For weigh loss
Salmon, Apple, Quinoa, Lentils, Olive Oil, Eggs, Yogurt, Green tea and Sweet Potatoes
For good heart
Green leafy vegetables, Oats,Whole grains, Soy protein, Olive oil, Tomatoes, Apples and Red Wine.
Most often it is good for diet are also good for the heart, it prevents the cholesterol which can build up on the walls inside your arteries and increase your chances of getting heart disease.
Co 1 hom di sieu thi mua do va sap hang co mot nguoi phu nu phia truoc nhin vao vo/basket do an toi thay toan la nhung group nutritious foods. Toi hoi sao ba biet ba noi toi lam bac si toi fai biet chu. Trong basket do toi co nhg thu ma tinh co giong nhg nhom thuc pham tot: carrot, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, olive oil, eggs, almonds, apples, vegetables va day cung la nhg thu toi thich ma rat re o day. Apple an rat tien ko can lot vo, cai voi tomato va vai lat hanh tay lam salad voi salad dressing nhanh va re. Carrot nau voi khoai tay, tomatoes va xuong re ma ngon. Ve VN toi thich di mua ca thu o cho Ba Chieu roi ve chien don voi toi sau do bam ca tomatoes chien voi hanh lam nuoc sauce ca va dam nuoc mam toi an rat tuyet voi. Vua roi mua tom hum o Phan Thiet ve lam tom hum rang me cung that ngon. Salmon o day thi khong ngon bang ca thu VN, toi chi an dc vai loai ca vi mui tanh cua no toi khong the an duoc.
Ngay xua toi cung da di hoc du bi y khoa roi cung da di giai phau may con chim, cac ke...roi vi toi muon thanh bac si giai phau chuyen khoa ve "tim/heart" chi thich thu nhat ve con tim nhg sau do hoc nganh computer vi ko co tien. Toi biet minh co the lam bac si giai phau duoc vi co mot lan giai phau con chim se cat no ra ma trai tim no van con song va dang tho co phu trach thuc tap nhin toi roi noi toi se la bac si gioi sau nay. Khi di thi ve phan thuc tap, sau khi nhuom phau thuat va lam to tuong trinh trong phong thi nghiem co ay cung giup toi nhan dien phau thuat. Thuong nguoi ta gap toi ngoai duong nguoi ta cu tuong nghe cua toi la bac si nhu vua roi o Paris, co tiep tan cung nghi toi la bac si nhg toi noi lam nghe computer thoi. Di Nam My ho cung nghi toi la bac si. Co le bac si fai co co guong mat the nao do nhat la phuc hau. Toi thay da so bac si gioi noi tieng nhu Wilbert Joseph Keon nhin phuc hau. Ong nay noi tieng ve tim. Dan ong thi lam giai phau tot hon hon phu nu vi ho manh dang hon phu nu.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Oracle sued Google about Java language
Oracle sued Google in August 2010 over patent and copyright claims for the Java programming language. According to Oracle, Google's Android operating system tramples its intellectual property rights to Java, which it acquired when it bought Sun Microsystems in 2010.
Google says it does not violate Oracle's patents and that Oracle cannot copyright certain parts of Java. The trial before U.S. District Judge William Alsup is expected to last at least eight weeks.
Google attorney Robert Van Nest acknowledged on Tuesday that Google executives had once negotiated for a potential partnership with Sun to develop Android.
"When those negotiations failed, Google engineers built Android on their own without any Sun technology whatsoever," Van Nest said.
Google could choose C++ over Java but because "Write once, run anywhere" (WORA), or sometimes write once, run everywhere (WORE), is a slogan created by Sun Microsystems to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java language."
According to Google because many people has used Java for their applications and C++ still limit in individual machine compiler. And Python is not good as C/C++/Java but this is an alternative way but Python is not well known language. The core and OS of Android are C/C++ and Java is used for applications. It looks like perfect match no other choice for Google. Now Google pissed off Apple and Oracle because Android but the guy gets all the benefit is Samsung. Samsung will beat Apple Iphone because it designed its own semiconductors specific for android market. Samsung products ares leading Iphone on technology and price on smart phone. I think Google or HP/Apple should buy Sun microsystems instead of Oracle - a database company took over Sun for 7.4 billions. It does not make any senses at all in the world we live today. Sun died because Linux it should transfer itself from Solaris to Linux or at least offer the customers the options to choose between UNIX and Linux. It is same thing with RIM and HP on the tablets instead of doing like Samsung they use their own OS sometimes it is not good to reinvent the wheel (Reinventing the square wheel is the practice of unnecessarily engineering artifacts that provide functionality already provided by existing standard artifacts (reinventing the wheel) and ending up with a worse result than the standard. HP could be very successful by now if they did not use WebOS in their tablets. HP could sell tablets for $99 dollars with Android open source and it can dominate the tablet market in 1 or 2 years. This was the reason that HP CEO Apotheker got fired and RIM is in the trouble with their shares falling down from 100 dollars to 13 dollars, this was a stupid mistake because Android is based on Linux open source. This is the way it is supposed to be and there will tons of development on the open source for free. Because this is a nature of engineering we like to invent new things at our free time, it keeps us going and going. At the end everything is good and free will win. Microsoft and Apple should watch out ! I met the guy in Paris he used the iPad and I used the Android tablet he said that if he knew the Android tablet that good he would buy the Android tablet instead of the IPad costing more and all the applications that he had to pay. He is the CEO of the company and he said his company would save a lot of money to go with Android tablets.
Ngay xua nguoi viet minh thuong noi giau cang giau them nhg toi thay bay gio ko fai la giau cang giau them ma giau voi kien thuc moi giau them. The ky 21 roi. Ma kien thuc ko tu nhien den ma mot su phan dau khong ngung. Giau ma co kien thuc la tot nhat va nguoi ta moi ne.

Iphone cho con nha giau. Minh la con nha ngheo nen minh chi dung Android. Vua di khap 4 chau voi Android phone rat hai long gia chi bang 1/3 gia cua Iphone va co tat ca apps can thiet cho chuyen di ke ca nghe mp3, choi dan guitar, google maps, mien phi ko fai tra them tien gi ca.
Google says it does not violate Oracle's patents and that Oracle cannot copyright certain parts of Java. The trial before U.S. District Judge William Alsup is expected to last at least eight weeks.
Google attorney Robert Van Nest acknowledged on Tuesday that Google executives had once negotiated for a potential partnership with Sun to develop Android.
"When those negotiations failed, Google engineers built Android on their own without any Sun technology whatsoever," Van Nest said.
Google could choose C++ over Java but because "Write once, run anywhere" (WORA), or sometimes write once, run everywhere (WORE), is a slogan created by Sun Microsystems to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java language."
According to Google because many people has used Java for their applications and C++ still limit in individual machine compiler. And Python is not good as C/C++/Java but this is an alternative way but Python is not well known language. The core and OS of Android are C/C++ and Java is used for applications. It looks like perfect match no other choice for Google. Now Google pissed off Apple and Oracle because Android but the guy gets all the benefit is Samsung. Samsung will beat Apple Iphone because it designed its own semiconductors specific for android market. Samsung products ares leading Iphone on technology and price on smart phone. I think Google or HP/Apple should buy Sun microsystems instead of Oracle - a database company took over Sun for 7.4 billions. It does not make any senses at all in the world we live today. Sun died because Linux it should transfer itself from Solaris to Linux or at least offer the customers the options to choose between UNIX and Linux. It is same thing with RIM and HP on the tablets instead of doing like Samsung they use their own OS sometimes it is not good to reinvent the wheel (Reinventing the square wheel is the practice of unnecessarily engineering artifacts that provide functionality already provided by existing standard artifacts (reinventing the wheel) and ending up with a worse result than the standard. HP could be very successful by now if they did not use WebOS in their tablets. HP could sell tablets for $99 dollars with Android open source and it can dominate the tablet market in 1 or 2 years. This was the reason that HP CEO Apotheker got fired and RIM is in the trouble with their shares falling down from 100 dollars to 13 dollars, this was a stupid mistake because Android is based on Linux open source. This is the way it is supposed to be and there will tons of development on the open source for free. Because this is a nature of engineering we like to invent new things at our free time, it keeps us going and going. At the end everything is good and free will win. Microsoft and Apple should watch out ! I met the guy in Paris he used the iPad and I used the Android tablet he said that if he knew the Android tablet that good he would buy the Android tablet instead of the IPad costing more and all the applications that he had to pay. He is the CEO of the company and he said his company would save a lot of money to go with Android tablets.
Ngay xua nguoi viet minh thuong noi giau cang giau them nhg toi thay bay gio ko fai la giau cang giau them ma giau voi kien thuc moi giau them. The ky 21 roi. Ma kien thuc ko tu nhien den ma mot su phan dau khong ngung. Giau ma co kien thuc la tot nhat va nguoi ta moi ne.
Iphone cho con nha giau. Minh la con nha ngheo nen minh chi dung Android. Vua di khap 4 chau voi Android phone rat hai long gia chi bang 1/3 gia cua Iphone va co tat ca apps can thiet cho chuyen di ke ca nghe mp3, choi dan guitar, google maps, mien phi ko fai tra them tien gi ca.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Cat, Groundhog and Kangaroo
I never know what will bring in the next morning when I have my coffee. The cat wanted to attack the groundhog but she hesitated because the size of the groundhog. So she just watched the beaver passed by...then one morning after she started to follow the groundhog again. They stayed apart but keeping the eyes on each other. These are the scenes of my morning coffee. Buoi sang toi thuong thay nhg hinh anh nay. Doc dao hon nhg quan cafe o VN co chim, soc, meo, beaver, marmot, groundhog co nhg con ko biet ten luon.

Kangaroos were hugging/playing/boxing or kissing in Melbourne zoo on March 9, 2012. I remembered that day because March 10 I flew back to Saigon and got to Tan Son Nhat airport around 9 pm that day. It was 9 hours flying time. I was so sad to say goodbye Melbourne but so happy when landed in Saigon - this is my second home. Quê hương nếu ai không nhớ, Sẽ không lớn nổi thành người! As always, Saigon was so hot I did not have any luggage except my hand bag I putted it in front of my Honda then drove home a very short distance from the airport 5-10 minutes.
Kangaroos were hugging/playing/boxing or kissing in Melbourne zoo on March 9, 2012. I remembered that day because March 10 I flew back to Saigon and got to Tan Son Nhat airport around 9 pm that day. It was 9 hours flying time. I was so sad to say goodbye Melbourne but so happy when landed in Saigon - this is my second home. Quê hương nếu ai không nhớ, Sẽ không lớn nổi thành người! As always, Saigon was so hot I did not have any luggage except my hand bag I putted it in front of my Honda then drove home a very short distance from the airport 5-10 minutes.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Life and love of the pigeons
Pigeons mate for life and rear their broods together, although if one dies the other will take a new mate. Once the simple nest is built, the female lays an egg and then another a day or so later. The incubation period for common pigeons is 17 to 19 days. The female sits on the egg from late afternoon through the night until about 10AM. The male then takes over and does the day shift. Once the eggs hatch, both parents feed the young squabs. The first food is pigeon milk or crop milk, a cheesy substance that appears in the crops of the parents at hatching time and is fed for a week or so. Then the adults start regurgitating partially digested grains for the young. By the time the squabs are ready to fly, about 4 weeks, the father is doing most of the feeding. The squabs are fed for another week to 10 days after they are free-flying.
I took these pictures on Jan 10, 2012 in the really cold winter day when I was waiting for Jimmy my taxi driver to the airport to catch the fly to Paris to begin my journey. Today, I took these pictures and them again on April 12, 2012. The life of pigeons is very much like the life of penguina. Cap tinh nhan than tha trong mua xuan mat me luot thuoc truoc chiec xe toi khi toi lai xe di lam sang nay. Moi biet rang chung song voi nhau den mot con chet di thi moi tim ban tinh khac.
I knew that this couple of pigeons will be living of the rest of their life. Toi biet rang cap chim bo cau nay luc nao cung di chung va toi chot nho den bai nhac "Tinh Khuc cho em" ma toi da choi gio toi co the dinh nghia duoc "hanh phuc tuyet voi la gi?" la song voi nhau ma moi ngay nhu mot deu la ky nghi he (live as we are in the vacation of the rest our life). Toi ko muon mot hanh phuc binh thuong ma toi muon mot hanh phuc ma toi goi la hanh phuc tuyet voi. Tha la song 1 nam voi hanh phuc tuyet voi con song het ca doi ma nghi hay cho hay giong hay tuong la hanh phuc. Muon vay ca 2 phai hop nhau va neu hop nhau thi that ra hanh phuc chi can 2 nguoi ma thoi. Vi vay chung ta co the song nhu moi ngay troi qua la nhg ngay vacation co ve qua dang nhg su that la vay co the lam viec cuc nhoc ma van thay hanh phuc tuyet voi.
Mot bai nhac moi co tinh chat "lieu trai" phe binh boi mot nguoi.
O quan Soi Da hay Khuc Chieu Buon toi cu ngo bai nhac nay cua TCS nhung la cua Ngo Thuy Mien.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Goodbye Saigon and "I am at home now".
Since I got home I slept like never sleep before. I am too tired my body ache and sore. I am at home but only cooking for myself and only one for a week. I don't like to cook everyday like in VN. A cabbage in the fridge after 3 months it is still good which is incredible so I make some soup with cabbage and bones in the freezer. I am very resourceful(Having the ability to find clever ways to overcome difficulties). I can cook anything that I can find in the kitchen and turn them to be wonderful dish.

Cung nhu chu Soc van doi do an moi buoi sang. Hom nay chu Soc ngac nhien khi thay mat minh sau bao ngay ko thay. Lan nay thi chu Soc ko can giay dien trong xe hoi nhu lan truoc nen xe chay de dang. O VN mac du muon noi co bep nhg van thay ko tien loi bang nha minh. Moi met rong choi nhg ngay o Phap, Thailand, Con Dao/Mui Ne va Uc. What is a trip? dung la di 1 ngay dan hoc mot sang khon. Va cung lam dc nhieu viec cung con nhieu viec can fai lam nhu dinh den tham truong may hoc sinh ma ko co thoi gio. Anh xin loi nhe nhung anh van nghi ve chung no xong co mot van de anh rat ngai hay kho xu khi gap nhg nguoi ko co nhiet tinh, minh da di tu rat xa de ve truong tham xong co nhg van de lam anh buon va ko dc tu nhien. Anh chi thay may dua tre vo tu va hon nhien uoc gi moi nguoi nhu vay....
Di ve quen het ca nhg password chu "msconfig" can ban cung quen luon thay man hinh 24" choang vang vi qua to da hon 2 thang dung cai laptop 10 inches nho xiu ti hon roi tro ve day minh cung de lai o VN cho mot nguoi ma toi nghi xung dang nhat. Vat chat va tien bac ko co quan trong bang tinh nguoi d/v toi. Cai gi dat vao noi nao do ma huu dung nhat nhu mot puzzle games chi co 1 dung vua cho mot manh nao do trong 1 hinh puzzle. Cung nhu lam tu thien fai biet dung dong tien vao mot noi dung nhat va truc tiep nhat. Toi ko bao gio cho tien cho chua hay doan the nao ma ko biet no di ve dau nhg se tiep tuc mua qua sach vo va dua truc tiep cho hoc sinh ngheo. Chi co luc do toi moi biet chac chan dong tien toi lam met nhoc di ve dau. Nguoi nao can su giup do minh giup nguoi nao ko can (deserve) thi ko giup.

Cung nhu chu Soc van doi do an moi buoi sang. Hom nay chu Soc ngac nhien khi thay mat minh sau bao ngay ko thay. Lan nay thi chu Soc ko can giay dien trong xe hoi nhu lan truoc nen xe chay de dang. O VN mac du muon noi co bep nhg van thay ko tien loi bang nha minh. Moi met rong choi nhg ngay o Phap, Thailand, Con Dao/Mui Ne va Uc. What is a trip? dung la di 1 ngay dan hoc mot sang khon. Va cung lam dc nhieu viec cung con nhieu viec can fai lam nhu dinh den tham truong may hoc sinh ma ko co thoi gio. Anh xin loi nhe nhung anh van nghi ve chung no xong co mot van de anh rat ngai hay kho xu khi gap nhg nguoi ko co nhiet tinh, minh da di tu rat xa de ve truong tham xong co nhg van de lam anh buon va ko dc tu nhien. Anh chi thay may dua tre vo tu va hon nhien uoc gi moi nguoi nhu vay....
Di ve quen het ca nhg password chu "msconfig" can ban cung quen luon thay man hinh 24" choang vang vi qua to da hon 2 thang dung cai laptop 10 inches nho xiu ti hon roi tro ve day minh cung de lai o VN cho mot nguoi ma toi nghi xung dang nhat. Vat chat va tien bac ko co quan trong bang tinh nguoi d/v toi. Cai gi dat vao noi nao do ma huu dung nhat nhu mot puzzle games chi co 1 dung vua cho mot manh nao do trong 1 hinh puzzle. Cung nhu lam tu thien fai biet dung dong tien vao mot noi dung nhat va truc tiep nhat. Toi ko bao gio cho tien cho chua hay doan the nao ma ko biet no di ve dau nhg se tiep tuc mua qua sach vo va dua truc tiep cho hoc sinh ngheo. Chi co luc do toi moi biet chac chan dong tien toi lam met nhoc di ve dau. Nguoi nao can su giup do minh giup nguoi nao ko can (deserve) thi ko giup.
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