Pigeons mate for life and rear their broods together, although if one dies the other will take a new mate. Once the simple nest is built, the female lays an egg and then another a day or so later. The incubation period for common pigeons is 17 to 19 days. The female sits on the egg from late afternoon through the night until about 10AM. The male then takes over and does the day shift. Once the eggs hatch, both parents feed the young squabs. The first food is pigeon milk or crop milk, a cheesy substance that appears in the crops of the parents at hatching time and is fed for a week or so. Then the adults start regurgitating partially digested grains for the young. By the time the squabs are ready to fly, about 4 weeks, the father is doing most of the feeding. The squabs are fed for another week to 10 days after they are free-flying.
I took these pictures on Jan 10, 2012 in the really cold winter day when I was waiting for Jimmy my taxi driver to the airport to catch the fly to Paris to begin my journey. Today, I took these pictures and them again on April 12, 2012. The life of pigeons is very much like the life of penguina. Cap tinh nhan than tha trong mua xuan mat me luot thuoc truoc chiec xe toi khi toi lai xe di lam sang nay. Moi biet rang chung song voi nhau den mot con chet di thi moi tim ban tinh khac.
I knew that this couple of pigeons will be living of the rest of their life. Toi biet rang cap chim bo cau nay luc nao cung di chung va toi chot nho den bai nhac "Tinh Khuc cho em" ma toi da choi gio toi co the dinh nghia duoc "hanh phuc tuyet voi la gi?" la song voi nhau ma moi ngay nhu mot deu la ky nghi he (live as we are in the vacation of the rest our life). Toi ko muon mot hanh phuc binh thuong ma toi muon mot hanh phuc ma toi goi la hanh phuc tuyet voi. Tha la song 1 nam voi hanh phuc tuyet voi con song het ca doi ma nghi hay cho hay giong hay tuong la hanh phuc. Muon vay ca 2 phai hop nhau va neu hop nhau thi that ra hanh phuc chi can 2 nguoi ma thoi. Vi vay chung ta co the song nhu moi ngay troi qua la nhg ngay vacation co ve qua dang nhg su that la vay co the lam viec cuc nhoc ma van thay hanh phuc tuyet voi.
Mot bai nhac moi co tinh chat "lieu trai" phe binh boi mot nguoi.
O quan Soi Da hay Khuc Chieu Buon toi cu ngo bai nhac nay cua TCS nhung la cua Ngo Thuy Mien.