In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Chris Gardner invested the family savings in Ostelo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice more expensive than x-ray with practically the same resolution. The white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to the relationship with his wife that leaves him and moves to New York. Without money and wife, but totally committed with his son Christopher, Chris sees the chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, disputing for one career in the end of six months training period without any salary with other twenty candidates. Meanwhile, homeless, he has all sorts of difficulties with his son.
Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn't seem to come together for him. Chris has an opportunity to be a stock broker but first he has to go through a grueling internship which means no pay. Chris decides to do it but when his wife leaves and he is evicted, he has to take care of his son on his own. So they find themselves sometimes living on the street and struggling to get by. But Chris is determined to make it.
Tu mot hi vong hanh phuc du song tro thanh mot nguoi khong nha va chi hi vong hanh phuc co com va co cho o cho tung ngay. As you can see the degree of pursuing of happiness is changing according how the condition that we live. Niem hanh phuc cua chung ta thay doi theo dieu kien cua moi giai doan trong cuoc song. Nhung chung ta co quyen uoc mo va hi vong phan dau cho de dat duoc tung niem hanh phuc. Cung co the hanh phuc cua moi chung ta tuy thuoc vao tung cai nhin cua tung giai doan ma ta phan quyet rang tat ca chung ta deu muon hanh phuc mot cai gi do cao ca va tot dep nhat.
Tu mot nguoi xin an khong nha cua, ban mau (sell blood) de co tien song. We had a choice to eat or to stay in the hotel. We chose to eat so we slept in the train and in the bathrom va tro thanh trieu phu. Mot phim noi theo duoi/di tim mot hanh phuc...
You need a high speed internet to watch this movie.
One of the soundtracks was written by Simon and Garfunkel.
My pursuit of my happiness is to find you. You will be my destiny. I hope one day like the end of this movie va toi co the noi voi em rang day la thuc su mot hanh phuc ma toi hang mo uoc - This is the moment of my happiness. The pursuit of happiness is a journey sometimes you find it and sometimes you won't but never give up. But when you find it you must hold it dearly and take a good care of it. To love someone it is hard but not to love it is easy. Neu em cho co hoi de tim hieu va dung that vong hay nghi van trong cuoc hanh trinh tim hanh phuc. If you are not willing to go extra mile and ready to sacrifice because your doubt or you want something in return then nothing would come and nothing would change in your life. Yes, sometimes it hurts like hell but live is a journey with challenges. How could we know if the it is a steep hill until you reach it. Lam sao biet fai truoc the nao neu chung ta khong den do. Co te, co vap nga ta moi biet duoc cai gi qui gia nhat tren doi nay. Do la luat tu nhien thoi neu ta khong te thi lam sao ta co the di duoc. Life is the same. Trust me on this. July 29, 09 ./.tv