I said sh*** you rip off people everywhere they go, this was the reason I only saw Korean, Japanese, Chinese traveling in Australia not so much the western people comes because we knew it is costly when living in Aus. If I have to choose where to travel between Australia and VN, I will have no hesitate to pick up VN over Australia any times even Davis likes VN. He was in Saigon last October he told me that he likes Saigon more than Hanoi because the people is more friendly in the south, he is counting each days to return to Phoenix, Arizona USA. I agreed with him before I used to work for Telecom Telepost here I traveled many places in VN from the north to the south.
No place for poor men in Australia. I don't like the way they talk "Yeah" instead of "Yes".....I cannnnnnnn't see I am afraid to rent a car because they drive in the left site same thing when I am crossing the street in Melbourne. I was realized and happy when I saw the familiar scene of Saigon from the airplane window. I was home free. I did get a few koalas, touching the kangaroos, the boomerang and some T-shirts for friends and family.
Chuyen di vui va buon lan lon chut that vong..., an bo nhung dam ma ko dc yen on nen khi roi phi truong Tan Son Nhat toi leo len Honda ve nha an bo la lom, bo nuong chai..... da co xang ngu den 4 gio sang thuc day vi do la 8 gio sang ben Uc. Toi ko quan trong an uong va vat chat/cua cai/giau ngheo chi co tinh nguoi moi quan trong va vinh cuu.
Troi danh tranh bua an. Toi chi monh muon dc binh yen co nguoi hoi rang toi muon gi tren doi toi tra loi cho toi dc su binh an trg tam hon. Moi thu that de dang neu minh cho no de dang va minh cho no phuc tap thi no phuc tap. We control our destiny. We should control our life don't let our life/situations controls us, that is wrong. Minh tao ra hoang canh chu hoang canh ko tao ra minh. The more simple life we life the better we become. At the end each of us will die what we left behind is the legacy - the things we did when we're alive. Chung ta fai song cao hon vuot den cao hon cai binh thuong.
As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. Donald Triump