The website http://www.truong1-6.com was born yesterday, I bought the domain for "truong co giao" called truong1-6. I finished the website now only training teachers how to maintain the website. A process to have a website is a big complicated and I intended to learn and do everything by one person. One person is easy control and can do quickly then 2, 3 persons. It is usually needed 2, 3 persons. I often said to myself when the person means and selfish that you are not worth even for me just to think because I have a lot of interesting things to do and goals to archive. A person means/selfish I stay away from them it is just make me uncomfortable to see that they don't care about anyone except themselves.
Anyway about the website, First you choose domain name (ten mien cho hop ly va co the mua dc vi co nhieu do main dep da bi mua roi). After that, you need to set IP address in domain name server which called DNS to the IP of hosting. So when people types www.truong1-6.com it goes to DNS and does a name look up and figure out which IP address to go. In the hosting server I have to create account for truong1-6.com and make a directory for them and add the code and software for this domain into that directory. So when people types www.truong1-6.com it goes to Domain Name Server then go to Hosting Server, when it reaches hosting server it finds the directory that I just setup for them and pull our image code and others software to display the website. I rent an Apache server the reason that I rent instead of hosting at home because they maintain and guaranteed 24/7/365 that the server is up to 95%. At home sometimes I go away or busy no one will fix the server but I do have the Apache local server at home to test the code before upload into the renting server. I usually code and test every possible mistakes/problem/bug before uploading and running in the real server and it has been good this way.
The website includes front and back end. Front end is what you see and back end is using to interact with the users. Toi se chi co giao ve back end de co giao tu quan ly va nhap co so du lieu.
First design of the website you need to design a layout to suit your need in photoshop then cut it into many pieces and each pieces you can embed the software into it like click, mouse over, form, database and so on. It is usually needed 2 people: graphic design and a programmer. I like to do all the website by myself from layout to coding because it is the best to express your idea and 2 people it needs to be understand and has same idea otherwise it won't work. I had these experiences when opened the company before. It is the same thing like you saw Picassso, Leonard de Vinci, one person expresses his feeling his thought in the canvas. It is impossible to do one oil painting with many persons. Therefore the best website is the one person project, the difficult here is that person needs to know how to write the code as well as lay out the picture. This is one of example http://www.truong1-6.com the layout takes long because everything has to be putting into the consideration/perspective. The right site, left site and top/bottom. So the layout has to be suited with what you want to do specially when you have the dynamic display/page on the website it takes from the database to display into the website a little bit tricky this is why they keep me busy all the time. A lot of sacrifice this is why I did not marry yet because I love what I do but at the end the potential for my future is great opportunity because it gives you the freedom to work anywhere, if you are patient with me. I can live anywhere in the earth and do the things I like. It is completely different when I worked before in telecommunication you need to go to the company using the lab to test your software. 10 years ago I did not know anything about web applications because telecom and web are so much different. I still work for both right now but when I am getting older I probably work on the website because it is like art, you do the job you love and get pay for it. Website you can finish in 1, 2 weeks the telecom projects have a long duration because it is tied to the hardware. Applications that I did as you can see it is only related to DNS and Hosting service. All you need to have the server on the internet. I have a friend living in Virginia he is retired now but he does not know what to do he and his wife get bored so they only know to spend their time is traveling around the world, yesterday he emailed me that he felt excitement at first but now he does want travel anymore...he asked me what should he do? I told him find something that you love to do and do it.
In the few years I plan to open a company again or work from home to spend more time with my family, play more music/tennis and compose music. It is a means to an end. I just want to work part time but I cannot do nothing just traveling it is not my type anyway because I am very active "sit stand till like sit on the fire". When you finished university you found the job to earn at much money and studied more about protocols and its software because of that you have no problem to write code for website. Because understand of protocol stacks from telecom it is easy to make a transit to web application it is awesome to see how data flows from these layers of the protocols - from application(http) is segmented into to packets in physical layer when I monitor the packets flow in front of my eyes and it fascinates me because you know exact how much time is needed to send a diagram to the far end, the world is evolved in the picture below. So working in telecommunication helps to understand more in details how the website works and sometimes to know more in order to appreciate the things we have. 20 years ago we could not do this we used telegram then modem, if we wanted a fast response time and modem is only 300 baud (300 bit/s) this was the time when I just finished study. Now we have the speed up to 6 MB (50331648 bit/s) from home or 1GB-192GB at work.

It is a privilege and appreciated more what you know what you study at the end you understand completely the picture what the world is about internet and the web applications will be stayed with us until we die. The world becomes global and people communicates virtual because the technology allowing us. I has spent most of life to understand this protocol stacks and also proud to contribute with one patent - I have one invention/patent, this patent carries my name until I die. I don't think that I am smart but I archive things by working/learning hard every single day of my life. This is why I'm always busy and have things to do. I can stay in an isolate island to work the things that I love, someone told me that I work like a scientist but I don't think so it is becoming a habit to solve the problem in logistic way. Sometimes I stay very late at work I come to work late but I also stay late when no people is around, if someone passed by and saw me staying late they called me a scientist working late. I hate that because you are free to do the things you like. It is bothered me with this remark sometimes they are just jealousy because you know very well what need to be done in your life. Life is about organizing things in your mind. Sometimes you can forget what you have done past week if that days no special things like your car wouldn't start, spilled coffee in your shirt. It is fascinate to see how your brain can remember a complex things but often forget the easy things if there is nothing tied to the events. Everything about the habit to exercise our brain and it can do an imagine things but you need to practice your brain like exercise every day. I associate words with things/objects to remember things it has proven working well for me. For example the word "smother with "mother" with an S in front of it or Kofi Atta Annan(Secretary-General of the United Nations) with word "coffee" and I never forget, this is how if I want to remember. OOP is object oriented programming becomes powerful in coding because it is based on Objects. You have associated/embedded into your brain so it can recall, the process is called organization your thought in your brain. It is similar that you put files in the directories in your PC. Many concepts of computers/networks like IP address/DNS are come from our daily activity. Your house has an address computer also needs IP address so it can send email, browse the web. The same conceptual. I only came to know when I crossed the article with the title Autobiographical Memory" those people has a remark memory to remember things. I don't have it so I exercise the brain with things associated with the events or objects this is why I have a domain called objectlayer including object and layer the 2 main components for everything we do everyday.
If you have a life make the best of it.
If you have to live then live a good life.
If you have to study then study hard what you love.
If you have to work then work on the things you like.
If you have to spend 8 hours at work and each day is an experience.
If you have to think then think big.
Then it is like you play but get pay and most of all you look forward to tomorrow.
Neu be nao cung fai lam thi nen lam dieu/cai gi do tot nhat ma ta chua tung lam !