Thursday, May 20, 2010

Buddha and lunch

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.
All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. Things happen for the reasons. Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. It is your conscience or morality.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream too much of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. We have to do good the present for the future and the past cannot change anyway. The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, but to live the present moments wisely and earnestly. It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and night mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring love and peace to all, one must discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to enlightenment and all the wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.
When I watched 60 minutes last week, conductor Gustavo Dudamel's musical mission has said that music creates discipline, character and team work. And if you have this kind of discipline from the beginning of your life, it's something so when you give a little violin to a little kid, you feel like you're doing something which is life-transforming?
I believe to learn music it is a discipline. So if I have children I will encourage to play music at the early age but sometimes it is hard because it depends on the environment of the child has been brought up. "Dam me/Obsessed" with music or any form of art/sports is a good thing so you can devote your free time on it. The process that you learn will creates a discipline and your own character. It is important to me not how big you become but how you use your time in life that makes life more interesting to live. It is not a new car, a new home or new things but how you spend your time. People bores with their life so they need to buy a new thing or even to marry to make life more interesting but that is not the case. If you're happy with your single life eventually you will happy with a marry life... ./.tv
Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you.
Aldous Huxley

Lunch anyone? I made lunch and cook for the whole week usually I prepare on the weekend. 5 boxes of salad and 5 sandwiches or croissants like this for 5 days. It means I have to eat the whole week the same food for lunch and dinner people says that they cannot eat the same food for the whole week but it did not bother me so I can have a lot of time to do the things I like. I am very lazy to cook everyday. I like to cook but not everyday. At work someone told me I should patent it like my patents of the easy way to live. I like to live very simple life because I think the more simple, the better you will become. I got sick of eating out in Saigon on my last trip in VN. In Saigon around 6 pm if you go out on the street you can see people eats everywhere in all corners and walkways, I never see anywhere that have that much restaurants as in Saigon. "Saigon di tim nha nang ma chi gap toan la nha hang. Uoc gi nha nang cung la nha hang."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tulip festival.

The air smells so fresh, the temperature is so right for tulips and tennis. Spring is finally here.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Born believers: How your brain creates God

WHILE many institutions collapsed during the Great Depression that began in 1929, one kind did rather well. During this leanest of times, the strictest, most authoritarian churches saw a surge in attendance.
This anomaly was documented in the early 1970s, but only now is science beginning to tell us why. It turns out that human beings have a natural inclination for religious belief, especially during hard times. Our brains effortlessly conjure up an imaginary world of spirits, gods and monsters, and the more insecure we feel, the harder it is to resist the pull of this supernatural world. It seems that our minds are finely tuned to believe in gods.
Religious ideas are common to all cultures: like language and music, they seem to be part of what it is to be human. Until recently, ...

Religion has been with us as long as there has been human civilization, if not longer. Conversely, for as long as there has been human civilization, religion has been a battleground, both real and theoretical. Even today we see it in fanatics killing those with whom they disagree or the advent of the so-called "new atheism." Too often lost in both the pervasiveness of religion and the commotion it can generate is the key question of its purpose.
At bottom, the one they provide in God's Brain is quite simple. Taking the position that any one religious belief or total lack thereof is immaterial to finding the answer, they conclude that the purpose of religion is to "brainsoothe." In other words, religion exists to help the brain deal with both internal and external stress and anxiety, something they call "brainpain."
Seeing religion as a coping mechanism for the brain to deal with anxiety, fear, and stress. They argue that the socialization, rituals and beliefs that make up religion help the brain alter itself, to "brainsoothe." To some extent, their contention turns religion into a self-sustaining system. "As oxygen is to air, guilt is to religion," they observe. Yet what is one way the brain copes with guilt? Through religious ritual, such as Catholic confession, and belief, such as the forgiveness of sins.
Do we create God or God creates us? How about the conscience and morality. We may feel off the path in life sometimes but we can promise to ourself to do a great things in life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Expect more...

Sorry not to write as ofter as I wished but I try. I was sick for a long time then the work, study and reading there is no time left. When I wanted to do something I was so tired.
That's the goal, to survive your gift.
Itzhak Perlman
Last night accidentally turned the tivi on and watched Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak played the concerto of Schuman and Mozart. They said that at the age of 16 Schuman composed a piece of concerto C major which is much more mature than the Mozart at the age of 16. They said in the mind of Schuman there is a memory friend which challenge him to write greater music therefore there are 2 kinds of music he wrote: one is for himself and other one is for the memory friend which he initialized differently for all of his music.

It seems a life is much better and more interest if you expect more out of it. Instead of happy with what you have. I have been reading some basics stuff which I passed it because I don't have time nowI am look back why we do this way why we don't do that way and I start dig deeper. Long time ago it is expensive to buy the equipments to do the research nowadays it is cheap to buy equipments and install software for, I like the idea of virtual box and virtual machine I mean you can run all sorts of OS in front of you. It makes the focus much more easy then before just a click to switch one OS to the other OS. And it is more fun to work. Self learning take a lot of time but when you know it you are very much appreciated yourself more.
Ngay cuoi o Saigon toi co di den Cafe Piano o so 8 Ho Xuan Huong ho choi violin, piano va guitar nhng nam truoc do toi thuong den cafe Xuan Huong ke ben bgio thi co them Cafe Piano ben canh cung kha an tuong neu so sanh voi yo yo va Itzhak ma thi chi dc 1/10 ma sao ko biet bao nhieu nguoi den do cung rat kho toi moi dc 1 noi o quan cafe nay, phong cach giong quan cafe Yesterday. Lan nay ve moi biet nhieu quan cafe toi thich da dong cua. Toi hom sau la toi tro ve day. Quan Yoko thi ko thich lam toi thich nhac nhe va em dem vao buoi toi co khi bai Love Story rat xua rat cu ma ban dem nghe lai van thay hay nho lai guong mat cua Real ONeil va Ali McGraw trong Love Story ma co lan toi fai xep hang vai tieng de mua ve vao xem phim nay thoi moi lon len do ma.

P.S. The background of this blog I took the sunset at Mui Ne.