Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
The story is about connecting the dots. You got to find what you love and that goes for work and lover. Steve Jobs.
Jobs didn't invent computer technology, or the cell phone, or the notion of digitizing music. But he invented methods, business models, and devices that turned each into significantly larger/global cultural and economic phenomena. The provision of the perfection ideas in the way we need in our daily life. In this way, he is a visionary.
Jobs worked for a dollar a year. At a time when many founding CEOs step down when they hit their late 40s and early 50s to chase other pursuits (a la Bill Gates), Jobs stuck with it. In an era in which many experts fretted about the ability of America's economy to thrive and innovate, Apple grew into a major exporter. Apple now represents American brands, the way McDonald's and IBM and Coca-Cola once did.

Sorry Steve I do not use Iphone but Android because it is open source and it is based on Linux and a lot cheaper than the Iphone. I can write my own code and apps/upgrade SW/FW which I did 3 days ago, I upgraded to 2.3 Gingerbread and it is great phone to have. I am not the Mac guy but PC guy. I just ordered another Android tablet and planning to write code for Android Market. Currently Android market phone is growing 5 times of Iphone because there are 20 companies make Android compared to only one which is Apple. Users have a large section to choose from like LG/Samsung/Sony/HTC...just like PC clone market right now and that will be the trend for Android smart phone.
It replaces all of these devices: phone, mp3 player, radio, camera, mouse, keyboard and many more for only 105 gram. The quality of picture as you can see below.

I downloaded the guitar tuner application for my guitar so the Android smart phone is replaced my guitar tuner which I bought 60 dollars 15 years ago. This application is free. I can download a tons of apps to learn guitar on the go. The smart phone can do almost everything even tuning the guitar, you can forget many things but it is hard to forget the phone.
I think it maybe the vision of Steve Jobs for the Iphone and Android got the ideas. At this point, he is a visionary and I say "thank you". The phone has fulfilled the needs for our daily life and more. Steve Jobs has admitted to put the map into the phone, he got the idea from Google because he liked Google maps with GPS very much. I love music but no time to practice now I can pick up the guitar and downloaded
all the songs/apps into the phone and go!

All things succeed depend on previous preparation without such preparation there will be sure a failure.
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.
If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give advice.
If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
- Chinese Proverb