He is probably good in many things but not good in the economy sense. He should use the 14th Amendment instead accepting the wrong ideology to turn the economy like today. All the world index gave up all the gains in the past 3 years and may turn the economy into double recession.
Bill Clinton, however, affirms that he would claim the 14th Amendment, saying that he’d use the option “without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me,” adding, “I think the Constitution is clear.”
Obama becomes a normal president a mediocre/rudiment president because he does not have the gut to make a decision in the most hardest situation. If he used 14th Amendment things would not turn out bad as it is now and he will win the second term of president. He is only good to speak... Noi thi rat de lam moi kho. Lich su se quen Obama vi ong nay chang dam lam dieu quan trong nhat ma the gioi lich su can lam.

No Guts No glory. It is true. The weakest decision brings the weakest economy this is why S&P downgraded US from AAA to AA not because the US debt but the climate of the political risks and uncertainly. United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To 'AA+' Due To Political Risks, Rising Debt Burden; Outlook Negative. In 3 days since Thursday DJ Index lost over 1000 points. If you have a strategic implementing into your model at the bottom of the stock in which you will only buy if it begins to go up but if you are wrong in the calculation then you should sell it if it goes down more then 5% of your target price. The key component is always having cash reserve. If you study and research and you can predict the trend and you will be doing well. I bought more stock on Thursday last week but now I look back it was a bit too early. The problem is we don't know what is the bottom before it goes up but now I have a pretty good idea now but I was missed for a couple of days (3 days). My problem that I am afraid to miss the change and I often execute it early so what if I missed it at least I don't lose and don't win in anyway it's still better lose the money. This is the reason that I encourage you study in BA to put your knowledge into a good use. Neu em hoc ve nghanh nay va thich thu ve kinh te hay quan tri kinh doanh em se co ket qua tot. Hau het ty phu hay CEO o day deu hoc tu Havard business school, ko co dieu kien thi hoc o Dai hoc kinh te hay dai hoc Mo o VN it nhat minh biet ve can ban ve lam business va khi doc tai lieu se ap dung de dang hon. Chi trong 2 tuan co phieu o day mat hon 3000 ty dollars, chi hom nay mat hon 1000 ty dollars, co ty phu thi giau hon va co ty phu thi ngheo hon da so that bai neu ho nghi rang day la dau tu lau dai nhg ko the dc trong hien tai vi the gioi ko co su can bang hien trong khi do o Phi Chau hon 12 trieu nguoi thieu an thieu uong neu minh thu tuong tuong 2 ngan ty dollars giup cho Phi Chau thi du lam bien ca thanh nc uong du xay dung Phi Chau mot quoc gia tu lap tu song. The gioi co nhieu that vong hon hi vong.
"War is synonymous with waste."
Yes, indeed Eisenhower got it right