Friday, November 27, 2009

Can knowledge be measured?

When we grow up we never know that we can measure the knowledge physically. You can measure the activity of people knowledge by looking their bookmarks or the history of their searches on the web. I am using the internet mainly for for my work it is a getaway of information exchange between one or group of people regarding the issues we work. It is a part of our daily job I was so surprised that one error of compile that we make the world can be aware if we accidentally use the software tools with web interface or email we post in our blog or website. Google will pick it up and advertise to the whole world to know. Don't know if it is good or bad. You can type "mai ma co em doi con de thuong" and google will show to you my blog. A lot of people came to know my by the search engine. I try a few keywords and yes in deed. They requested me to write in English, language we share the language is still English.
The pursuit of my happiness is to find you. You are my destiny ...
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Con duong Duy Tan cay dai boc mat, uong ly chanh duong uong moi em ngot. ... canh do co quan cafe Thien Hong doi luc toi den do de nho lai ngay xa xua. Mai ma cung co cai quan cafe nay neu khong thi biet tim noi dau yen tinh. ... hinh nhu ho khong con biet an gi hay ho co qua nhieu thoi gio ranh roi de tim toi mon ... - Cached -

So be chilled if you forget my website link you can use google to find me. If I add RSS(Really Simple Syndication for this blog each of my post you will know right away if you subscribe to RSS feed. As you know people does some volunteer work, in the software community we can do the volunteer work spend a part of the time for the think that we love. It is a free software like linux open source is one of it. The problem of open source they are good but no one to maintain the code and it is easy to be out of date unlike Microsoft pays people to work for them to maintain their code. Sometimes it is so frustrated to work in the open source code to know people does not care to release the official release software that does not even compile. After download and spent hours to compile the kernel (OS operating system) and you got the compile errors. The project is huge always needed a group of people to work on it, usually we have a very basic problem like compile. I knew it is so complex after we merge all the branches together the code can break but at least the one who responsible for compiling at least compile to see it went through without the error. It is hard to make a patch when the release version does not match with version has a problem. This is what I have been done a last few days. It is bad to release the software that cannot compile.
This is the reason that most of companies do not want to use linux for their OS because its support is suck, the code can be break by the unmatured developers. If we add all the times that we spend for linux for all the people has involved around the world does it worth? this is the flaw in the linux. I read some comments from people after the upgrade their system won't boot or does not work like the old version and they can not downgrade to the old version the only way it wipes out the disk to reinstall some of them has spent to fix their linux system all of them can be lost in a few minutes when upgraded. There is a comment of one person when do the upgrade quote: "why they put out such a release like a piece of crap"
So it is free open source but if you spend so much time to make it works will it still be free?
Another problem of technology today it keeps change so fast it is impossible to keep track or to read so we tend to read very fast or bookmark it. And at the end either we know everything or we don't know anything in depth. Linux has the same effect because it does not have a good organization and people like Microsoft does.
The knowledge of one person is not how much you know but it becomes how you find that piece of information you are looking for. I have designed in such the way to find that information without interruption in this process by using a lot of computers because PC are so cheap these days and open many browses at the same times make them connected the ideas together. It is a challenge to remember all of these ideas when you move on to the next day. It is impossible to remember it or piece them together when we need it.