Sunday, July 18, 2010

Computers & People

Computers are built by people for the use of people. A computer is a very generic
tool; it can be used for an unimaginable range of tasks. It takes a program to
make it useful to someone. In other words, a computer is just a piece of hardware
until someone - some programmer - writes code for it to do something useful.
We often forget about the software. Even more often, we forget about the programmer. The control programs for the Mars Rovers are of course programs - the
Rovers drive autonomously for 24 hours at a time and follow instructions sent
from earth the day before. The transmission is managed by programs. Getting those two Rovers to drive around on Mars for over four years (their estimated design life was three months) is one of the greatest technological triumphs of our civilization.
“Ease yourself into the language. Don’t feel you have to use all of
the features, and don’t try to use them all on the first day.” - Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++ language.

If you can dream it, you can do it.
Walt Disney.

The virtual machine (VM) has contributed an important part to ease the learning curve and the interaction between the operating systems (OS) in the same piece of hardware. I now can run multiple OS in one machine as you can see above: a Linux (Guest) runs inside of Win 7 (Host) with both sharing the same directories. It just likes to run other applications however it does require more memory and horse power to do this. The idea is great but could not possible before because the cost associated with it. ./.tv

Saturday, July 17, 2010

You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Sometimes the scene to love someone if you are lucky it can be repeated a second time to give you a chance to tell you that you won't let it happened as the first time. It is rare but it could happen, I have seen it on my last trip to VN on Valentine day. Canh vat co the dien lai cho ta mot lan nua neu ta song tot va su chia cach ko do minh ma ko fai loi cua minh thi thuong de se cho minh co hoi nua. Co lam ta nho ki niem buon nhg cung co ki niem anh goi la niem an ui vi may ra co em doi con de thuong. Mot cam giac quen thuoc rat am cung. Luc do anh moi cam nhan dc bai nhac "Nua Hon Thuong Dau va Chuyen doa hoa Quynh" nay. Vi do la nhg gi da trai qua cho anh trong chuyen di vua roi.

Giọt mưa lặng lẽ trên nụ quỳnh.
Quỳnh hương một đóa thoáng hương thầm vườn đêm xao xuyến.
Một đôi lần đến như người tình để cho trời đất báo tin lành vẫn bình yên.
Mùa mưa tới cành hoa trắng ngần.
đã ra đời đùa vui phút giây sau một lần đến bên người
Khép lại tấm lòng nghìn năm nhớ ai
Còn nơi nào biết những chuyện tình.
Tựa như chuyện những đóa hoa quỳnh một đời thương nhớ.
Người đi tìm kiếm giữa mịt mùng người đi tìm mãi suốt con đường tấm lòng kia

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thoaì mái và an tâm - thoai mai khi ben nhau va an tam khi xa nhau

Hai chừ tinh yêu có le hơi mô hồ truu tuong ko dien ta duoc cam xuc theo đung nghia theo anh nghi la su thoai maí khi ben nhau va su an tam khi xa nhau đê moi nguoi co the lam nhung gi trong su nghiep tuy vay khi ben chung ta cam thay thoai mai co the noi nhau nghe het moi chuyen mot cách suy tu logic thi fai hop nhau hinh nhu do la nguyen nhan cua moi van de khi ng ta chan nhau (have the right chemistry and compatible). (I feel comfortable when I am with you and worry free when I am far from you). Anh co nhieu dam me co le vi vay den gio anh van mot minh vi minh van co the tiep tuc song mot minh neu quen ai do ma anh cam thay thoai mai khi ben nhau va xa nhau thi van an tam de moi dua lam chuyen rieng cua minh ve su nghiep cua moi nguoi mac du vay khi ben nhau minh cho nhau tat ca ko nghi ngoi gi ca co the cuoi tuan minh di camping nhung thu 2 thi moi nguoi lam chuyen cua minh muon vay thi em fai co nhg dam me nhg gi em thich lam. Anh ko thich song ma 2 dua cai gi cung to to ben nhau em co the lai xe di cho mot minh anh o nha lam viec cua anh. Cu cho dung nghi la fai nhan lai cai gi do la anh roi mot ngay nao nguoi nao ho se nghi ho se biet ma thoi. Mot su tim toi de biet hay hon la mot giai thich thiet thuc. Su nhan thuc hay hon su sai khien, chinh su thoai mai se lam cho ta hieu nhau vat lam nhg thu cho nhau mot cach tu nhien. Ng nhan se nho ve ng cho hon. Cung dung xin loi (love is neverhaving to say you’re sorry) xin loi chang co nghia gi ma minh fai trach nhiem nhg gi minh lam cho nguoi minh yeu yeu la mot hanh dong it is a verb. O day ng ta lam roi xin loi co ve ko thanh that nhu mot nguoi den nha tho rua toi la het. Neu chi co 1 dam me duy nhat la tinh yeu thi de chan nhau lam do la ly do chinh dang khi lay nhau roi nguoi ta moi thay duoc su thuc khi dam me ko con nua nhung neu ngoai dam me ve tinh yeu ta con co nhg dam me khac du trong giay phut that vong nong nai ta van con nhg thu dam me khac de neu keo de hi vong de lam de ko fai bi khac khoai vao mot dam me duy nhat. Vi du thiet thuc nhat khi minh doi mot nguoi nao do minh lam cai gi do trong khi cho doi thay vi chi nhin dong ho va tuc gian, minh se bot gian hay ko gian doi khi nguoi do den tre vi minh it nhat cung lam dc nhieu viec trg cho doi. Khai niem song cua anh la ko tuy thuoc bat cu thu gi tren doi hay bat cu ai tuyet doi du bat cu hoan canh nao minh cung fai tuy thuoc chinh ban than minh truoc. Vi van vat tren doi deu tuong doi gioi hang ma thoi va nhg thu do co the mat di ca ban than minh. Vi vay minh song moi giay phut fai that tron ven. "Live every day like it's your last."
Anh da chung kien rat nhieu cap vo chong song rat chan voi nhau va anh ko muon nhu ho vi ho ko biet lam gi khi ben nhau va tai hai hon khi xa nhau ho cung ko biet lam gi voi thoi gian trong vang. Con nguoi ta fai co nhieu dam me chinh cai ca biet cua dam me hai dua khac nhau no moi quyen ru nhieu hon va bo xung cho nhau. Vang anh dong y la chung ta co nhg dam me going nhau thi moi goi la hop nhau duoc….

Men and Women want when it comes to love. For Men, let’s admit it, our first instinct when looking for our first girlfriend is for us to be her first. We want that girl or woman to be pure and virgin and for some, tend to get possessive and not let go of her which can be attributed to a man’s primal instinct of being territorial not only for territory, but also for his mate. The feeling of being the first one into a woman’s life is always special just like owning and riding a brand new car.
Women, on the other hand, are more sensitive and subtle towards love and romance. Most, if not all, are more patient and don’t mind being the first, second, third, or so on, for their partners, as long as they are the last love of their partner’s life, pertaining to the quote “’til death do us part.”
“You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.”
“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” Which is true and this quote does not only refer to men, but to women as well.
There is no denying that first impressions last when a man or a woman sees a physically attractive person and becomes interested with her or him. However, to most people, it’s the personality that counts when it comes to falling in love with someone. Love starts with the interaction and relation of two people and bonded by time. Even if a man’s partner is aesthetically challenged, his better half will always be beautiful to his eyes because he’s in love with her.
As for me, what I would quote is that “Love will always be a part of our lives. It is the emotion that make life completed and marry is option it is a long term plan when 2 people are bound by their duties”. Va cai kho nhat tren doi khi nguoi ta chi song voi nhau vi bon phan. Do la cuoc song buon te hon ca cuoc song doc than vi no se lam minh rat kho chiu hon cuoc song doc than mac du doi luc cam nhan su co doc.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Interesting subjects

Canada now lends US money to build bridges. US is very interesting country the government is poor but the country has the most billionaires in the world. In the meantime, Canada is rich by collecting the tax is too much. Canadian people is much poorer than Americans. The reason I said that because I live both sites of the border. America is free of the land or American dream ...think about it like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet - 1st and 2nd richest man in the world are American. Does it mean anything? It you read this story the bridge connected US and Canada is privately owned by 83-year-old billionaire Manuel (Matty) Moroun. This is the first time I know that the public bridge and not owned by the government. The history has shown the fundamental of US government favors to the war if they stop funding for the wars, they can build 100 bridges like that.
Queen Elizabeth II visited Canada for 9 days and only 1/2 day to NYC, US. She probably likes Canada more than US or Canada is just a good pet/ngoan. During my work in many years I had to deal with the British people they are racist in their mind, in their thinking. In Canada or England there will never have a black president/prime minister as in United State of America. Obama will never have a chance. You can take a look of Canada and British history. I discussed with a couple of people they agreed with me on this because Canada was once a British colonist. (Britain Empire was able to seize further French colonies in North America: in 1758)
One Canadian wrote:
"I'm Canadian and we still have the queen's @#$% on our money and stamps. How embarrassing it that??!! You Americans are cool to have booted the monarchy. Do it again. Pleez.... toss the queen into the east river. LOL"
I agree the Canadian dollars should have Pierre Trudeau or Lester Bowles Pearson or other prime minister pictures in the money instead of the Queen.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Remember me !

It has been such a long time for me to write again. I did have time to play my guitar or ride my bike or tennis as much as before. I have been so busy and did not feel like to write. Thank you for those who emailed me. I read all the letters from the student's at Dist. 4, Saigon whom I sent gifts to. Some of the letters have a profound insight and impacted on me. This long weekend Independence day I am sick because overworking I was stay late for many nights and did not get enough sleep I am exhausted, this is one of my problem I need to fix it because I am a workaholic. But one has said this work is my life because I enjoy my work, my work is my balance so I don't know. In everything I do I must finish it, and I want to finish it ASAP because I always think that I will be free after with that idea in mind, I keep on working until it finished and then I am sick too. Sometimes I was so tired could not see could not think straight but kept working then go to bed next day woke up in 2 hours I fixed all the problems, this is my big hurdle I should stop when I could no longer work well. It is useless anyway I know it but I can't stop until I found the problem. In technical term they called "debugging". Computers are never tired and they are never wrong but the problem is you have to tell them what to do. This is all about computer. Even 1 bit in 0x00000001 or race conditions timing will make the computer crashed easily. Eclipse is very good tell you about the potential site effect during you write the software/code. With the Eclipse 's idea is better you knew/discover the problem during coding rather the end users - this is called "bug" and bug is very hard to find with thousands line of codes most of bugs after you fixed they are all about logic so object oriented will prevent some of those human mistakes. I try to adopted this way and succeed it before I am retired just for curiosity and satisfaction on my part. This is the right way to do to work in any project in life. Yesterday I watched 60 minutes talked about the professor at Cornell university. She lived in East Africa for 19 years to study about Elephant language she is about to finish the book about elephant dialogue. She hears about the noise or distinctive sound has a special meaning to the elephants from that she could tell what the elephant says or wants. She told to the reporters thank you the elephants because of them she has an interesting job and research goal. Well that all about work. Sometimes if you like work so much you're kind of forget to marry too. I believe that if we could imply those mythologies approach we can solve many problems in life and our work will be more interesting. A lot of works have been done on UML- Unified Modeling Language. For me going school or university it is not about to get the degree but you have a chance to work in those environments with the best and brightest people...for those tell me I am the reason for them to go school, I think first of all is for yourself because you will have a chance to work in the environment (important of ideas) that you love for the rest of your life. I am here to guide you to the right path. That's all. If you can dream it, you can do it - Disney Walt.
I am staying in bed to watch all the movies that I downloaded and did not have time to watch. It is good to watch Independence day again on July 4 ("today we fight for our freedom and the right to stay and survive on this earth"). Remember me, Dear John and Valentine day I watched a video clip on Feb before I went to Nam, now I have a chance to watch it all. Valentine is about doing thing not thinking. I agree life should be impulsive this way everything come by chance no planning to me it is awesome. This is why I had a good trip to Nam when I left on Feb 14. I like a good movie because you can learn a lot from it.

What do you look from the men?
I am looking for a man that can change me to be a better person in everyday.
I am looking for a man looks into my eyes and understand what I want.
I am looking for a man can make me feel safe and protected.
I am looking for a man that make me laugh.
I am looking for a man respect and love me.
I am looking for a life partner...

Hai buc tranh hom ra phi truong airlines noi fai dong 300 USD vi kich thuoc 2 buc tranh nay lon qua, anh de lai VN de goi qua duong buu dien chi mat 1.6 trieu chua den 100 dollars co dieu no di hoi lau thay vi minh dem ve cung voi minh nhung anh rat kien nhan o doi va cung nhan duoc. Cai gi thuoc ve minh thi cuoi cung cung thuoc ve minh dung hon? Buc tranh cua hoc tro ve cho TA, thi lan dau moi nhin thay tu khi nhan dc o trong carton box o khach san. Mau thi hoi toi va hoc tro chua co kinh nghiem pha mau va tay nghe con yeu. Va 1 buc anh mua o Saigon co cai khung rat dep va anh rat thich buc tranh nay no rat dac biet anh di tim mai moi co vua co tinh chat ai dai VN vua co tinch chat abstract giong nhu cua Picasso vay. Co nguoi ban noi nhg buc tranh nhu vay co gia tri va lam can phong dep hon va rat am cung.

Nhin buc tranh nay co the mo mot gallery nho ban nhung buc tranh an tuong nay. O VN anh ko thay thich gi ngoai tru nhg thu lien quan den nghe thuat thuan tuy ve VN. Hom dem kho muc va kho ca ve so xuong phi truong o day ho biet nen goi rat ky va den gio anh van chua an nhg con kho muc do. Hinh nhu nhg thu do chi ngon khi an o bo bien VN. Chung 10 nam mo business gi nhan ha mot chut chu lam ve phan mem nhuc dau vi ky thuat thay doi moi ngay. Co lam ve flash/website nghe thuat hay nhg phim ve quang cao noi chung ve nghe thuat anh co mat tham my va thich lam ve no. Muon biet mot phim hay hay ko xem phan mo dau vao va doan cuoi ket thuc va nhg ban nhac soundtrack minh co the biet phim do co an tuong hay ko. Gio lam ve phan mem vi cuoc song ma thoi. Phim moi chieu Twilight Saga - Eclipse thi anh cung gan xong phan eclipse coding. Doi luc nguoi ng ta noi rang nhin la biet Brightest and innovation ideas nhung ve ky thuat ton tai rat gioi hang voi thoi gian.