“My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.”
“It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.”
For me, the best to get things done is in the morning. Last night I tried to fix the website and I spent 2, 3 hours...buon ngu qua cang lam cang roi ram ngu mot giac sang day chi mat 1 tieng va trang web chay. Dung la "It will look better in the morning" Buoi sang la buoi quan trong nhat trong ngay lam ta cam tuong dc mot ngay lam dc gi hay ko yeu doi hay ko? Buoi sang ma vua thuc day uong ly cafe that ngon doc ve stock va lam viec thich thu nhat. Ma neu tap the duc ve anh thay thuong thi chang muon lam gi moi thuc day la tot nhat lam viec chi can ly cafe la du. For me to look for something new to do to challenge yourself which make happiness. Also, accepting the good thing and the bad thing and enjoy what you currently have. Some pictures of my weekend.