Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in 2012 & my life

Last night I was dreaming and saw the city submerged in the water when I woke up I remembered so vivid in details and draw a quick sketch about what I saw in my dream. I remembered that I attended a wedding with my motorcycle. I remembered the streets looked like in Boston and some of them like Cau Cong Ly in Saigon. But one thing is very strange that my motorcycle is like in James Bond movie if I hit the button in my right hand, it opens the wing and I can fly over the ocean. On the streets I saw people lost their helmets in the water. I hope that 2012 nothing will happen like in my dream. For a long time I never think about this movie and motorcycle people says if you think often then those things appear in your dream but I don't. Only Angel can fly right? Do you believe angels among us? even they don't know until they can fly...one thing I know that there is so much turmoil and uncertainty in the world today!

The website http://www.truong1-6.com was born yesterday, I bought the domain for "truong co giao" called truong1-6. I finished the website now only training teachers how to maintain the website. A process to have a website is a big complicated and I intended to learn and do everything by one person. One person is easy control and can do quickly then 2, 3 persons. It is usually needed 2, 3 persons. I often said to myself when the person means and selfish that you are not worth even for me just to think because I have a lot of interesting things to do and goals to archive. A person means/selfish I stay away from them it is just make me uncomfortable to see that they don't care about anyone except themselves.
Anyway about the website, First you choose domain name (ten mien cho hop ly va co the mua dc vi co nhieu do main dep da bi mua roi). After that, you need to set IP address in domain name server which called DNS to the IP of hosting. So when people types www.truong1-6.com it goes to DNS and does a name look up and figure out which IP address to go. In the hosting server I have to create account for truong1-6.com and make a directory for them and add the code and software for this domain into that directory. So when people types www.truong1-6.com it goes to Domain Name Server then go to Hosting Server, when it reaches hosting server it finds the directory that I just setup for them and pull our image code and others software to display the website. I rent an Apache server the reason that I rent instead of hosting at home because they maintain and guaranteed 24/7/365 that the server is up to 95%. At home sometimes I go away or busy no one will fix the server but I do have the Apache local server at home to test the code before upload into the renting server. I usually code and test every possible mistakes/problem/bug before uploading and running in the real server and it has been good this way.
The website includes front and back end. Front end is what you see and back end is using to interact with the users. Toi se chi co giao ve back end de co giao tu quan ly va nhap co so du lieu.
First design of the website you need to design a layout to suit your need in photoshop then cut it into many pieces and each pieces you can embed the software into it like click, mouse over, form, database and so on. It is usually needed 2 people: graphic design and a programmer. I like to do all the website by myself from layout to coding because it is the best to express your idea and 2 people it needs to be understand and has same idea otherwise it won't work. I had these experiences when opened the company before. It is the same thing like you saw Picassso, Leonard de Vinci, one person expresses his feeling his thought in the canvas. It is impossible to do one oil painting with many persons. Therefore the best website is the one person project, the difficult here is that person needs to know how to write the code as well as lay out the picture. This is one of example http://www.truong1-6.com the layout takes long because everything has to be putting into the consideration/perspective. The right site, left site and top/bottom. So the layout has to be suited with what you want to do specially when you have the dynamic display/page on the website it takes from the database to display into the website a little bit tricky this is why they keep me busy all the time. A lot of sacrifice this is why I did not marry yet because I love what I do but at the end the potential for my future is great opportunity because it gives you the freedom to work anywhere, if you are patient with me. I can live anywhere in the earth and do the things I like. It is completely different when I worked before in telecommunication you need to go to the company using the lab to test your software. 10 years ago I did not know anything about web applications because telecom and web are so much different. I still work for both right now but when I am getting older I probably work on the website because it is like art, you do the job you love and get pay for it. Website you can finish in 1, 2 weeks the telecom projects have a long duration because it is tied to the hardware. Applications that I did as you can see it is only related to DNS and Hosting service. All you need to have the server on the internet. I have a friend living in Virginia he is retired now but he does not know what to do he and his wife get bored so they only know to spend their time is traveling around the world, yesterday he emailed me that he felt excitement at first but now he does want travel anymore...he asked me what should he do? I told him find something that you love to do and do it.
In the few years I plan to open a company again or work from home to spend more time with my family, play more music/tennis and compose music. It is a means to an end. I just want to work part time but I cannot do nothing just traveling it is not my type anyway because I am very active "sit stand till like sit on the fire". When you finished university you found the job to earn at much money and studied more about protocols and its software because of that you have no problem to write code for website. Because understand of protocol stacks from telecom it is easy to make a transit to web application it is awesome to see how data flows from these layers of the protocols - from application(http) is segmented into to packets in physical layer when I monitor the packets flow in front of my eyes and it fascinates me because you know exact how much time is needed to send a diagram to the far end, the world is evolved in the picture below. So working in telecommunication helps to understand more in details how the website works and sometimes to know more in order to appreciate the things we have. 20 years ago we could not do this we used telegram then modem, if we wanted a fast response time and modem is only 300 baud (300 bit/s) this was the time when I just finished study. Now we have the speed up to 6 MB (50331648 bit/s) from home or 1GB-192GB at work.

It is a privilege and appreciated more what you know what you study at the end you understand completely the picture what the world is about internet and the web applications will be stayed with us until we die. The world becomes global and people communicates virtual because the technology allowing us. I has spent most of life to understand this protocol stacks and also proud to contribute with one patent - I have one invention/patent, this patent carries my name until I die. I don't think that I am smart but I archive things by working/learning hard every single day of my life. This is why I'm always busy and have things to do. I can stay in an isolate island to work the things that I love, someone told me that I work like a scientist but I don't think so it is becoming a habit to solve the problem in logistic way. Sometimes I stay very late at work I come to work late but I also stay late when no people is around, if someone passed by and saw me staying late they called me a scientist working late. I hate that because you are free to do the things you like. It is bothered me with this remark sometimes they are just jealousy because you know very well what need to be done in your life. Life is about organizing things in your mind. Sometimes you can forget what you have done past week if that days no special things like your car wouldn't start, spilled coffee in your shirt. It is fascinate to see how your brain can remember a complex things but often forget the easy things if there is nothing tied to the events. Everything about the habit to exercise our brain and it can do an imagine things but you need to practice your brain like exercise every day. I associate words with things/objects to remember things it has proven working well for me. For example the word "smother with "mother" with an S in front of it or Kofi Atta Annan(Secretary-General of the United Nations) with word "coffee" and I never forget, this is how if I want to remember. OOP is object oriented programming becomes powerful in coding because it is based on Objects. You have associated/embedded into your brain so it can recall, the process is called organization your thought in your brain. It is similar that you put files in the directories in your PC. Many concepts of computers/networks like IP address/DNS are come from our daily activity. Your house has an address computer also needs IP address so it can send email, browse the web. The same conceptual. I only came to know when I crossed the article with the title Autobiographical Memory" those people has a remark memory to remember things. I don't have it so I exercise the brain with things associated with the events or objects this is why I have a domain called objectlayer including object and layer the 2 main components for everything we do everyday.
If you have a life make the best of it.
If you have to live then live a good life.
If you have to study then study hard what you love.
If you have to work then work on the things you like.
If you have to spend 8 hours at work and each day is an experience.
If you have to think then think big.
Then it is like you play but get pay and most of all you look forward to tomorrow.
Neu be nao cung fai lam thi nen lam dieu/cai gi do tot nhat ma ta chua tung lam !

Saturday, December 18, 2010

13 Going on 30

She is one of 3 Jennifer that I like to watch.

Jenna/Jennifer: If you have to do all over again, what you like to change
Jenna/Jennifer: If you have to do one thing again what would it be
I wouldn't change a thing
Jenna: You don't make mistake
In my life I made a lot of mistakes and because of that I know how to do the right thing

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cô giáo (continue...)

Nhu da hua voi co giao toi da upload trang web cua truong truoc giang sinh, hien gio no nam tam thoi o domain cua toi, co giao co the click vao http://www.far-learning.com Co giao se chon ten mien roi toi mua domain cho truong. Hien gio web cua truong dang dau/park o ten domain cua toi. The website is currently parking on my domain. Toi co co 21 domains do la nhg projects toi se lam trong tuong lai. Far-learning la domain ma toi se viet cho nhg nguoi can biet ve nhg van de ghi danh hoc tap o day. Co giao can viet trang chinh, trang thong tin va trang thanh qua dat duoc. Toi co lam vai vi du o thong tin va thanh qua dat duoc de co giao xem.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hai vo chong gia lam osin

Khong biet viet tieng viet hay tieng anh vi co nguoi ko doc dc tieng viet. Toi biet dc vi thuong ho hay viet ve nhg chu de cua blog. Neu viet tieng viet thi ko thay ho phe binh la biet ho ko hieu dc tieng viet. Tuy theo bai tuy hung. Anyway here is the story.
Cung lau lam toi chua goi dich vu osin luc truoc o cho cu thing thoang co nguoi den don dep nha cua lan nay nha cua hoi do toi thich nau nuong nhg rat ghet lau chui. I love to cook but I hate to clean. Toi chi lau chui bep va chen bac con phong tam, nha bep it bao gio lau chui. Cho dich vu gioi thieu 4 nguoi ma toi phong van toi ko thich ai ca cuoi cung toi nho nguoi nguoi ban gioi thieu, day 2 vo chong nguoi gia hon 65 tuoi toi thich nguoi lon tuoi giup viec (lan truoc toi cung co cap vo chong gia den giup viec) luc phong van thi ho noi co 20 nam kinh nghiem.
Hom nay con trai cho 2 vo chong den va toi tuong anh ta se di ve sau khi toi chi dung nhg thu toi da mua cho ho de lau chiu lo bep, san nha, nha tam nhu VIM/Easy-Off/CCR/Wisk, Carbona, Tilex. Ho noi toi chu dao va dang hoang. Sau do thi de ho lam viec toi vao phong hoc ton trong ho lam viec noi can gi thi vo phong goi toi. Vai tieng sau toi ra nha bep thay cau con trai ko ve ma o lai do lam co le vi ho la nguoi A Dong. 3 nguoi lau chui thay ho hanh phut, khoang hon 3 tieng thi tat ca xong xui ho goi toi den xem, toi chi ho lau chui vai noi ho chua lam gan bep va tran nha cua nha tam.
Sau khi tra tien cho ho roi li xi ho da lam (toi chi noi vay chu o day ko co ly xi cho tet Tay), lam cuoi tuan o day ho chi lay tien mat de khong fai khai thue, toi nghi trong bung neu ho lam tot minh se ly xi nhieu va lam ko tot thi ly xi it hoac ko cho, cho nen toi tra ho tien mat moi. Ho vui va cuoi dau cam on.
Sau khi ho ra ve vai tieng sau toi don dep do dat lai cho cu ho muon dem do di het de trong trai cho ho don dep. Thi toi phat hien la cai lo nuong(oven) ho chua lau chui ma toi nho co noi ro rang cho ho, it nhat 2 lan va toi noi cai nao toi mo ra thi can lau chui cung nhu cupboard cua chen bac...ko biet sao ho ko lau chui cai lo nuong. Khi san nha kho thi chua duoc sach lam vi hinh nhu ho khong lau lai nhieu lan bang nuoc sau khi dung thuoc tay no nong lai mot lop bui trang ben tren. Toi nghi ho khong lau lai bang nc sach nhieu lan. Nha tam sach toi rat vua long cung lau lam roi toi ko tam trong bon tam nhu truoc. Vi vay toi cho ho 8.5 diem hay 85% sach thoi.
Co nhung thu toi rat ghet tren doi nay re tien(cheap), ich ky (selfish), tin toan/kep kiet qua(calculate), ko thanh that (dishonest), do ban(dirty). ngu ngoc(stupid), khoe khoang(show up), ko ton trong ng khac(disrespect), thich ngan nap (tidy), ghet be boi(messy) lam viec co phuong phap(methodology) va rat thich su yen tinh(transquil) toi muon nguoi giup viec minh can mot so tinh tinh do va co le vi vay toi ko thich hop o Saigon.
Toi viet blog de nhac nho cho ban than toi can song tot, toi co gang song tot va ko tiep xuc voi nhg nguoi nhu vay met lam trong cuoc doi co bao nhieu thu can phai lam can fai hoc toi khong muon them phien phuc.
Do la cuoc doi song doc than, toi cung co the lau chui dc nhu ho nhg toi ko du kien nhan cho lau chui nhg rat kien nhan trong nghe chuyen mon cua minh va lam viec rat nhieu gio cham chi /hard working. Moi nguoi co 1 cai nghe chuyen mon rieng cua minh.
Co le nhg nguoi toi biet cung nhan ra nhg tinh tinh cua toi ko it nhieu, nhung khi phong van nguoi giup viec toi muon ho se lam cho minh nhieu lan sau nua vi toi la nguoi ko thich thay doi, thuong quan ao toi mua rat dat tien nhung co khi mac hon 10 nam va toi ko co di mua sam quan ao moi nam nhu ng ta, den bgio la hon 3 nam toi ko he mua sap quan ao hay do lot gi moi ca va co 1 dieu khi toi mua thi mua rat nhieu mot lan vi toi nghi vat chat ko lam ta hanh phuc ma hanh phuc hay quan trong trong cuoc doi la minh da lam gi va dang lam gi? cai hanh phuc la o cho do...co nguoi noi nhin toi kho nhung toi ko nghi la vay ma toi nghi perfection/personification toi nghi la cuoc song hop ly nhat. Ng kho tinh la nguoi lam theo thoi quen mang tinh chat doc doan/ganh ty, nguoi perfection la nguoi lam theo y tuong de co mot ket qua hoan hao ma ho co the minh chung dc. Toi nghi neu lam dc 95% tai sao khg lam 100% cho hoan hao hon chinh su hoan hoa se dua den ket qua tuyet doi hon. Do la cach song cua moi nguoi toi ko co thoi gio di mua sam thuong va toi cho no mat thoi gio vo ly vay ma o VN toi biet co nguoi...di lam toc mat 8 tieng dong ho toi so lay vo nhu vay lam....toi ko du kien nhan de cho doi lam toc hay cat toc lau nhu vay luc truoc toi thuong tu cat toc minh toi chi ra tiem cat toc chung 10 nam nay thoi truoc do toi tu cat toc minh o nha cung hiem nguoi lam dc. Ly do toi ra tiem vi cat toc o nha don dep met lam ma chi cat toc cho minh thoi. Toi cat toc cung dc lam luc di hoc, toi cat toc cho ban be nhieu ke ca phu nu nua va mieng phi nen toi biet cat dc va toi chi biet dung keo de cat va tia. Luc dau toi cat toc rat cham vi so hu toc ve sau quen cat cho ban than minh dc. Minh tu cat thi hoi kho hon vi fai de 2 guong phia truoc va phia sau...do la cau chuyen cuoi tuan cua toi. Neu ban dem toi thuc day nua dem ko ngu dc thi toi tim cai gi de lam ko thich lam viec ma viet ve nhg y tuong cua minh. Luc nay toi nam mo thay chuyen cung rat la ma toi nho rat chinh xac.
La nhu vay trong giac mo toi di doi chiec xe cu minh de mua chiec xe moi goi la trade-in ma sao la qua ho khong dua chiec xe 4 banh ma ho dua chiec 2 banh Kawasaki Ninja ma co lan toi da viet o blog. Ma ho lai dua chiec se cu hinh nhu trg mo la 19 ngan cay so thi fai ma ky la qua no rat do ban fai doi ho rua xe...roi ra duong chay chiec Ninja chay rat nhanh chay theo chiec xe gang may phia truoc ma ho cu di bang qua cay co lam minh chay phia sau cung bi nhu vay roi den duong re thi 2 chiec re khac phia. Toi it khi nao nho ro rang ve giac mo cua minh mot lan nua toi da viet o blog la bi khung long ruot chay tren tuyet.
(toi viet entry vi giac minh/thuc giac va khong ngu lai dc toi da uong mot ly nho vodka va 1 cup tra xanh(green tea) va sau khi viet se tro lai ngu dc. Va vi toi danh may trong bong dem toi de di tim cau tra loi vi co nhieu nguoi viet cho toi hoi anh can gi o ng phu nu hay hoi toi ve nguoi yeu cua ho vi ho noi rang nam sau se lam dam cuoi ma ho van con bang khoang do du va phan van. Em doc nhe do la nhg tinh can nhat cua mot nguoi dan ong/dan ba hay it nhat can 1 so duc tinh de co the song dc voi nhau hanh phuc theo anh nghi em chua yeu nguoi do nen em fai hoi anh ve nguoi do neu em yeu ng do that su thi em se dau kinh cho em va anh se ko bao gio biet ng em lay la ai, con phan van thi em can suy nghi lai nhe. Phu nu ko nen quen nhieu nguoi qua dan ong ho so va hay de tat ca xay ra tu nhien neu ko chong thi o mot minh cung dau co sao ma so mac ke cho du luan, minh fai song cho minh vi do la ban than minh va minh fai chiu trach nhiem va hau qua cua no)
Sang nay nghe tieng go coc nhin ra thay con chim woodpecker, anh quat sat thi no lam be vo cay de bat nhg con mot(termite) ben trong an. Nhung con qua (crow) an nhg bong kho. Woodpecker breaks the bark tree looking for termite. Crows eat dry flower seeds.
Buoi sang nhin nhg con chim nay cung hay lam khi uong cafe Trung Nguyen o nha dau can ra quan cafe. O dau quen do, chi ve VN toi moi ra quan cafe. Lau lam moi thay con woodpecker. Co le di lac vao mua Dong nhu troi lap dong chua em cho lu doi di tim giac ngu vui, de mac anh lang thang, om gia bang ngo tham nguoi yeu toi.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dream place - Fiji Islands.

Hopefully one day I retire and buy a small land in Fiji Coral Coast and design my own house here. VN is too hot too crowded for me, the real estate is very expensive and foreigners are not allowed to buy or own the land in VN. I lived in VN for one year and there is no way that I retire in VN. Chiang Mai, North of Thailand is an interesting place too but no ocean view, I will check on my next trip when I am back to Nam again. Only 1 day drive from Saigon and less than 1 hour fly.

Gatherex - What do you think about China Blocks CNN, BBC Ahead of Nobel Ceremony

Gatherex - What do you think about China Blocks CNN, BBC Ahead of Nobel Ceremony

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cô giáo

Website ma nha truong nho anh lam thi gan xong het roi. Co blog de co giao co the viet cho phu huynh va phan hoat dong nha truong ma co giao hay ban chap hanh/hieu truong co the viet ve hoat dong cua truong. Day la trang web dong (dynamic website) co giao va nha truong tu viet thong tin/hinh anh/video... roi upload va anh se chi cach quang ly trang web. Tat ca thong tin deu luu giu o database o server cua anh ben My. Neu co giao co doc blog thi day la layout cua trang web nha truong. Co giao xem co duoc ko? Sorry for taking so long because I am so busy but I don't forget. Trang web nay dua vao CMS co front va back end bang tieng Viet thuan tien cho nha truong cap nhat tieng Viet. Co giao hay nha truong chon ten mien DNS roi anh mua domain cho. Anh da hua lam mien phi het cho nha truong chi co dieu lau vi anh ban biu cong viec o hang roi toi ve lam nua. Phan nua layout nay la, anh dung nhieu layers/lop voi opacity nhieu nen hoi lau.
Anh se upload len truoc Giang Sinh co giao va nha truong chuan bi viet len trang web anh chi de vai hang thi du thoi.

Anh co doc het thu cua hoc tro ma dua nao cung muon nhieu thu qua ma ong But chua co tien nhieu ko biet co thoa man het ma sao thu nao cung giong nhau het hinh nhu tui no copy thu lan nhau chi co vai dua viet that dac biet ve hoang canh cua chung no. Anh dinh mua computer cho truong de may dua thay thich thu hoc. Bgio lam website roi anh se gioi thieu den nha hao tam hi vong ho se lien lac qua trang web nay de dang biet dau Bill Gate se giup. Co giao nha truong viet trang tieng Viet anh se dich qua tieng Anh. Lan dau thi anh release tieng Viet nhg sau do la 2 ngon ngu Viet va Anh. Bgio co giao co the viet trang gioi thieu di dua vao layout do. Viet dung word roi goi cho anh. Khi upload len server anh se dua co giao administrator password de nha truong va co giao tu quang ly trang web. Thu tu o trang lien he cung forward den co giao va nha truong. Vi anh ko co thoi gio. Once at a time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao-tzu.

Gatherex - How Much is Facebook Worth?

Gatherex - How Much is Facebook Worth?

It is cool one click to link from social network to blog. I personally don't use facebook and often received junk mail or invite people that I don't know. It's just a hype.
There is no hardware design or any contribution for human being. I am using Google for search, google map and to store my bookmarks. I am using yahoo for email. I open account in facebook only to test my widgets. That's all. Betty White said on Saturday night life that before she did not know what facebook was and now she knew what is facebook. She said that she must be admit that it is a waste of time. I am agree therefore I never use facebook which for people who have a lot of free time. It could be that we are conservative we only use what is useful for our daily life because there are so many useful thing to learn more than facebook. Another day I found out that facebook records what you are doing I just finished download the specs. 802.11 that in my active's facebook showed that I downloaded the ebook called 802.11. Facebook has a lot of time to record of user's activities just like their users.
I was surprised to check on financing of Nokia its market capital is only 36 billions but on 60 minutes people thinks that facebook is worth from 30-60 billions, it is non sense.
To me facebook should worth less than firefox or IE which I use everyday because it is necessary to search the web or pay the bills to Visa or Mastercard from my bank. I can design facebook no problem because it is based on LAMP if give me enough time but I could never design software and hardware as Nokia did. That is the fact. We don't need facebook in our life. To me facebook is not serious work and no intend except for fun social network how could it is worth that much. In the meantime Nokia, Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Juniper by the way Juniper should worth more and more than facebook but its maket capital is only 18 billions, does not make any sense. They are the pioneered and responsible companies to make sure the internet working everyday 24/7/365 days. What facebook offers to us: nothing. So now you can vote or comments to see if I am wrong or right at
Gatherex - How Much is Facebook Worth?

In my blog I disabled comments because I want to see the ideas flow seemingly. I write the blog mainly for myself like diary. Therefore, i don't want to see people's comments. This is my answer to people writes to me that they cannot make comment/remark in my blog. I don't people write into my diary it is for myself. This is design intend.

Gatherex - Is it justified to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientist

Gatherex - Is it justified to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientist
It is cool one click to link from social network to blog.