Google says it does not violate Oracle's patents and that Oracle cannot copyright certain parts of Java. The trial before U.S. District Judge William Alsup is expected to last at least eight weeks.
Google attorney Robert Van Nest acknowledged on Tuesday that Google executives had once negotiated for a potential partnership with Sun to develop Android.
"When those negotiations failed, Google engineers built Android on their own without any Sun technology whatsoever," Van Nest said.
Google could choose C++ over Java but because "Write once, run anywhere" (WORA), or sometimes write once, run everywhere (WORE), is a slogan created by Sun Microsystems to illustrate the cross-platform benefits of the Java language."
According to Google because many people has used Java for their applications and C++ still limit in individual machine compiler. And Python is not good as C/C++/Java but this is an alternative way but Python is not well known language. The core and OS of Android are C/C++ and Java is used for applications. It looks like perfect match no other choice for Google. Now Google pissed off Apple and Oracle because Android but the guy gets all the benefit is Samsung. Samsung will beat Apple Iphone because it designed its own semiconductors specific for android market. Samsung products ares leading Iphone on technology and price on smart phone. I think Google or HP/Apple should buy Sun microsystems instead of Oracle - a database company took over Sun for 7.4 billions. It does not make any senses at all in the world we live today. Sun died because Linux it should transfer itself from Solaris to Linux or at least offer the customers the options to choose between UNIX and Linux. It is same thing with RIM and HP on the tablets instead of doing like Samsung they use their own OS sometimes it is not good to reinvent the wheel (Reinventing the square wheel is the practice of unnecessarily engineering artifacts that provide functionality already provided by existing standard artifacts (reinventing the wheel) and ending up with a worse result than the standard. HP could be very successful by now if they did not use WebOS in their tablets. HP could sell tablets for $99 dollars with Android open source and it can dominate the tablet market in 1 or 2 years. This was the reason that HP CEO Apotheker got fired and RIM is in the trouble with their shares falling down from 100 dollars to 13 dollars, this was a stupid mistake because Android is based on Linux open source. This is the way it is supposed to be and there will tons of development on the open source for free. Because this is a nature of engineering we like to invent new things at our free time, it keeps us going and going. At the end everything is good and free will win. Microsoft and Apple should watch out ! I met the guy in Paris he used the iPad and I used the Android tablet he said that if he knew the Android tablet that good he would buy the Android tablet instead of the IPad costing more and all the applications that he had to pay. He is the CEO of the company and he said his company would save a lot of money to go with Android tablets.
Ngay xua nguoi viet minh thuong noi giau cang giau them nhg toi thay bay gio ko fai la giau cang giau them ma giau voi kien thuc moi giau them. The ky 21 roi. Ma kien thuc ko tu nhien den ma mot su phan dau khong ngung. Giau ma co kien thuc la tot nhat va nguoi ta moi ne.
Iphone cho con nha giau. Minh la con nha ngheo nen minh chi dung Android. Vua di khap 4 chau voi Android phone rat hai long gia chi bang 1/3 gia cua Iphone va co tat ca apps can thiet cho chuyen di ke ca nghe mp3, choi dan guitar, google maps, mien phi ko fai tra them tien gi ca.