Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year 2010: Love & Peace.

These children faces that I imagine when I play this song. A little girl I met in front of Chua Xa Loi has stayed with me for many years. Now she has grown up and I'm always wondering how her life will be. I met her, at first she was a bit shy after a while I was able to have a conversation with her. I saw she cried so I sat down with her talking to her to wait for her mother to return. I felt hopeless in these innocent eyes. This song dedicated for those innocent eyes. There was a funny story when I posted these pictures on the website, I got an email from American girl asked me that if the boy in the picture was my son. I had a hard time to explain to her about the peddler's boy who sells peanuts to earn a living at the shore.
There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.
Mother Teresa

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

A decade to remember. A decade of broken dream and hope.

It is only a few days we will go into a new decade, Time magazine called the last decade was from hell. The first 10 years of this century will very likely go down as the most dispiriting and disillusioning decade. Today I went for the hair cut and talked to my favorite hair cutter Bob to have his opinion about time magazine about 10 years of hell. He said it is not in hell but very closed with Sept 11. We both agree on that 1980-2000 and the best was 1990-2000 where I came to work in the US under Clinton. So the story is not only how I feel but generally to everyone. I thought Y2K will be terrible but it went without a problem. Here all some pictures I kept since 2000.

As I recall from my perspective, it is the worst years of 2000's we have seen Sep 11, 2 wars: Iraq and Afghanistan. 2 recessions 2002 and 2008(a financial almost wipe out), Asian tsunami of 2004 killed more than 200,000 people...and more. A decade of broken dream or a lost decade, on some degree that I agree. Lost love and found love for me it was bad for me as well. It is common sense when the world we live is not good we will be effected.
To me, the most uncertainly and worrisome the conflict of ideology between the West's ongoing struggle against radical Islam and our recent near-death economic experience by Sep 11 — trends that have largely skirted much of the developing world — it's no wonder we feel as if we've been through a 10-year gauntlet. This conflict is depending so much on Obama's administration. There is fine line to do and not to do in the smart way is so important at least the way I am thinking. It seems China and Brazil have had a pretty good decade economically. On the contrary the genocide in Uganda, the nightmare for Africa. Northern Uganda is the worst place on earth to be a child today, says a former United Nations Under-Secretary General for Children in Armed Conflicts. So we still are the lucky person no matter what happen unless you live in Uganda. Think about it we still are the fortune.

In large part, we have ourselves to blame. If you look at the underlying causes of some of the most troubling developments of the decade, you can see some striking common denominators. The raft of financial problems, our war with radical Islam, the collapse of GM and much of our domestic auto industry and even the devastation brought about by Katrina all came about at least in part or were greatly exacerbated by:
• Neglect. Our inward-looking culture didn't heed the warning signs from around the world — and from within our own country — that Islamic terrorism was heading for our shores.
• Greed. Our absolute faith in the markets, fed by Wall Street, combined with the declawing of our regulators to undermine our financial system.

I can not wait to fly away on Valentine's day of 2010 of new decade just to see you and I look forward to that day so much...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

China unveils 'world's fastest train link'

BEIJING (AFP) – China on Saturday unveiled what it billed as the fastest rail link in the world -- a train connecting the modern cities of Guangzhou and Wuhan at an average speed of 350 kilometres (217 miles) an hour. See http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091226/wl_asia_afp/chinatransportrail
Neu VN duoc nhu vay thi tu Saigon ra Hanoi mat 3 tieng. De lam giao cho quoc gia ho 1 ty nguoi do la dieu rat kho, tai sao nguoi ta lam dc nhieu nguoi da hoi toi va toi tra loi rat don gian do la yeu to "con nguoi" ko fai xa hoi, cung ko fai che do ma la con nguoi. Ma lam sao thay doi dc mot con nguoi do la dieu rat kho cho mot quoc gia. HCM da noi trong nguoi thi mat tram nam dung vay va TQ da lam dc thoi gian rat ngan vi ho da nghi rang:
No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. Deng Xiaoping
De do luong su phat trien cua mot quoc gia trung binh chi can 8-10 nam, co the biet dc vi la nhiem ky cua tong thong hay thu tuong toi da la 8 nam. Co the biet dc qua trinh 8 nam giua Bush va Clinton. Tu du thua den no den 10 ngan ty, la con so rat ro rang. Ko can den hon 30 nam de biet su pha trien cua mot quoc gia neu theo goc do nhin cua mot nha dau tu.
Tuan vua roi toi di cho o pho Tau toi tinh co nghw dc 2 ng VN noi chuyen ve nc My va dung la ho ko biet nhieu ho noi TQ do rat mua dom hu ko cho doi lai toi noi ko fai la TQ ma dai ly cua anh mua va toi noi hien gio anh di mua bat cu thu gi ve laptop hay PC deu lam o TQ het nhg ho quan ly tot boi HP hay Compaq hay Dell ho chi lap rap o TQ nhg phat minh van o My vi thi truong canh tranh ho tim noi nao nhan cong re nhat va TQ cho ho nhieu dieu kien de san xuat tai do. Va nhung cong ty lon ban qua dai ly hay superstores nhg noi nay dat ra qui luat voi khach hang. Toi noi mot hoi ho moi hieu dc va cam on. Toi noi dung mua o dai ly nho tha mat mot chut neu ko thich thi "refund and no question to ask" dung ham re mua nhg dai ly nho phien phuc lam co the no se re hon mot chut nhg ko doi duoc. Toi thich di mua noi nao ko thich ko vua y doi tra lai mac du mac hon mot chut. Bay gio muon mua mot laptop lam tai My hau nhu ko co ma mua. Tat ca manufacture deu o TQ hay nhung quoc gia nhan cong re co le vi vay kinh te o day se tiep tuc bi thoai hoa do la mot dieu de hieu. Hon 10 nam ve truoc da so la made in USA gio thi ko con nua. Neu co ban va co su lua chon toi van thich mua do o day hon minh song o dau thi minh fai giup kinh te cho noi minh dang song. Co le thoi gian toi se co nhieu thay doi ve outsourcing de giup nhung co xuong hien dang san xuat tai Bac My. Toi co nguoi ban lam pho giam doc cong ty phan mem o Canada noi toi rang hien gio neu outsourcing phan mem tu Canada ra nc ngoai Canada thi se ko dc khai tru thue cho R&D (Research and Development) co nghia la ho se mat 30%. Neu ma mot cong ty dau tu vao R&D thi cuoi nam ho dc tra lai 30% so tien ho dau tu neu su dau tu do trong Canada. Vi vay ban toi noi se lam R&D o Canada thay vi o An Do. Toi biet My chac chan cung se co nhg duong loi nhu vay.
Hien gio ve thuc an food thi co su lua chon toi van chon do san xuat tai day hon la san xuat tai TQ. Co lan toi di mua smoke oyster o sieu thi, toi rat ky luong khi mua mot thuc an toi nhin ham luong chat beo(fat), protein/cholesterol va noi san xuat co mot phu nu di ngang to mo hoi toi doc gi toi noi la doc thanh phan(ingredient) va noi san xuat smoke oyster nay. Chac chan do an o day se tot hon/ve sinh o TQ vi qui trinh san xuat o day da tu nhieu nam va toi muon giup nen kinh te o day. Vi vay neu co su lua chon toi van mua do san xuat tai day du co mat hon mot chut.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Have a very merry Xmas 09 to everyone !

Especially on Christmas Eve, when I listen to this Silent night, I have goose bumps. Co le dem yen tinh/yen lang dung nghia nhat cho mot dem Giang Sinh.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ./.tv

Thank God I only had to study English, French and Vietnamese, some of other languages I don't know how to study, they even don't have the system fonts. It seems the languages I know have a meaning of it. French is language of love, today I listen a lot of French music - Chansons de l'amour and I become melancholy. English is practical language specially for Computer terms. Vietnam is my mother tongue language.
The earth's population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6.804 billion.
Officially there are 195 independent countries around the world, but unofficially there are some other countries. There are lot of territories and colonies that are sometimes erroneously called "countries" but don't count at all. Ethnologue lists 6,912 living languages in the world today. English speaking is the most popular with about 50 countries. Based on the alphabet beginning with Afghanistan and the last one on the list is Zimbabwe.

In 2010, you can do a small part to save the earth. Turn off the light when don't need it, recycle and reuse things around you...

Adieu Sois Heureuse, can I have this dance?

Toi qui n'as pas voulu de moi
Toi qui n'avais pas confiance
Toi qui ne m'as pas ouvert
Toi qui ne m'aimes pas
Farewell Be Happy
You who do not want me
You who did not trust
Thou hast not open
You who do not love me

Toi qui n'as pas voulu comprendre
Toi qui n'as pas voulu m'attendre
Toi qui passais sans me voir
Toi qui ne m'aimais pas

Adieu, sois heureuse
Adieu et bonne chance
Avec celui que ton cœur à choisir
Adieu sois heureuse
Adieu et bonne chance
Avec celui qui t'emmène, aujourd'hui

Toi qui n'as pas voulu de moi
Toi qui n'avais pas confiance
Toi pour qui j'ai tant chanté
Toi pour qui j'ai trop pleuré

Did not write blog for a whie because I was busy

My bad I have tried to write but I had no time it is good to be busy but it is bad when it is too busy and I don't like it. Snow storm for the past few weeks I lost a lot of time to clean up the drive way because I live on the hill so I don't shovel cannot drive the car on to the parking. Summer is good but winter is not good. Snow is beautiful when you have the time to clean it up. I don't mind to shovel the snow in the morning then take the shower to go to work it is relax and exercise at the same.
See Massive storm slams the East Coast

What I have been up to? something to do the with "Virtual (ao)" it has been a long time when we use different OS(operating system/he dieu hanh) we partition the hard drive so we can put each OS in master boot, therefore when the PC is power up it will ask which OS we want to run.
The old applications can run on linux using WINE application wrapper and for device driver using device wrapper. This way it takes a lot of time to install a new OS.
There is a way which is called Virtual Machine using Virtualbox. I have worked on the virtualbox to create virtual machine - VM (guest OS) on the host machine (host OS). It is easy and flexible to run guest OS as an application like you run Word, and we can run many OS in the host machine the installation is easy if you don't like you can delete guest OS because it is an application. It allows to switch to different OS on the fly. The dual boot machine as before the problem is for every OS we need to install all the device drivers for Video, USB and others again. The virtual machine we don't have to install the device drivers because it runs inside the host machine. The only drawback is all the guest OS depends on the host machine if the host does not work the rest of the host machine will not work. The dual boot approach will work independence between OS. You can see the picture that windows XP and Linux run inside Windows 7.

Ly do fai co nhieu OS vi co khi nhg application chay tren nen tang Windows XP ko the chay tren Windows 7. Cach nay chung ta co the chay nhung applications cua nhung he dieu hanh cu xua nhu windows 98...Ly do toi fai lam nhu vay vi hien tai telephone o nha dung VoIP ko co noi voi tong dai ma noi voi internet ma VoIP thi chay tren nen he dieu hanh cu XP.

This way we can accommodate all the old applications without to rewrite the software for a new operating system. The reason we can do the virtual machine because the computer now is powerful and cheap too. To do this we need a fast machine and a lot of memory. Before we could not do this VM because it will cost too much. We are so much depend on the internet now. Also, the internet is much faster too. Cach day vai hom dang lam viec o nha thi internet bi hu va dinh dung dien thoai de goi Visa card nhung ko goi duoc vi dien thoai cung dung internet. We depend so much on the internet now even to watch tivi/telephone. You can run most applications on the internet now. It is so dangerous that everything is relied on the internet. So if we don't have electric what will happen. I watched the movie 2012 (it is not very good) but it gives a point that no matter how smart we are we can not control the mother nature. Cach day 10 nam ng ta ko doan duoc se la ATM hay Ethernet gio thi ro rang hon tat ca deu chay tren TCP/IP. Chiec la Thu phai. Toi cung ko biet minh co bao nhieu bai nhac den khi load len Realplayer thi no cho biet toi co 4326 bai nhac. Co khi toi nghe tren internet nhg khi travel ko co internet nhu tren may bay thi toi thuong download vao laptop. Khanh ly van la ca si toi thich nhat voi nhac trinh cong. Vua viet blog nay vua nghe Khanh ly tuyet voi. Em hon toc ben ho, Ru em tinh ghi nho, ru bay la nho rung day mua thu...Ta thay em trong tien kiep voi cong buon co kho, ta thay em dang ngoi khoc khi rung chieu do mua, Rung thua la ua em van chua ve, Rung dong cuong gio em dung bo vo...ta thay dang ngoi hat khi rung ve nhieu may. Mua xuan da den em hay quay ve. Bai nay hoi tuong lai thuo xa xua. Anh se record bai nay. It is awesome.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Save the Last Dance For Me.

Michael Steven Bublé is a Canadian singer and his style is very much like Frank Senatra. It is gifted he only knows 3 chords but he can write music. I posted this song so Darling remember to save the last dance for me. I will see soon.
You can dance
Ev'ry dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye
Let him hold you tight
You can smile
Ev'ry smile for the man who held your hand
'Neath the pale moonlight
But don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me, mmmm

Oh, I know (oh, I know)
That the music's fine
Like sparkling wine
Go and have your fun
Laugh and sing
But while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
But don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me, mmmm

Baby, don't you know
I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never, never let you go
I love you oh, so much

You can dance (you can dance)
Go and carry on
'Til the night is gone
And it's time to go
If he asks if you're all alone
Can he take you home you must tell him no
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arm's you're gonna be
So, darlin', save the last dance for me

The Scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Heads on a science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

But tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

Oh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ah ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh


I was wounded like a deer just got shoot and bleeding to death then you come when seeing you with your smile, a smile can wash away my pain and take away my sorrow. Cam on em. Mai ma co em cuoc doi nay con de thuong. Thanks for coming into my life and to free me and obliterate my wound. You touch my life with the softness in the night.
You touched my life
with a softness in the night
my wish was your command
until you ran
out of love
I tell my self I'm free
got the change of living just for me
no need to carry on
now that you're gone...

I don’t know why, You said goodbye
Just let me know you didn’t go forever my love
Never knew that it would go so far
When you left me on that boulevard
Just one more chance, Another dance
And let me feel it isn’t real that I’ve been losing you
Maybe today, I’ll make you stay
A little while just for a smile and love together.

Nho ve mot cuoc tinh da hon 4 nam ngay chia tay o quan cafe "Chot Nho" va hinh nhu tu do ko bao gio hang gan duoc vet thuong dau. Hay nam giu nhung gi minh dang co dung de mat di ko bao gio tim lai duoc. Ngay do thoi diem do la mot tinh yeu tuyet voi da xa duoc roi va co tro lai tinh cam va tat ca ko con nhu xua. Dung de ly tang neu da xay ra mot lan thi tan ca co the con do nhg ko con nhu xua va nguyen ven, tot nhat ta dung bao gio de xay ra mot su chia tay. Bai nhac nho ve mot ky niem xa xua nhg con duong tinh ta di du co the nao anh van giu nhg ky niem dep nay. Tinh yeu da chet nhg ky niem van con do o thoi diem ta van la cua nhau. We will take a piece of it to carry on with our life no matter how bad it will be how hurt it will be we will remember that moments that we had together on these boulevards.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Find me...

The skies are not as blue, when you're not with me
The stars, they never seem to shine as bright
And the hours crack like days across the ages
And a year or two pass by with every night.

It makes me know if i should ever leave this world before you do
When you follow you must promise, cross your heart and promise to

Find me...look hard, and dont stop, I'll be waiting 'till then
Dont sleep, and dont eat 'till I'm back, back in your arms again
I dont wanna have to spend all my forever without you.
Just knowing that your out there somewhere too.
So darlin...please I'm begging you on bended knee...
Find me...

I've tried to tell this world how much i love you.
But they dont understand how deep it goes.
And i can't even find the words to tell you
So I'm the only one who really knows.

And though we have our times together, I am always wanting more
So if we get separated wont you do just like before and

Find me...look hard and dont stop, I'll be waiting 'till then
Dont sleep, and dont eat 'till I'm back, back in your arms again
Through a hundred million faces you will see me shinning through.
'Cause I'll glow when you come close , I always do.
So darlin' please im begging you on bended knee..

We can share our love through all eternity
'Cause with you is all i ever wanna be......

Find me....