NEW YORK (AP) -- U.S. stock futures pointed higher Monday as data on the manufacturing industry added to hopes that the global economy may soon recover...
Associated Press Writer – 40 mins ago
SAO PAULO – A missing Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris ran into lightning and strong thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean, officials said Monday. Brazil began a search mission off its northeastern coast.
Life is never perfect so live and enjoy what you have because you never know what tomorrow will bring. ./.tv
Last year there was an accident with Air France landing in Toronto Airport, Canada but there was no injuring. This time it seems all 228 people on board and the Air Bus 383 were vanished in the Atlantic ocean. This is the worst tragedy since 2001.
See http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/brazil_plane
Everyday happiness means getting up in the morning and you can't wait to finish your breakfast. You can't wait to do your exercises. You can't wait to put on your clothes. You can't wait to get out-- and you can't wait to come home, because the soup is hot. - George BurnsI agreed with George Burns, I cannot wait to wake up in the morning to start a new day. My first thing in the morning is making a fresh cup of Trung Nguyen coffee and read the news to see how much it will effect my portfolio today. Hope the recession is over by the end of this year. I am still lost about 5% now. If you buy stocks without researching is gamble if you research carefully it is an investment. Most of people to be become super rich not because they work but because their investment like Warren Buffett. I bought stocks GE a bit cheaper then him. I lost a lot money on GE. It was my mistake because I saw Warren Buffett bought it. Everyday is an interesting day for me and I love it. I am a multi-tasking person the ADSL is not fast enough for me to do many things as I wish. To download a movie it still takes over 30 minutes during this time I cannot do anything else. I am using Linux operating system as you see I have 3 Linux and only 1 windows system for Photoshop. Linux is awesome. I rarely switch the monitor to tivi everything you can have from the internet. I may switch to tivi for a few minutes when I am in bed because I am using LCD tivi as the monitor. Internet is much more flexible you can read or watch movies anytime it is always there and ready for you. Even my telephone is connected to the internet called VoIP. Voice over internet so I can make all calls in North America for free. I want to write blog but I don't have time but trying to do it more often. I think it is good to have a diary to share with someone that you love so she knows more about you. I do have a notebook to write down what I plan to do or the things that I have to remember but blog is much more flexible to add or remove to update it.

I like to watch Charlie Rose at PBS.org and 60 minutes. Interview the second richest man in the world. Does he look like the richest man?