What happiness really means to me
I understand love will always be
in perfect harmony
between you and me
One day you will come to know
that no matter how far you may go
the joys and sorrows that we share
are just like the touch of your hair
which is full of tender care
Yet I can only say
this love for you will never decay
I love you every single day
and in every single way
And it pains me to see you fading away.

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. - Henry Louis Mencken
Theo toi nghi hanh phuc "tuyet voi" chi co duoc khi chung ta lang nghe con tim mach bao dieu gi va lam theo su rung dong cua con tim. Trong tinh yeu con co su biet on va cam thong cho nhau.
Chinh vi tinh yeu that su se lam cho chung ta ton trong va binh dang voi nhau ve moi van de trong hon nhan. Neu hon nhan dat tren mot nen tang cua tinh yeu cuong ep hay mot su tinh toan hay mot su thuong hai thi se khong co hanh phuc va rat de do vo vi toi da thay xay ra trong rat nhieu truong hop.
A true love will bring the fairness and the respectfulness to each other in the marry. I love you because I need you and I need you because I love you. We need each other to love and to be loved. I strongly believe in it.