Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Angel/Thien than

When you talked to an Angel that you got everything. This is what will happen. It happened to me so be careful what you wished for. There is a time that you need a glimpse in life like in this movie to realize that you are really missing...

Have you ever seen an angel? Em co bao gio thay thien than?
Cach day 2 hom vao ban dem lam viec o van phong tren LCD mang hinh anh thay mot con kien tren mang hinh anh lay cai khan Kleenex tissues khan lau giay ra dinh bat con kien bo vao thung rat thuong anh ko co giet du do la mot kien. Nhg anh bat hoai ko duoc dung day cha vao mang hinh computer va biet rang con kien nam ben trong mang hinh va moi lan ngon tay anh cha vao mang hinh den dau con kien bo den ma con kien nam trong mang hinh no nam giua mang hinh va cai tube ben trong. Biet no nam trong mang hinh con kieng se chet va mang hinh se luc nao cung thay con kien va se mai mai nhu the vi no nam trong mang hinh biet vay anh tiep tuc lam viec roi quen di chung 10 phut chat nho nhin lai mang hinh thi ko thay gi nua. Con kieng da bieng mat. Chua bao gio nhin thay con kieng ben trong mang hinh nhu vay. La that. Co le day la lan dau va lan cuoi. Cach day hon 10 nam cung xay ra 1 lan ko the nao hieu dc dang lai xe tu Boston ve Montreal gan den Montreal tu nhien chiec nhu bay bong len tren cam thay nguoi nhe bong len va trong xe day mui thom cua hoa lai (jasmin)chung vai phut thi het moi thu binh thuong.
A couple of days I saw an ant so I used Kleenex tissue to remove the ant but I could not catch it I stood up and realized that the ant was inside the screen this was why I could not remove it. I was continuing to work then about 10 minutes I remembered try to look it on the same spot on the screen but the ant disappeared no where to be found inside the screen I never see the ant inside the LCD screen, this is probably the 1st time and the last time in my life.