Vo tu hon nhien ! bat cu lua tuoi nao ta van tim den su hon nhien cua mot con nguoi. Neu ta mat di su yen binh vo tu thi co the ta da mat di cai "toi" cua ta. Return this place just like return home, the cool wind from the ocean combs to your hair you know that you are almost home. Gio bien mat lanh thoi vao toc vao mat ta biet ta da sap tro ve nha, noi co nhg bai bien hoang ma co the tam tien/nude ma ko mot bong nguoi toi rat thich yen tinh, binh lang va ko mot bong nguoi...nhat la nhg do an bien re nhat dc tha ho an do bien: ghe/cua, tom hum, oc, mut....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Vo tu hon nhien ! bat cu lua tuoi nao ta van tim den su hon nhien cua mot con nguoi. Neu ta mat di su yen binh vo tu thi co the ta da mat di cai "toi" cua ta. Return this place just like return home, the cool wind from the ocean combs to your hair you know that you are almost home. Gio bien mat lanh thoi vao toc vao mat ta biet ta da sap tro ve nha, noi co nhg bai bien hoang ma co the tam tien/nude ma ko mot bong nguoi toi rat thich yen tinh, binh lang va ko mot bong nguoi...nhat la nhg do an bien re nhat dc tha ho an do bien: ghe/cua, tom hum, oc, mut....