Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome to 2014.

And around the world.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Season's Greeting...

I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for writing to me to encourage me to write to share my stories and my view. I hope that you learn something from this blog about love & life and music/arts. I found out that someone even posts my music in their blog when I play my guitar of "bai chieu chu nhat buon". Someone else posts my picture at Agkor Wat. The world is about sharing what we know and thought. Nghe va nhin canh cung dc bai do toi da choi hon 3 nam roi bgio ko con nhieu thoi gio nhu truoc.

I love these Christmas carols specially I'll be home for Christmas from Frank Sinatra. All of my imagination gone wild in my mind when hearing these very old Christmas songs. I hope you enjoy as I do. Peace. Hom qua Christmas Eve nguoi hang som dem qua chay ruou ma ong ay tu lam khi toi noi Merry Christmas and thank you. Khi ra ve toi noi them 1 lan nua I wish you a peaceful Christmas. Ong quay lai va noi cam on do la dieu toi can nhat. Ong ay cung gia lam roi. So Peace to everyone. Ko gi qui bang su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. If you have a peaceful soul/in your mind you can almost do anything in this life. Peace presents for calm and cool life. Khi toi viet thu chuc ban be toi cung viet nhu vay....I wanted to wish you and your family a peace and prosperity on your way heading into the New Year ! Chinh ban than toi bgio toi ko can gi ngoai tru su an binh trong tam hon va cuoc song. An uong dau co quan trong bang doi song tinh than Tet toi hay ve VN va di tham nhieu gia dinh cai gi toi cung da qua va da an het nhg ho ko hieu dc nhg gi toi nghi toi den tham de hoi tham va trao doi nhg cau chuyen can noi. Gia dinh nao vui ve va de thuong thi toi se den nua va nguoc lai thi toi ko den tham nua. Doi voi toi cai quan trong nhat tren coi doi nay la cai tinh than.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Passing through time.

This is how to save a friend from a lion

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
"Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people."
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do." - Nelson Mandela

Monday, December 2, 2013

60 minutes delivery by robot

Someone has argued this video clip is nothing more than to boost the Amazon stock it is currently at closed at $300 mark. It is impossible to have a thousands unmanned drones fly autonomously on the sky of US with the approval of FAA. The technology is there but it is not guaranty that it will work 100% therefore maybe one will fall from the sky and kill someone. Depending on the area that we are using for example the drone can be used in the agriculture such as crop spraying aircraft.
I have the web server from my house and you can turn camera and light of my place. So everything is possible. Day la mot website toi gan day viet de noi qua phan cung de vang bon den hay xem webcam bat cu noi nao tren the gioi neu noi do co internet. Da tu lau toi da nghi co cach nao de dieu khien dung cu trong nha o bat cu noi nao tren the gioi toi da thu nghiem tu VN co the lam den sang va tat o day nua vong trai day chi qua internet dung Firefox hay Internet Explorer dieu khien bang web co le thuan tien nhat vi o dau cung co browser.