independence between OS. You can see the picture that windows XP and Linux run inside Windows 7.

Ly do fai co nhieu OS vi co khi nhg application chay tren nen tang Windows XP ko the chay tren Windows 7. Cach nay chung ta co the chay nhung applications cua nhung he dieu hanh cu xua nhu windows 98...Ly do toi fai lam nhu vay vi hien tai telephone o nha dung VoIP ko co noi voi tong dai ma noi voi internet ma VoIP thi chay tren nen he dieu hanh cu XP.
This way we can accommodate all the old applications without to rewrite the software for a new operating system. The reason we can do the virtual machine because the computer now is powerful and cheap too. To do this we need a fast machine and a lot of memory. Before we could not do this VM because it will cost too much. We are so much depend on the internet now. Also, the internet is much faster too. Cach day vai hom dang lam viec o nha thi internet bi hu va dinh dung dien thoai de goi Visa card nhung ko goi duoc vi dien thoai cung dung internet. We depend so much on the internet now even to watch tivi/telephone. You can run most applications on the internet now. It is so dangerous that everything is relied on the internet. So if we don't have electric what will happen. I watched the movie 2012 (it is not very good) but it gives a point that no matter how smart we are we can not control the mother nature. Cach day 10 nam ng ta ko doan duoc se la ATM hay Ethernet gio thi ro rang hon tat ca deu chay tren TCP/IP. Chiec la Thu phai. Toi cung ko biet minh co bao nhieu bai nhac den khi load len Realplayer thi no cho biet toi co 4326 bai nhac. Co khi toi nghe tren internet nhg khi travel ko co internet nhu tren may bay thi toi thuong download vao laptop. Khanh ly van la ca si toi thich nhat voi nhac trinh cong. Vua viet blog nay vua nghe Khanh ly tuyet voi. Em hon toc ben ho, Ru em tinh ghi nho, ru bay la nho rung day mua thu...Ta thay em trong tien kiep voi cong buon co kho, ta thay em dang ngoi khoc khi rung chieu do mua, Rung thua la ua em van chua ve, Rung dong cuong gio em dung bo vo...ta thay dang ngoi hat khi rung ve nhieu may. Mua xuan da den em hay quay ve. Bai nay hoi tuong lai thuo xa xua. Anh se record bai nay. It is awesome.