Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I was sick this is why I did not write for a while
I am sick and sick since last week because food poison and my body seems cannot take anymore. It is 12:37 am I have been slept for so long...tuong chung ko bao gio thuc day lam nho lai nam 2005 song o day va so song o day cho dang doi di bui doi. Phai can than va that can than khi an uong o VN hinh nhu chat khang sinh luc dau con rat nhieu va tu tu moi lan benh nhg lan oi mua nhu vay, hinh nhu nhg khang sinh mat/yeu dan va gio an bat cu thu gi deu lam dau bung. Hau het do an ngoai lam o VN deu mat ve sinh hen xui co khi chi an 1 o banh mi cung du chung thuc. 5 nam ve truoc anh cung bi chung thuc boi 1 o banh mi ban o xe banh mi ve duong va lan nay cung vay. Khi co the da suy thoai boi 1 lan thi no se suy thoai de dang hon. Time to go back to US and eat regular food that I cook, here I ate out everyday junk food because I don't have family here in VN for hot cook meals this is the reason why. At the hotel they saw I am sick so they took care of me and chi Sau at the hotel cooked a good rice soup for me yesterday and I feel better. In Long Thanh when I was sick the condition was very bad, it is hot no air condition and mosquito too back to Saigon things have been improved.