This is the message count when you install Java Run Time and Java Development together with Android SDK. So if you read my previous post about Android applications is written in Java. Number of Android devices sell 1 million a week so go figure it out, it beats Iphone 1 to 5. It proved that Apple has missed target this quarter and the Apple stock drops. Android based on Linux for device drivers written in C/C++ but application is written in Java. (Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.)
If you buy a Android there will a lot of applications to run on it. You have see some of applications in my previous post. Android was originated by a group of companies known as the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google. Today, many companies -- both original members of the OHA and others -- have invested heavily in Android, typically in the form of allocating significant engineering resources to improve Android and bring Android devices to Market.
P.S. Hop gu qua nen sang nao cung mot ly cafe Trung Nguyen va quan trong fai trong 1 cai ly thuy tinh de nhin thay cafe va fai pha voi sua tuoi, ko nhieu sua ko nhieu duong tat ca vua du do la mot thu vi buoi sang muon biet ngon hay ko nhin vao ly cafe thi biet. Sang nao cung mot ly cafe nhu the roi moi lam viec...Happiness is looking something... cannot wait for that moment comes which is a good cup of coffee in the morning. You got to find something that you love that go for work and lover/Song can 1 cai dam me yeu thich cua minh du do la viec lam hay nguoi tinh. Steve Jobs. Khong fai chi minh toi thich cafe TN ma ban be deu thich hon cafe o day khi di vao pho Tau chi cho cho tui no mua cafe TN va cai fil cafe giong o VN. Tui no noi uong cafe kieu nay can rat nhieu kien nhan co dua di mua cai coffee maker o day nhg toi van thich cai kieu che bien theo VN dung fil cafe cong nhan hoi lau 1 chut trong luc do co the doc email hay lam gi do...
Co nhg dieu minh lam ko nghi den roi tinh co nhg y tuong lon gap nhau va minh biet rang minh di dung duong va cung mot thoi dai/diem chinh vay moi ap dung dc. Logo rat hay va hop gu voi minh.
Java - The name is not an acronym, but rather a reminder of that hot, aromatic stuff that many programmers like to drink lots of.
Java is an island name on Indonesia.
Why they call it Java? It is because in Java, there are many ethnic, culture, and local language, but they all can become one.
Con soc an dau phong/The squirrel is easting a peanut. Do la khung canh buoi sang khi ngoi uong cafe hien gio la mua Thu, vai thang nua la mua Dong canh nay se ko con nua. Sang nao cung thay 2 con song hinh nhu la chong voi vo ma 2 vo chong ruot duoi danh lon hoai sang nao cung thay ruot duoi danh an. Ma thay nhg con soc khac cung ruot chi co mot con hinh nhu co ay tu nhom khac den day o ben chong thi co gia dinh chong nen nhieu con ruot duoi co 1 con song. O VN nhg con soc nay chac bi bom nhau bat het. Day cung la mot khac biet giua VN va o day. O day rat buon neu ai do ko co dam me thi chan lam, nhieu dam me tot thi con nguoi se tot hon va ko con thoi gio ranh roi va cuoc song se thich thu hon. Happiness is action to look forward something that you enjoy so if you love something even work or love that's is happiness. No ko co nghia la mua xe hoi moi, cai nha to tat ca se tro nen vo dung neu chung ta ko co mot dam me. Nguoi nhieu dam me la nguoi song don gian va rat it mua sam gi ca vi luc nao ho cung thay tam du vi ho dang lam nhg thu sai me hon va quen di cuoc song phu phiem...hanh phuc la cai gi rat binh thuong va giang di. Ng co nhieu dam me la ng rat de hoa dong va thong cam vi doi hoi tat ca ko co gi quan trong moi thu co gia tri tuong doi ma thoi. Ho ko quan trong ben ngoai cai chung quang vi cuoi cung ho cung con 1 cai Toi cua minh voi nhg thich thu va uoc mo de thuc hien.