Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Leonard de Vinci

Leonard de Vinci - a famous painter and a great military engineer and an architect, he designed a tank 400 years before the World war 2 started. Art and science is very closed depending how you look at it. Painting is a source of knowledge and geometry.

To conceive an idea is noble to execute the work is savor - Leonard de Vinci


Tôi nghỉ rằng ít có ai vừa nghiên cưu vừa yêu âm nhạc 2 hoàn cảnh trái ngược , nhưng anh đã thành công , tôi thưởng thưc giọng ca của Anh. Co Leonard de Vinci. Khi Leonard ve cho thay, a master thay Leonard la mot hoa si noi tieng thoi do noi co le toi rat yen tam hai long de gat co ve va ko ve nua. Ve cua Leonard rat that chi tiet vi vay La Joconde hay Mona Lisa noi tieng hien trung bay o vien bao tan Louvre o Phap ma toi da co lan den do (The master said, I can put my brush away now because you - Leonard).
The best thing in this world is the perfection. A perfection theo toi nghi co nghia la nhin bat cu khia canh nao no cung dep ko co khuyet diem, rat tuyet voi. Cai gi hoang hao minh se nhin hoai ko chan. Steve Jobs designed I-phone la mot vi du gan 5 nam de ong ay suy nghi ve no. Picaso ve la mot bieu tuong cua abstract rat nguoc voi Leonard.  Tuy vao nang khieu nguoi ko co khieu thi se can lau hon de lam no hoang hao du gi ho biet the nao la mot su hoang hao. Nhieu lan Leonard da bo lo project vi no ko dien ta dc nhg gi ong ay da nghi. Architecture design lam layout cho blog hay website cung vay can mot mot su dam me co dau my thuat va nhat la su hoang hao. Mot website hoang hao nhat la nguoi ve va lap trinh deu tu 1 nguoi. Vi hoang hao rat truu tuong kho dien ta cho nguoi khac lam dc chi co chinh minh moi lam dc ma thoi co the do la mot nang khieu. Vua that don gian vua hoang hao can nhieu thoi gian va no luc. Simple solutions for complex problems. Dieu gi ma minh lam rat qua phuc tap that ra rat don gian, chan ly cua phuc tap la don gian tat ca nen dc nhin hay bat dau bang su don gian nhat. Do la nguyen tat khi viet phan mem co gia tri khi ma viet qua phuc tap co le minh da di sai roi nen lam lai tu dau. Viet phan mem ma ko ai hieu de bao quang no la xem nhu no ko co gia tri gi ca..Tat ca deu co qui luat ro rang lam theo dinh luat thi no se don gian hoa rat nhieu. Do la ly do can fai hoc nhg dinh luat do. Nghe thuat biet phan giai phuc tap thanh don gian theo dinh luat. Cung co nhng phat minh moi nhu Einstein nghi ra 100 nam sau ng ta moi hieu do la genius nhu e=mc2 ket qua cua bom nguyen tu hay vu tru khong gian. Tan pha va tao lap. Destruction and also creation because energy can create/convert into a mass. This is how the earth is created billion years ago. The Big Bang Theory, after this collision the earth was created.