That's the goal, to survive your gift.
Itzhak Perlman
Last night accidentally turned the tivi on and watched Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak played the concerto of Schuman and Mozart. They said that at the age of 16 Schuman composed a piece of concerto C major which is much more mature than the Mozart at the age of 16. They said in the mind of Schuman there is a memory friend which challenge him to write greater music therefore there are 2 kinds of music he wrote: one is for himself and other one is for the memory friend which he initialized differently for all of his music.
It seems a life is much better and more interest if you expect more out of it. Instead of happy with what you have. I have been reading some basics stuff which I passed it because I don't have time nowI am look back why we do this way why we don't do that way and I start dig deeper. Long time ago it is expensive to buy the equipments to do the research nowadays it is cheap to buy equipments and install software for, I like the idea of virtual box and virtual machine I mean you can run all sorts of OS in front of you. It makes the focus much more easy then before just a click to switch one OS to the other OS. And it is more fun to work. Self learning take a lot of time but when you know it you are very much appreciated yourself more.
Ngay cuoi o Saigon toi co di den Cafe Piano o so 8 Ho Xuan Huong ho choi violin, piano va guitar nhng nam truoc do toi thuong den cafe Xuan Huong ke ben bgio thi co them Cafe Piano ben canh cung kha an tuong neu so sanh voi yo yo va Itzhak ma thi chi dc 1/10 ma sao ko biet bao nhieu nguoi den do cung rat kho toi moi dc 1 noi o quan cafe nay, phong cach giong quan cafe Yesterday. Lan nay ve moi biet nhieu quan cafe toi thich da dong cua. Toi hom sau la toi tro ve day. Quan Yoko thi ko thich lam toi thich nhac nhe va em dem vao buoi toi co khi bai Love Story rat xua rat cu ma ban dem nghe lai van thay hay nho lai guong mat cua Real ONeil va Ali McGraw trong Love Story ma co lan toi fai xep hang vai tieng de mua ve vao xem phim nay thoi moi lon len do ma.
P.S. The background of this blog I took the sunset at Mui Ne.