It is not enough time to do anything. I want do more but I am tired so I go to bed and watching movie "Revolutionary road" with Kate Winsler and Leonard Dicaprio. Kate won one Oscar: Best Actress for The Reader (2008). I also watched The Reader it is like summer 42. Giong phim VN co gai ban sach ma khong biet doc trong phim Bong Dung Muon Khoc. So sanh thi thay script cua Reader rat hay hon nhieu voi phim VN. Co ay khong biet doc khi o trong tu (prison) thi nguoi con trai doc va thu bang trong nhg bang cassettes goi vao tu cho co ay nghe. Mot ngay nao do co ay quyet dinh tu hoc de biet doc va viet tu nhg cassettes co ta dem tu phien am hop voi tung chu trong nhg cuoc sach ma nguoi con trai goi. Dao dien cua VN muon kha nen co nhg so sanh nhu vay. Co le vi vay ma film The Reader duoc nhieu Academy awards because it is based on the true story. Myself and people like to watch a true story because it happens in real life and you can learn from it. VN con co mot khuyet diem lon la loi van noi rat binh thuong khong co van chuong day la diem yeu cua phim VN.

Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an English actress.
My favorites: Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Both have a very good background in acting.

My most likeable actor is Harrison Ford. Love knows no borders they are over 30 years different in age. Calista Flockhart is cute as always.

It is good to be crazy and insane as long as you can live in your dream - From the movie Revolutionary Road.