I spent quite sometimes because the virus in 2010. Anh viet blog o
Anh cung nhan email noi bi virus hay system chay cham. Va gan day nam 2010 nhg system cua anh bi nhiem virus moi khi anh di tim nhac hay music. Anh nghi tat ca chung ta nen install Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware cho system du co virus hay khong co virus no se lam system chay nhanh het vi software delete tat ca spyware va malware tu internet qua port 80 ma chung ta thuong dung Internet Explorer hay Firefox de ket noi qua internet. Download version moi nhat va instruction o http://objectlayer.blogspot.com/
Anh viet 4, 5 bai ve nhg virus moi cua nam 2010 em ranh thi doc. Co nhg virus tu xung minh la Anti-virus : Internet Security 2010 lam nguoi dung hieu lam nhg that ra no la nhung virus cai vao may cua nguoi dung de lay nhung thong tin cua may vi vay may se chay cham nhat la ket noi voi internet. Damn so stupid all the bastards destroyed people's systems and waste a lot of time of everyone. Anh rat ghet may ten nay ko co gi lam va ko co dam me nao khac hon la suot ngay lam ra virus. Anh mat nhieu thoi gio de tim cho minh mot anti-virus with bullet proof for systems cua anh. Co rat nhieu anti-virus tren internet nhung it co ai biet cai anti-virus nao tot nhat va hau het ko co hieu nghiem va ko su dung dc. Sofware anti-virus nay tot nhat hien nay em co thay xem so luong nguoi download phan duoi hon 1/2 trieu download va dung. Phan mem anti-virus nay nhe, chay tren XP, Vista va Win 7, hieu nghiem va scan rat nhanh va quan trong tim dc virus moi va diet chung truoc khi system bi te liet va ly do nua la mien phi - it is free so you try for your own system. Trust me on this. Anh cung da download va dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware va su dung o 2 systems: XP va Win 7. Anh dinh ko viet o day nhg neu ko thi ko ai biet ma dung. Anh chi muon shared the info that I know. Xem nhu mon qua nho anh co the giup dc moi nguoi phan nao nam 2010. Doc blog thi biet anh da bo rat nhieu thoi gio cho virus 2010. Vi vay tat ca chung ta nen dung Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware chi mat 10 phut de install va scan system thi tuy vao dung luong cua moi may co the mat tu 10 phut den 20 phut nhung se tiet kiem rat nhieu thoi gio khi bi virus attack co the mat vai ngay hay vai tieng. I like to have the facts so read the following to know more.
http://objectlayer.blogspot.com/ (doc bai viet Jan 17, 2010)
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Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:41 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Thomas Alva at 5:03 PM