Saturday, June 30, 2012

Computer is not much different from human

Because human designed the computer and since we design it we have no experience in computer except our life in this earth. For example the IP address is getting from our home address. To route is the same meaning in life when we route a packet in the network. So think it is simple. Everything we invent just to serve the people.
Computer like this.
"Everything begins with object: object has properties (data fields) and behavior (functions/methods to set/get)".
People/Animal have properties and behaviors, they are the characteristics to serve get and set. You set your goal to get the money. You study to get the money. Behavior is surrounding the action of set/get. We deposit money into the bank and later get it, we write a byte into the computer and later we read the byte, we write a bit then we read back the bit. You cannot write a number 8 then read back is number 0 to prevent it we do create many rules for computer and human to interact to each other. Because there are so many rules we always make a mistake. That is a dilemma. These are the rules that both computer and human are understanding. Remember one thing all the computers only know a 0 (zero) and a 1 (one). That's all. Sometimes we create the rules to serve our purpose in life and not for the good of mankind that is action of set and get. Generally most scientists have a common purpose to make our life easy and better. But the investors are the problem. This is the reason we have so many computer languages like today. Maybe we are too conceived that is also the characteristic by the nature of human beings. Either you get one hammer to build the house or a thousand of hammer and keep busy to read its instruction from each other and the end nothing gets done and we are drifting apart from the socially and never get our mind to do its thinking to enjoy life because they said if you don't manage the technology then it will manage you. That is bold statement. As you can see we should abstract it and think it simple. Abstract concept is knowing as not completely. We should abstract everything except the things that we do best. The degree of abstraction depending how much interested we want to know with this in mind we can assure that we will be ok for a long time and enjoy our life.

Friday, June 22, 2012

10 Countries Where Retirees Live Large

I like Thailand, Mexico, Honduras and Malaysia. Because they are closed either Vietnam or US.

Friday, June 15, 2012

This is the best to walk across the border from US to Canada

Nik Wallenda tightrope walks 500 meters across Niagara Falls.
In case you are wondering, he did bring his passport to get into the country and he showed it to customs officials. He said he was not bringing anything over and the purpose of his trip was to "Inspire people around the world."
The last time someone tightrope walked across the Falls was in 1896, but others who have crossed the Falls walked across a tamer part of the river. Wallenda is the first to walk directly over the Falls about 60 metres up.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

An Evening Bike Ride


Voici donc les longs jours, lumière, amour, délire !
Voici le printemps ! mars, avril au doux sourire,
Mai fleuri, juin brûlant, tous les beaux mois amis !
Les peupliers, au bord des fleuves endormis,
Se courbent mollement comme de grandes palmes ;
L'oiseau palpite au fond des bois tièdes et calmes ;
Il semble que tout rit, et que les arbres verts
Sont joyeux d'être ensemble et se disent des vers.
Le jour naît couronné d'une aube fraîche et tendre ;
Le soir est plein d'amour ; la nuit, on croit entendre,
A travers l'ombre immense et sous le ciel béni,
Quelque chose d'heureux chanter dans l'infini.
Victor HUGO (1802-1885) 
When I was in Paris in January, I walked from Champs ELysees to the Eiffel tower with my friend we passed Victor Hugo Avenue. When I was young, I studied poetry from Victor Hugo and Jean de la Fontaine.
Mot cach buon cuoi khi nho cha me bat hoc truong Phap hoc van chuong Phap ma ko hoc van hoc Viet mai khi qua Tu Tai va vao dai hoc toi moi bat dau tu hoc ve van chuong va nhac viet nhg co le vay toi co cai nhin cua nguoi tay phuong hon doong phuong.