Friday, December 30, 2011

Hungry birds

Hom nay troi kha lanh -11C nhg con chim di tim thuc an dau len nhg bong cay kho.
Troi lap dong chua anh cho lu doi di tim giac ngu vui
De mac anh lang thang, om gia bang ngo tham nguoi yeu toi
Anh xa em that roi lam sao quen mui toc

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

I made spaghetti, a cake and banh tom chien. I watched the video to make sure that everything was set for the cake before baking. Don't have to cook anything for a few days just eat the left over which it is great, free time for shopping after Christmas. Now I am watching the movie Band of Brothers, it is about The story of Easy Company of the US Army 101st Airborne division and their mission in WWII Europe from Operation Overlord through V-J Day. World War II fatality statistics vary, estimates of total dead ranging from 50 million to over 70 million. 6 millions Jews were murdered in Nazi camps. United States lost 400.000, Soviet Union lost 110.000.000, Germany lost 4.200.000, United Kingdom lost 336.000, France 250.000...
"We would never enjoy the world without war" is it true?

Thinking, Drinking will be the New Year than I will go to Paris then Thailand and VN. Que sera, que sera.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas delivery: FedEx Guy Throwing My Computer Monitor

BE a good citizen, now you never know that you have been watched by million views like this Fedex guy. If he did not get fired he would be very embarrassed by his action. It will not be easy for him to find the next job.

"I want you to know that I was upset, embarrassed, and very sorry for our customer’s poor experience," said Matthew Thornton, a FedEx senior vice president. "We have met with the customer face to face and they already have a replacement monitor at no cost to them. They have accepted our apology and say they are fully satisfied with what we've done in response to this unacceptable delivery."
The clip has racked up more than 2 million views. In the video's description, the poster writes, "The sad part is that I was home at the time with the front door wide open. All he would have had to do was ring the bell on the gate. Now I have to return my monitor since it is broken." The footage appears to come from a surveillance camera.

There is no word on what sort of disciplinary action will be taken against the employee. However, a spokeswoman for the company told the U.K.'s Daily Mail, this won't be his best day.

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Without dreams we have nothing.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas/Joyeux Noel to everyone

Co nguoi hoi rang toi ao uoc gi nhat, toi tra loi rang toi chi muon dc binh yen.
I wish everyone have a Merry Christmas a peaceful Christmas Eve. Chuc moi nguoi mot dem giang sinh an binh va em dem nhat.

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace


Thursday, December 15, 2011

McCain vs. Putin via Twitter

I think Putin was good during his term as president of Russia but now he wanted to come back again to bring Russia to go back the old day of Soviet Union. Putin is a patriot but a dictator leader, this is what I think...

Sen. John McCain has been having a little fun over Twitter with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, goading the Russian into responding to his mocking tweets.

Earlier this month, McCain, R-Ariz., an avid Twitter user, tweeted: “Dear Vlad, The #ArabSpring is coming to a neighborhood near you,” linking to a news article about the allegations of fraud after Russia’s parliamentary elections.

Last Saturday, McCain tweeted, “#ArabSpring comes Moscow ‘Russians rally vs Putin, election fraud,’” linking to a report on anti-government protests in Moscow.

Today, Putin responded, calling McCain, “nuts.”

“He has a lot of blood of peaceful civilians on his hands. He must relish and can’t live without the disgusting, repulsive scenes of the killing of Gadhafi,” Putin said, referring to McCain’s role as a pilot and prisoner of war in Vietnam, according to the Associated Press.

“Mr. McCain was captured in Vietnam and they kept him not just in prison, but in a pit for several years,” Putin added. “Anyone [in his place] would go nuts.”

McCain mocked Putin back, tweeting this morning, “Dear Vlad, is it something I said,” and taking to the Senate floor to read, for the record, Putin’s comments.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chasing Freedom

Chasing Freedom (2004) by m0vietrailerpark

“Chasing Freedom” tells the story of a young Afghan woman (played by Layla Alizada) who is persecuted by the Taliban for running a school for young girls and the pro bono attorney (played by Juliette Lewis) who reluctantly takes on her asylum case after the woman is detained when she arrives at a U.S. airport in search of refuge.

The film was inspired by a real asylum case handled by a team of dedicated pro bono attorneys for the Human Rights First at Debevoise and Plimpton. It is a sobering depiction of the nearly insurmountable obstacles that asylum seekers face when they arrive in the United States.

Hoang canh thuong do nguoi tao ra hoang canh, day la truong hop lam nhac nho tren doi minh kho co nguoi kho hon minh va nhac nho ta hay co gang hon tot hon cho ban than va nhg nguoi chuung quanh vi it nhat ta dc may man hon va tat ca ko tu nhien den ma do su phan dau no luc cua moi mot ban than. Live free or die. Tu do hay chet la 1 cau rat hay ma ai o NH cung biet ban so xe de dong chu "Live free or die".

Ta cho em

Ta mang cho em mot doa quynh
Quynh thom hay moi em thom
Em mang cho ta mot chut tinh

Ta mang cho em mot chut buon
Vi ta nhu song lenh denh (con ta nhieu xam hoi ma sao van hoang dan)
Moi em cho ta mot canh hong
Lua la phut ay chua quen

Thoi chao emve giua pho xa thenh thang
Khong gi vui
Thi hay gang nho doi lan.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Je prévois de visiter Paris, si tout se déroule selon mon plan.
I plan to visit Paris if everything goes according to my plan.
Tuyet dau mua/First snow/tombe la neige

Ngay xua khi di hoc o truong Phap thi co cau chuyen "Le corbeau et le renard" chuyen co tich cua con qua va con chon gio thi co chi thay co chuyen con meo va con soc. Con meo cung nhanh khi ruot con soc nhg con soc thi nhanh nhen hon. Rat ngoan muc khi thay con meo rinh va ruot con soc. Sang som nhg con qua keu to nhu nhac nho da den gio cho chung an buoi sang. Con qua rat thong minh hon con soc vi no biet nhac nhg hat dau phong neu con soc ko thay no co the nhin tu xa va bay xuong nhac hot dau phong. Con soc tham an thi so con qua an dau phong no tha vai hot dau phong dem dau duoi tuyet. Ma ko biet con soc con nho hom sau no dau o dau ko? chua co noi nao uong cafe ly tuong bang fia sau nha. Day la chuyen that ve "con meo va con soc - The cat and the squirrel/Le chat et l'écureuil"

Tombe la neige/Tuyet roi roi chieu nay sao em ko den voi anh.
Tu ne viendras pas ce soir
Tombe la neige
Et mon cœur s'habille de noir
Ce soyeux cortège
Tout en larmes blanches
L'oiseau sur la branche
Pleure le sortilège

Tu ne viendras pas ce soir
Me crie mon désespoir
Mais tombe la neige
Impassible manège

Tombe la neige
Tu ne viendras pas ce soir
Tombe la neige
Tout est blanc de désespoir
Triste certitude
Le froid et l'absence
Cet odieux silence
Blanche solitude

Tu ne viendras pas ce soir
Me crie mon désespoir
Mais tombe la neige
Impassible manège

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Great show

The glam of air travel in the U.S died with this last Pan Am flight in 1991.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cats/Meo va cuoi tuan

Meo o day ko nhu meo o VN chay tren noc nha ma ngoi thanh thoi nhu vay co le o day dat rong rai hon VN. Luc truoc toi rat ghet meo o chi thich cho gan day uong cafe buoi sang thay nhg con meo den chay vao long thay no cung that de thuong co le bi an tuong xau ve no.

Nhung ke xin an, sang nao uong cafe la may con soc dung xin an, hom nay cho an banh mi sandwich

Tuan nay toi lam banh tom chien cung giong o banh tom chien o Ho Tay cua Hanoi ai o HN chac biet mon nay ngoi an banh tom chien nhin ra Ho Tay co dieu banh tom chien o VN hoi bi cung va kho ko co mem mai nhu banh tom chien toi lam bi quyet la danh voi trung nhu theo cach lam banh bong lan vay do. May nguoi ban an noi ngon qua va noi rang " You are really know how to cook" toi noi rang nau an la mot cai thu vi dam me cua toi co dieu ko co nhieu thoi gian de nau rat relax khi nau an va nghe nhac. Banh tom chien fai biet chach lam nuoc mam. Toi co the noi toi nau an ngon hon o nha hang theo ban be phe binh.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I took a pretty picture of this bird in the morning coffee it is a bit chilly because it is fall now. I did not know the bird's name after searching on the net about "the birds are drumming the wood". He/she made a lot of noise but very cute. Most of the bird on the top of the branch this guy can park under the branch as you can see.
Birders can easily learn to recognize the patterns and rhythms of woodpecker drumming to help bird identification, but understanding why woodpeckers drum can help any birder expand their appreciation of these useful bird sounds and the birds that make them.
Unlike other songbirds, woodpeckers do not have a distinctive song as part of their avian vocabulary. Instead, drumming is the way the birds communicate, and woodpeckers will drum for two main reasons:
* Attracting a mate
* Advertising a territory

When a woodpecker drums on a resonant object, the resulting sound can be heard for great distances by other birds. Other woodpeckers will recognize the sound by its pattern and tempo, and birds of the same species can be attracted to potential mates through drumming. At the same time, drumming alerts competitors that the nearby territory is claimed and can be defended by a strong, vibrant bird that can produce good drumming.

Just like bird songs, drumming is most common in spring when birds are trying to attract mates and establish territories. Woodpeckers frequently drum in the morning, though some drumming may be heard at any time of day. Both male and female birds have been known to drum. Woodpecker has a lifespan on average, woodpeckers live from 4-11 years.

We make China rich specially corporations

In this recession most of us wants to buy cheap from China from cheap tablets, iphone..China products 80% electronic gadget it is not because China is smart but those corporations like Apple, Dell and all companies are outsource in China since China has no copyright law they copies these products because they are main manufactures for these corporation they get to the point too hazard for the consumers like Baby milk killed many children before.
The funny part those companies outsource to China sued China for copycat they should blame themselves for greedy. We also support China by order goods from mainland china because it is cheap. This is the problem that I found product from China. If the Iphone manufacture in China at least it was designed by Apple and quality control by Apple. The Iphone is made from China by the same manufacture does not have the same quality because:
1 - They are in learning curve from the West they don't have a technical expertise
2 - They don't care all they want is money sometimes product in China does not have quality control some dealers ask you to pay more if you want to have a quality control for example Cheap China Table (CCT) is cost around $100.00 bucks if you want to have a quality control an extra $5 dollars will be added to the product
3- They don't have moral/integrity in their products (dao duc con nguoi) since it is a stolen product 100% they just copy it.
4 - They make electronic gadgets as a commodity just to sell to get the money.
5.- They did not follow the specs of any things for example for wifi you need to follow the specs call IEEE802.11.

A lot of people emailed me whether they can buy a ipad or iphone from China, I often tell them don't buy they are junk it looks alike all the parts but their performance is the worst. I opened up one of China tablet it looks nice like Ipad from outside but the performance is not even closed the Ipad, I found that all the part of wifi/wireless has the chip that the same we are using here called Atheros control chip the software is the same because it has Android and linux in it. The problem is the antenna, they grounded the antenna therefore the signal have a short range, their tables wifi range is only 3 meters (10 ft) these is IEEE802.11 requirements.

Standard 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n
Speed 54Mbps 11Mbps 54Mbps (108) 100Mbps (600Mbps)
Range 150ft 300ft 300ft 300ft

It is hard to stop the flood of good from China now it becomes part in our nature loving to buy cheap stuff. I have seen thousands/millions China companies sell their products on the internet, some China companies even provided the translator or sale commission to provide the service in searching the cheap things that you want to buy from China. Even we stop the outsource but it is too late because they already know-how.
In the meantime in US here we lost so many jobs to China because the outsource this is the reason Wall Street protest movement, the last tivi was made in US in 2000 there is no more tivi manufacture in US. This is bad for us but good for China. Basically we give them the product for them to make copy then sell back here cheap.
China can sell a finish product cheaper the raw material you buy here so tell me how we can compete to China, I am talking solar cell panel. So China is number 1 producing solar cell energy panel in the world.
I think the world is depending on China we addict to their cheap products and we are the corporations/consumers have made China become number One and not China, they are effortless and they don't have to do anything because we make them to become number One.
We make our citizen poor so they can only effort to buy stuffs from China. We are the one to make China rich, and we should blame ourselves.
Same thing in VN if you buy a PC manufacture by Dell or a PC made in VN you will see the difference even through they are using the same parts but they are not in Sync I talk about microseconds access time between those parts. VN does not know that as long as you plug in and it runs then it will fine to them but they don't know how fast the system will run if all the parts are in sync. In order to know all of these it is not easy, you have to study here and you have to work for a long time for the companies here and I am talking about the big companies here (Fortune 500) and you will understand everything that I talked here today. I will start my own company one day.
This is an example of the dilemma for companies outsource to China.
2 Ontario firms allege Chinese steel sinks violate trade rules, probes launched

Monday, October 24, 2011

Even Jobs died he still haunts Google / Will Steve Jobs' final vendetta haunt Google?

It is a principal and not money. But I think Steve Jobs a bit weird and dictate the idea with the notion it only came from him. The conceptual idea about iphone that everyone can think not only for him. Motorola or Nokia probably has thought about it before Jobs, Apple can do it because it can design hardware and write the software this is why Sony can design it but can not write the software or Microsoft because it is a software company.
It is the same thing for design a website if you can design layout the website and if you can code it the website is turning out absolute stunning design. I did/do so I know. You can get a group to design the layout and other group does coding. If I want it perfects I have to do myself and I won't hire anyone. One person project. It takes longer but it turns out perfect. So the point I like to make here is if the company can design the hardware and the software the product turns out like Iphone unfortunately it seems only Apple can do it as same as the Mac book or their other products. Google does not have hardware design background so they incorporate with Samsung, HTC...many others.
In the past 2, 3 months I have looked into the Android smart phone code and it seems good and in the order, it smarts to use linux as OS maybe because of it all the Android phone is open source so I can view it and tell you now. Today, he released his book even he was already dead, it is top seller in not so many can resonate and advocate even after dead. He is a stranger man not sure he is good or bad person? I heard that he was a mean person. If you write the book for your children understanding you when you're dead which is understandable but you write with a lot of anger relating to what your idea your invention, see some of it below to have your own judgment.

The depths of Jobs' antipathy toward Google leaps out of Walter Isaacson's authorized biography of Apple's co-founder. The book goes on sale Monday, less than three weeks after Jobs' long battle with pancreatic cancer culminated in his Oct. 5 death. The Associated Press obtained a copy Thursday.
It's clear that the perceived theft represented an unforgiveable act of betrayal to Jobs, who had been a mentor to Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and had welcomed Google's CEO at the time, Eric Schmidt, to be on Apple's board.
"I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong," Jobs told Isaacson. "I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go to thermonuclear war on this. They are scared to death because they know they are guilty."
Android now represents one of the chief threats to the iPhone. Although iPhones had a head start and still draw huge lines when new models go on sale, Android devices sold twice as well in the second quarter. According to Gartner, Android's market share grew 2 1/2 times to 43 percent, compared with 17 percent a year earlier. The iPhone's grew as well, but by a smaller margin -- to 18 percent, from 14 percent.
But in 2008, a year after the iPhone came out, Google unveiled plans to release Android as a free software system that phone makers can use to make devices that compete with the iPhone. Jobs was so infuriated that he went to Google's Mountain View headquarters -- about nine miles from Apple's Cupertino office-- to try to stop the project, according to the biography.

Jobs' persuasive powers failed to sway Google's leaders.

Now, more than 550,000 devices running on Android are being activated each day. Apple, meanwhile, sold about 3 million fewer iPhones than anticipated in the July-September quarter, contributing to a sharp drop in the company's stock. The newest Android challenger to the iPhone, the Galaxy Nexus from Samsung, is scheduled to go on sale next month.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 billion devices run Java worldwhile

This is the message count when you install Java Run Time and Java Development together with Android SDK. So if you read my previous post about Android applications is written in Java. Number of Android devices sell 1 million a week so go figure it out, it beats Iphone 1 to 5. It proved that Apple has missed target this quarter and the Apple stock drops. Android based on Linux for device drivers written in C/C++ but application is written in Java. (Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.)

If you buy a Android there will a lot of applications to run on it. You have see some of applications in my previous post. Android was originated by a group of companies known as the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google. Today, many companies -- both original members of the OHA and others -- have invested heavily in Android, typically in the form of allocating significant engineering resources to improve Android and bring Android devices to Market.
P.S. Hop gu qua nen sang nao cung mot ly cafe Trung Nguyen va quan trong fai trong 1 cai ly thuy tinh de nhin thay cafe va fai pha voi sua tuoi, ko nhieu sua ko nhieu duong tat ca vua du do la mot thu vi buoi sang muon biet ngon hay ko nhin vao ly cafe thi biet. Sang nao cung mot ly cafe nhu the roi moi lam viec...Happiness is looking something... cannot wait for that moment comes which is a good cup of coffee in the morning. You got to find something that you love that go for work and lover/Song can 1 cai dam me yeu thich cua minh du do la viec lam hay nguoi tinh. Steve Jobs. Khong fai chi minh toi thich cafe TN ma ban be deu thich hon cafe o day khi di vao pho Tau chi cho cho tui no mua cafe TN va cai fil cafe giong o VN. Tui no noi uong cafe kieu nay can rat nhieu kien nhan co dua di mua cai coffee maker o day nhg toi van thich cai kieu che bien theo VN dung fil cafe cong nhan hoi lau 1 chut trong luc do co the doc email hay lam gi do...
Co nhg dieu minh lam ko nghi den roi tinh co nhg y tuong lon gap nhau va minh biet rang minh di dung duong va cung mot thoi dai/diem chinh vay moi ap dung dc. Logo rat hay va hop gu voi minh.
Java - The name is not an acronym, but rather a reminder of that hot, aromatic stuff that many programmers like to drink lots of.
Java is an island name on Indonesia.
Why they call it Java? It is because in Java, there are many ethnic, culture, and local language, but they all can become one.

Con soc an dau phong/The squirrel is easting a peanut. Do la khung canh buoi sang khi ngoi uong cafe hien gio la mua Thu, vai thang nua la mua Dong canh nay se ko con nua. Sang nao cung thay 2 con song hinh nhu la chong voi vo ma 2 vo chong ruot duoi danh lon hoai sang nao cung thay ruot duoi danh an. Ma thay nhg con soc khac cung ruot chi co mot con hinh nhu co ay tu nhom khac den day o ben chong thi co gia dinh chong nen nhieu con ruot duoi co 1 con song. O VN nhg con soc nay chac bi bom nhau bat het. Day cung la mot khac biet giua VN va o day. O day rat buon neu ai do ko co dam me thi chan lam, nhieu dam me tot thi con nguoi se tot hon va ko con thoi gio ranh roi va cuoc song se thich thu hon. Happiness is action to look forward something that you enjoy so if you love something even work or love that's is happiness. No ko co nghia la mua xe hoi moi, cai nha to tat ca se tro nen vo dung neu chung ta ko co mot dam me. Nguoi nhieu dam me la nguoi song don gian va rat it mua sam gi ca vi luc nao ho cung thay tam du vi ho dang lam nhg thu sai me hon va quen di cuoc song phu phiem...hanh phuc la cai gi rat binh thuong va giang di. Ng co nhieu dam me la ng rat de hoa dong va thong cam vi doi hoi tat ca ko co gi quan trong moi thu co gia tri tuong doi ma thoi. Ho ko quan trong ben ngoai cai chung quang vi cuoi cung ho cung con 1 cai Toi cua minh voi nhg thich thu va uoc mo de thuc hien.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Angel/Thien than

When you talked to an Angel that you got everything. This is what will happen. It happened to me so be careful what you wished for. There is a time that you need a glimpse in life like in this movie to realize that you are really missing...

Have you ever seen an angel? Em co bao gio thay thien than?
Cach day 2 hom vao ban dem lam viec o van phong tren LCD mang hinh anh thay mot con kien tren mang hinh anh lay cai khan Kleenex tissues khan lau giay ra dinh bat con kien bo vao thung rat thuong anh ko co giet du do la mot kien. Nhg anh bat hoai ko duoc dung day cha vao mang hinh computer va biet rang con kien nam ben trong mang hinh va moi lan ngon tay anh cha vao mang hinh den dau con kien bo den ma con kien nam trong mang hinh no nam giua mang hinh va cai tube ben trong. Biet no nam trong mang hinh con kieng se chet va mang hinh se luc nao cung thay con kien va se mai mai nhu the vi no nam trong mang hinh biet vay anh tiep tuc lam viec roi quen di chung 10 phut chat nho nhin lai mang hinh thi ko thay gi nua. Con kieng da bieng mat. Chua bao gio nhin thay con kieng ben trong mang hinh nhu vay. La that. Co le day la lan dau va lan cuoi. Cach day hon 10 nam cung xay ra 1 lan ko the nao hieu dc dang lai xe tu Boston ve Montreal gan den Montreal tu nhien chiec nhu bay bong len tren cam thay nguoi nhe bong len va trong xe day mui thom cua hoa lai (jasmin)chung vai phut thi het moi thu binh thuong.
A couple of days I saw an ant so I used Kleenex tissue to remove the ant but I could not catch it I stood up and realized that the ant was inside the screen this was why I could not remove it. I was continuing to work then about 10 minutes I remembered try to look it on the same spot on the screen but the ant disappeared no where to be found inside the screen I never see the ant inside the LCD screen, this is probably the 1st time and the last time in my life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56

Steven P. Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple who helped usher in the era of personal computers and then did nothing less than lead a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age, died Wednesday in Palo Alto, Calif.. He was 56. The creator of Apple computer/Mac,itune, ipod, iphone and ipad...
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
The story is about connecting the dots. You got to find what you love and that goes for work and lover. Steve Jobs.

Jobs didn't invent computer technology, or the cell phone, or the notion of digitizing music. But he invented methods, business models, and devices that turned each into significantly larger/global cultural and economic phenomena. The provision of the perfection ideas in the way we need in our daily life. In this way, he is a visionary.
Jobs worked for a dollar a year. At a time when many founding CEOs step down when they hit their late 40s and early 50s to chase other pursuits (a la Bill Gates), Jobs stuck with it. In an era in which many experts fretted about the ability of America's economy to thrive and innovate, Apple grew into a major exporter. Apple now represents American brands, the way McDonald's and IBM and Coca-Cola once did.

Sorry Steve I do not use Iphone but Android because it is open source and it is based on Linux and a lot cheaper than the Iphone. I can write my own code and apps/upgrade SW/FW which I did 3 days ago, I upgraded to 2.3 Gingerbread and it is great phone to have. I am not the Mac guy but PC guy. I just ordered another Android tablet and planning to write code for Android Market. Currently Android market phone is growing 5 times of Iphone because there are 20 companies make Android compared to only one which is Apple. Users have a large section to choose from like LG/Samsung/Sony/HTC...just like PC clone market right now and that will be the trend for Android smart phone.

It replaces all of these devices: phone, mp3 player, radio, camera, mouse, keyboard and many more for only 105 gram. The quality of picture as you can see below.

I downloaded the guitar tuner application for my guitar so the Android smart phone is replaced my guitar tuner which I bought 60 dollars 15 years ago. This application is free. I can download a tons of apps to learn guitar on the go. The smart phone can do almost everything even tuning the guitar, you can forget many things but it is hard to forget the phone.

I think it maybe the vision of Steve Jobs for the Iphone and Android got the ideas. At this point, he is a visionary and I say "thank you". The phone has fulfilled the needs for our daily life and more. Steve Jobs has admitted to put the map into the phone, he got the idea from Google because he liked Google maps with GPS very much. I love music but no time to practice now I can pick up the guitar and downloaded
all the songs/apps into the phone and go!I never like Iphone because the first Iphone came out, it was too big for me to carry around and the price with that price I can have a laptop. The picture is from 3 inches Android phone and it is waiting 105 gram it is so light that I can put on top of the keyboard and the keys won't bounce. It can do everything that a Iphone can including GPS, Wifi, 3G, Web, Camera, Radio, Video, mp3 player, flash, alarm, angry birds, voice activating, call by voice, voice dictation, gesture and everything that you need daily like note, word, pdf, RSS news. I like the phone is so small that you can attach to the belt and you don't feel a thing. This phone costs 1/3 the price of Iphone. I have very little influenced by you but I think you have a great vision about the objects around us. Someone once told me that to die is easy but to live is a hard part. In 60's one of the Beatles albums with the title Apple and up till now I wonder if the name Apple came from this album, I knew from the interview with Bill Gates your quote was from the lyrics of the Beatles song. Anyway, we have a lot in common but in life sometimes we need lucks and opportunities to succeed. I believe that if you do good things in life you will go to haven. So good luck in the heaven !

All things succeed depend on previous preparation without such preparation there will be sure a failure.
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.
If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give advice.
If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
- Chinese Proverb

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Khong biet minh da ngu tu luc nao giac minh thuc day thay dong ho 7:48 nghi la sang chuan bi di lam nhin len ban thi thay mang hinh cua PC film da chieu het tu bao gio con say ngu quay qua nghe cai gi rot xuong san nha a thi ra do la wireless mouse ng ta thi dung remote control minh thi dung wireless mouse de xem phim hay doc tin tuc tu tu man hinh lon, ko biet co ai nhu vay. Roi nghi se chuan bi di lam vi troi vua toi vua sang va mua ri ra bgio cung la cuoi ha nen troi cung bat dau toi som ko nhu mua he. Nhin lai dong ho lan nua thi ra la 7:49 PM ko fai buoi sang ma buoi toi ko biet minh da ngu tu bao gio thi ra luc nay ben VN em cung chuan bi di lam cho buoi sang. Tuan nay cung ban biu voi viec lam va roi nau an cho mot tuan cung xong co le vay ma ngu qua nhieu thuong thi ngu chung 10-30 phut cho buoi trua cung 2 tuan nay thieu ngu. Tuan nay thi tinh co minh xem lai phim: About Schmidt. Day la tieu bieu cho cuoc song o day rat co doc ve gia/a real American life style here. A man upon retirement embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected.
Sau khi lay vo 42 nam vo ong ay qua doi va ong quyet dinh dung chiec mobile home di khap nc My de tham du dam cuoi cua con gai. Day la comedy drama film voi Jack Nicholson. Nhung nam do toi co mo mot cong ty phan mem o VN vi vay toi ve lam o VN. Toi co xem phim: The Quiet American do Micheal Cane dong o rap hat trong thuong xa Diamond Plaza toi con nho ve la 40 ngan dong. Do la nhg phim cua nam 2002. Ng ta viet blog de ng khac doc toi viet blog chinh cho minh doc de noi de nho ve mot thoi de nho va mot thoi da/de yeu co le vi vay toi da ko de comments cho nhg blog toi viet no cung nhu mot hoi ky cho ban than minh. Day la cau tra loi cua nhg emails tai sao toi ko cho comments o blog vi la nhat ky ban than can gi phe binh vi no la hien thuc cua qua khu cua ban than minh.

The script in the movie he talked about his wife
We are here to mark a crossroad in lives of 2 people.
A crossroad where they come together and now walk along a new road, -
- not same road they were on before, -- it's new road... a road that...
As many of you know, I lost my wife recently...
and Jeannie lost her mother.

Helen and I were married 42 years.

She died very suddenly.
I know we owe she could be with us today.
And i think it would be appropriate to acknowledge just how...
pleased she was that Jeannie had found someone to share her life with...
a companion, a partner.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Obama is one term president

“When faced with the greatest economic crisis, the greatest levels of economic inequality, and the greatest levels of corporate influence on politics since the Depression, Barack Obama stared into the eyes of history and chose to avert his gaze. Instead of indicting the people whose recklessness wrecked the economy, he put them in charge of it. He never explained that decision to the public — a failure in storytelling as extraordinary as the failure in judgment behind it."
He is probably good in many things but not good in the economy sense. He should use the 14th Amendment instead accepting the wrong ideology to turn the economy like today. All the world index gave up all the gains in the past 3 years and may turn the economy into double recession.
Bill Clinton, however, affirms that he would claim the 14th Amendment, saying that he’d use the option “without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me,” adding, “I think the Constitution is clear.”
Obama becomes a normal president a mediocre/rudiment president because he does not have the gut to make a decision in the most hardest situation. If he used 14th Amendment things would not turn out bad as it is now and he will win the second term of president. He is only good to speak... Noi thi rat de lam moi kho. Lich su se quen Obama vi ong nay chang dam lam dieu quan trong nhat ma the gioi lich su can lam.

No Guts No glory. It is true. The weakest decision brings the weakest economy this is why S&P downgraded US from AAA to AA not because the US debt but the climate of the political risks and uncertainly. United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To 'AA+' Due To Political Risks, Rising Debt Burden; Outlook Negative. In 3 days since Thursday DJ Index lost over 1000 points. If you have a strategic implementing into your model at the bottom of the stock in which you will only buy if it begins to go up but if you are wrong in the calculation then you should sell it if it goes down more then 5% of your target price. The key component is always having cash reserve. If you study and research and you can predict the trend and you will be doing well. I bought more stock on Thursday last week but now I look back it was a bit too early. The problem is we don't know what is the bottom before it goes up but now I have a pretty good idea now but I was missed for a couple of days (3 days). My problem that I am afraid to miss the change and I often execute it early so what if I missed it at least I don't lose and don't win in anyway it's still better lose the money. This is the reason that I encourage you study in BA to put your knowledge into a good use. Neu em hoc ve nghanh nay va thich thu ve kinh te hay quan tri kinh doanh em se co ket qua tot. Hau het ty phu hay CEO o day deu hoc tu Havard business school, ko co dieu kien thi hoc o Dai hoc kinh te hay dai hoc Mo o VN it nhat minh biet ve can ban ve lam business va khi doc tai lieu se ap dung de dang hon. Chi trong 2 tuan co phieu o day mat hon 3000 ty dollars, chi hom nay mat hon 1000 ty dollars, co ty phu thi giau hon va co ty phu thi ngheo hon da so that bai neu ho nghi rang day la dau tu lau dai nhg ko the dc trong hien tai vi the gioi ko co su can bang hien trong khi do o Phi Chau hon 12 trieu nguoi thieu an thieu uong neu minh thu tuong tuong 2 ngan ty dollars giup cho Phi Chau thi du lam bien ca thanh nc uong du xay dung Phi Chau mot quoc gia tu lap tu song. The gioi co nhieu that vong hon hi vong.

"War is synonymous with waste."
Yes, indeed Eisenhower got it right

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Too young to die

I started to know Amy Winehouse because she has a lot of statues and her style music sounds like Spanish-Cuba/Jazz. This is the case of bad "dam me".

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Only Want to Be With You

Watched this movie again on the weekend. "heh, what is your name, Cam I borrow you 2 bucks and give me your phone number so I can come to see you and return your money... How do you succeed? because you said "Just do it"...Yes, Love offers tender and true."

I don't know what it is
That makes me love you so
I only know I never wanna let you go
'Cos you started something
Oh, can't you see
That ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
I wanna spend each moment of the day with you
Oh, look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true
I only want to be with you

You stopped and smiled at me
Asked if I'd care to dance
I fell into your open arms
And I didn't stand a chance

Now, listen, honey
I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together, honey
I don't care
'Cos you started something
Oh, can't you see
That ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you

[Instrumental Interlude]

You stopped and smiled at me
Asked me if I'd care to dance
I feel into your open arms
And I didn't stand a chance

Now hear this, honey
I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together, honey
I don't care
'Cos you started something
Oh, can't you see
That ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you
I said, all I, all I want to do
I only want to be with you

Friday, July 15, 2011

What A Wonderful World

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Happy weekend. Finished reversed engineer for BIOS to enable the VT bit for my processor, a bit job for both hardware and software, but feel great to see it is working. Happiness is looking forward to do a good thing for yourself or people you love or...

If you have to think, think big - Donald Trump
If you have to dream, dream big.

How Can I Tell Her

We will be happy if we make our life simple.

She knows when I am lonesome
She cries when i am sad

She's up in the good times
She's down in the bad
Whenever I am discouraged
She knows what to do

But girl...
She doesn't know about you

I can tell her my troubles
She makes them all seem right

I can make up excuses
Not to hold her at night
We can talk about tomorrow
I'll her things i wanna do

But girl...
How can I tell her about you

How can I tell her about you
Girl, please tell me what to do
Every things seems right whenever I'm with you
So girl, won't you tell, how to tell her about you

How can I tell her I don't miss her
Whenever I am away
How can I say it's you I think of
Every single night and day
But when is it easy
Telling someone the truth
Oh girl, help me tell her about you

How can I tell her about you
Girl, please tell me what to do
Everything seems right whenever I'm with
So girl, won't you tell, how to tell her about you

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The formula of happiness

I am always looking for waking up in the morning to drink a fresh coffee of Trung Nguyen with the fresh milk in the backyard and as always she (the cat) looks at me. Sang nao anh thuc day tap the duc uong cafe xong o phia sau nha trong vuon con meo hang som nay den nhin anh va doi khi con meo nay co xat vao anh nhung muon duoc nan niu - happiness is to love and to be loved and to touch and to be touched. I think even the cat wants to have that feeling. She is not my cat but my neighbor's cat but she comes to visit me every morning in the summer. Happiness is the action of looking forward something to happen to fulfill ...but
Psychologists have now come up with a formula for happiness:
Pleasure + engagement + meaning = happiness.

- First, they suggest we need to be really engaged and engrossed in what we do. In the jargon it is called "flow". We have all experienced it. It is that feeling we get when we just do not even bother to look at the clock because we are so into what we are doing.

- Second, positive psychologists suggest we need meaning in our lives.
We can get this from doing an interesting job, or working on a project we really believe in, or by doing something worthwhile. While we adapt quickly to more money and material possessions, it seems we adapt less quickly, if at all, to meaningful things.

However, this simple formula hides a number of important issues.
It turns out you can have too much engagement and it does not necessarily lead to more happiness. For example, you can become engrossed in work and become a workaholic and less happy.

You can experience flow in gambling but it will not necessarily make you happy.
The formula is not exhaustive or comprehensive.

Pigs lay in the mud and do nothing, it is meaningless.
(con heo nam o trong bun ko lam gi het do la cuoc song ko co y nghia)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Breakfast at Wimbledon - my weekend

This is one of my habit is watching Wimbledon and US Open Tennis. Sang hom nay thuc day log vao computer moi biet rang Breakfast at Wimbledon for men final tennis. Tuyet voi buoi sang thuc day tre va anh mo co giac mo that dep la trung ve so 4.2 tr chia ra lam 4 nguoi ban cung mua. I dreamt about winning lotto about 4.2 mil and divide by 4 friends. It is awesome morning. This is kind of odd because I don't think about winning lotto, I hope it is an auspice. But on Friday I did sold some stocks from my portfolio because I predict that the future economy is not that great because the debt ceiling in US is due date on Aug 2. So I sold stocks on Friday before the holiday long weekend. Friday is my lucky day so most of my decisions happen on Friday. I am afraid that the economy could halt or collapse like in 2008. I put my note on my monitor to sell them all when the the time is right. But now the cash is not good either because the US currency value has been trailed low. It is bad, we are in an uncertain world now. Money to me, it is just numbers but it is nice to have these numbers to help anyone that you like and you don't have to worry about it.

Free time I like to go to swimming, play tennis, watch tennis that are the only sports that I like beside I like to play my guitar, cooking, listen to music, design the best websites...I have a lot of "dam me", recently I don't have time to do the things that I like, this is why I haven't written my blog as often as I wanted.

Wimbledon – Pressure as a privilege

Billy Jean King once made a comment on the stresses and strains of tennis in which she remarked that “pressure is a privilege”
Rat dung con nguoi cang hoan hao hon neu co co ap luc neu ko con ap luc thi ko con gi thich thu. Ap luc la mot dac an. Vi vay khi lam viec met nhoc hay gi do la mot vinh du.
We can do a higher thing if our basic needs is fulfilled because we don't have to worry about a small thing. Some places in the world people cannot do a big thing because they're worry and wondering about their next meal.

Everyone has their own haven my haven is acting. Morgan Freeman

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley

Saturday, June 4, 2011

VT - Virtualization Technology and it is not Vermont

This weekend I face this problem on my 2 old laptops they are about 3, 4 years old. Try to install the VM machine they are both dual core processor working on 64-bit win 7 and linux 64-bit. But it does work with Virtual machine guest 64-bit because Intel does not support VT and most of my AMD machines work without problem. I searched the net I was laughing with this comment.

"When you next go shopping, you might want to burn a copy of the .iso
from this article and take with you. You can boot up the machine & it
will test to see if VT-x is working, or can be enabled"

AMD is the way to go it may not as fast as Intel but it has all the Bells and Whistles Mean when needed. The error is also mislead because dual core processor supports 64-bit but the error like this: This kernel requires an X86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. Why don't it says CPU has no VT. By reading the error the way I understand it has to do with 32 or 64-bit.
This morning I finished device driver geometry to support 100% accurately for my monitor. To figure out these magic numbers to work the way I wanted:
E0 38 90 34 62 1A 27 40 6C B0 36 00 DA 28 11 00 00 18 1680x1050 59.68 Hz with more vertical adjustment.
Now I can make any computers to work with all LCD tivi screen by making device driver follows the flat screen tivi. Read the geometry from tivi and write it into the device driver of computer to support the resolution of tivi instead of the other way around. Feel good.
It took over 2 days to get this geometry right because the s/w tool gave a wrong information. These days we depends on tools to debug but sometimes the software tools give us a wrong information and scratch our head and read over and over again what's wrong with these numbers:
21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 36 00 DA 28 11 00 00 1C it makes the screen flickers after running for a while because it is wrong geometry.
So many problems which are hard to keep track and remember them. It is different from the old days now you may know a lot but a little bit of everything and it is not very deep as before. I think that the engineers now are smart than before as you can see for yourself how the technology changes our life. People says that if you don't manage the technology then the technology will manage yourself.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


In the past 3 days I was working on the problem which I thought it was a software problem because the code worked in win 7 but did not worked on the linux. I had to disable PCI Bus Master. By looking on the Boot Loader with error: hd0 out of disk, error: couldn’t read file error: you need to load the kernel first I tried everything that I could change the software. Sang nay tuc qua ra goc me ngoi doc rat tuc gian va ko hieu. For 3 days I was so angry to myself because I spent a lot of time but did not find the solution this morning I took the shower and came out I changed the hardware and the boot loader worked and I am so happy.
Cung hen ko nhu Archimedes chay ra duong ko mat gi ca khi kham pha ap xuat cua nc d/v vat khac nhau tuy vao ty trong qui luat day cua Archimedes, vi co the biet dc chat luong cua vuong mien cua vua gia va thiet. The legends goes further and tells that Archimedes was so excited with his discovery that he hopped out of the bath, and rushed naked into the street yelling triumphantly, "Eureka!" "Eureka!" (Greek word for 'I have found it!).
I was thinking why I had to work so hard to find a solution but I thought again if there is no challenge then life will be boring and no exciting the fact we live here and do good thing because of that interesting. This principle keeps me going. To me, the worst of all is you don't know what to do with your time. I saw a lot of bad things that people may do if they have a lot of free time. The reason that China to become a power house compared to US because the crime between 2 countries, a lot of resources that US spent for crime, each of prisoner could cost the country 45 thousands a year. You just imagine to see the different one contributes to the country paying tax and the other person will cost the country - a minus and a plus as same as doing a good thing and doing a bad thing. One more thing the good people does a good thing they are more tolerance and forgiving. The reason is because they have an interesting life to live why bother with a small thing. Don't you think so?
I remember a long time ago when I watched tennis. I heard that Billie Jean King said that pressure is a privilege. It is so right.
T watched 2 movies the tourist which was boring and the mechanic it was so so. I still have a lot of movies to watch but no time.
I just finished the first draft of the website which I intended to put everything that I knew and I discovered in it for everyone to view. My contribution to the world what I received. Google search is good for everyone. This website is google for myself when I search what I know but I forget, when I need something I just go this website. I don't like blog because I can not change it the way I want and I want to manage the database that I write. Youtube is good but sometimes you come back the video is gone or copyright issues.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do you want to know when you will die. Blood Test Claims To Tell You How Long You Have Till You Die

A new blood test soon to be launched in the United Kingdom claims to be able to tell you how long you are going to live. The £435 ($700) test measures the length of a person's telomeres - the inventor claims this is associated with longevity. Telomeres are DNA sections that cover the end of chromosomes, effectively protecting them from damage and loss of cell function - which are said to be associated with aging.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

World's Best Ruins

Angkor, Cambodia - I really enjoyed this place, its cost me 100 dollars just for the Visa but it was worthwhile to see the World's Best Ruins city. It is incredible that people can build something like this on 10 century. Thanh Dia My Son Ancient city, My Son is good to see too as small scale compared to Angkor, most of My Son temples if you pay attention these 2 architectures are different one was built by layering the bricks and Angkor was completely by stones. Cham dynasty vs. Khmer architecture. They are both fascinated me. See my old entries.

War or natural disaster might have weakened the Khmer Empire's ancient capital, but ultimately, it was the jungle that conquered this ninth- to fifteenth-century urban center. Today, the densely forested 150-square-mile Angkor Archaeological Park protects part of a vast cluster of ancient capitals, many of which remain buried. The park's most famous temple, Angkor Wat, is the world's largest religious building. But the park's dozens of other ruins, including Bayon temple with its wall of 11,000 carved figures, offer quieter glimpses into the art and architecture of this culturally rich 600-year period.
I need to see all of these places.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Slideshow of Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat ("City Temple") is a vast temple complex near Siem Reap, about 200 miles from the capital of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Built in the 12th century by the king of the prosperous Khmer empire, Angkor Wat was built as a royal temple dedicated to a Hindu deity.
After the city of Angkor fell to invaders, Angkor Wat receded into the jungle but continued as a Buddhist temple and a pilgrimage site over the centuries.
Angkor Wat is the best preserved example of Khmer architecture in Cambodia and is so grand in design that some rank it among the seven wonders of the world. It appears on the Cambodian national flag, a very rare instance of a flag incorporating an image of a building.

A one day pass will cost you 20 dollars USD. In Cambodia specially Angkor Wat for females you need to dress pants or jeans or well covered dresses otherwise you are not allowing to enter a certain temples because to the Khmer they are sacred and spiritual places. I was heard the story that a long time ago the females would not allow to enter into the temples but now with $USD 20 dollars you can enter into the temples with the above conditions.

The best way to live is to have an independent life

In this life I found that there are 2 kinds of person:
To know everything in this life is impossible but if you can or at least you try you will find happiness and not depend on someone for small things specially if you are a man. In order to archive this goal you should have an independence mind, deep thought, proud about yourself and self learning. This kind of people usually a very hard working people to try independence by preparing themselves well and other people depends to other kind usually lie back, talkative.
Easy to access the internet has made people easy to independent for almost everything if they know how to find it and it will be always this way now on if you have a background education. As you can see I recently traveled with my laptop I can order/book a hotel, looking around the city, places to visit as long as I can access the internet. For me it is good to depend on the internet because it was designed for this purpose.
Toi rat ghet nho va ai vi du neu can tien ra nha bank muon roi sau do tra lai voi tien loi thay vi muon ban be hay nguoi than de roi fai nho on mai cuoc doi giup qua giup lai thi co the tot nhung rat phuc tap vi sau nay minh fai giup lai lam cho cuoc song minh ko dc doc lap. Neu minh tu song dc va doc lap thi cuoc song minh se vat va do xong minh cam thay hanh phuc khi lam dc viec gi do hay giup ai dieu gi do. Cuoi tuan nay co ng ban hang som ko than den hoi giup ve laptop vi no ko khoi dong neu la toi thi toi rat ngay hoi mot nguoi ko than neu toi ko biet toi se dem ra tiem. Tuan nay di ve tu VN nhu post vua roi xe hoi khong chay bi hu toi tu goi xe keo no ra garage di taxi ve nha, khi ho sua xong ho goi toi roi lay. Do la cuoc song toi ko thich nho va ban be hay nguoi than vi toi goi ban be co the den don toi o garage hay phi truong nhg toi thich taxi vi do la dich vu cho moi nguoi ko can fai nho on vi toi rat so fai nho on ai do du do la dieu nho nhat. Sau nay toi lap gia dinh toi cung muon song doc lap 2 dua khong lien lac nhieu tieu thuoc ai rieng toi thi ko co cai ngoai chinh ban than toi. Song doc lap it phien nhieu hon con ng ban noi voi toi rang gia dinh chong rat nhieu nguoi vi co the nhin qua bao nhieu dam do trong nam thi biet. De bi anh huong ben chong hay ben vo la mot dieu rat dang tiet va khong nen de xay ra nhat la mot nguoi dan ong.

Slideshow of Phnom Penh. (the killing field)

Slideshow of Dalat (The golden valley and the flower garden)

Slideshow of Hoi An (My Son, Non Nuoc, Ngu Hanh Son va khu Pho Co)

From Hue to Hoi An by bus.First time for me on this sleeping bus. It is ok if you want a cheap transportation compared to the airplane the problem was it took so long to travel one place to other places and it is only good assuming you have plenty of time in my case I don't have much time. Lan nay co nhieu thu chua lam bao gio va day la lan dau tien tren bus co giuong nam. Tu do gio chi nghe noi gio thi moi biet. Cung thu vi nhg ko thu vi bang lai xe honda tu Saigon ra lan sau toi dinh di xe honda tu Sg -> Phan thiet Phan Ran Phan Ri -> Nha Trang -> Dalat -> Ha Tien tat ca nhg noi nao co bien.
Hom di Thanh dia My Son roi Hoi An hon 3 gio chieu ong quang ly KS noi rat nguy hiem vi xa hon 50 km roi toi cung di vi biet kha nang lai xe cua minh vao den cong la 4 gio chieu va minh cung la ng cuoi cung vao cong vi 4 gio ho dong cua. Tu cong vao thanh dia My Son mat 9 km nua rat vang ve va ghe so tren con duong vong veo ko mot bong nguoi. O do den 5 gio 30 thi ve cung la nguoi cuoi cung roi thanh dia. Ve den Hoi An 7:30 toi di lac may lan va vi duong toi rat kho di va co nhieu con thieu than chay vao mat va mui ve tre vi con ghe quan cafe doc duong. Mot lan di thu vi de roi ngay hom sau roi Hoi An sau di khu pho Co. Toi dc chung kien 2 kien truc cua nguoi Cham va ng Khmer o Angkor Wat kho ma tuong tuong dc kien truc gach o My Son dc xay vao the ky thu 4 so voi kien truc bang da o Angkor Wat dc xay vao dau the ky thu 10.

Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn thuộc xã Duy Phú, huyện Duy Xuyên, tỉnh Quảng Nam, cách thành phố Đà Nẵng khoảng 69 km và cách thành cổ Trà Kiệu khoảng 20 km, là tổ hợp bao gồm nhiều đền đài Chăm Pa, trong một thung lũng đường kính khoảng 2 km, bao quanh bởi đồi núi. Đây từng là nơi tổ chức cúng tế của vương triều Chăm pa cũng như là lăng mộ của các vị vua Chăm pa hay hoàng thân, quốc thích. Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn được coi là một trong những trung tâm đền đài chính của Ấn Độ giáo ở khu vực Đông Nam Á và là di sản duy nhất của thể loại này tại Việt Nam.

Thông thường người ta hay so sánh thánh địa này với các tổ hợp đền đài chính khác ở Đông Nam Á như Borobudur (Java, Indonesia), Pagan (Myanma), Angkor Wat (Campuchia) và Ayutthaya (Thái Lan). Từ năm 1999, thánh địa Mỹ Sơn đã được UNESCO chọn là một trong các di sản thế giới tại phiên họp thứ 23 của Ủy ban di sản thế giới theo tiêu chuẩn C (II) như là một ví dụ điển hình về trao đổi văn hoá và theo tiêu chuẩn C (III) như là bằng chứng duy nhất của nền văn minh châu Á đã biến mất.
Mỹ Sơn có lẽ được bắt đầu xây dựng vào thế kỷ 4. Trong nhiều thế kỷ, thánh địa này được bổ sung thêm các ngọn tháp lớn nhỏ và đã trở thành khu di tích chính của văn hóa Chămpa tại Việt Nam. Ngoài chức năng hành lễ, giúp các vương triều tiếp cận với các thánh thần, Mỹ Sơn còn là trung tâm văn hóa và tín ngưỡng của các triều đại Chămpa và là nơi chôn cất các vị vua, thầy tu nhiều quyền lực. Những di vật đầu tiên được tìm thấy ghi dấu thời đại vua Bhadravarman I (Phạm Hồ Đạt) (trị vì từ năm 381 đến 413), vị vua đã xây dựng một thánh đường để thờ cúng linga và Shiva. Mỹ Sơn chịu ảnh hưởng rất lớn của Ấn Độ cả về kiến trúc - thể hiện ở các đền tháp đang chìm đắm trong huy hoàng quá khứ, và về văn hóa - thể hiện ở các dòng bia ký bằng chữ Phạn cổ trên các tấm bia.

Dựa trên các tấm bia văn tự khác, người ta biết nơi đây đã từng có một đền thờ đầu tiên được làm bằng gỗ vào thế kỷ 4. Hơn 2 thế kỷ sau đó, ngôi đền bị thiêu hủy trong một trận hỏa hoạn lớn. Vào đầu thế kỷ 7, vua Sambhuvarman (Phạm Phạn Chi) (trị vì từ năm 577 đến năm 629) đã dùng gạch để xây dựng lại ngôi đền còn tồn tại đến ngày nay (có lẽ sau khi dời đô từ Khu Lật về Trà Kiệu). Các triều vua sau đó tiếp tục tu sửa lại các đền tháp cũ và xây dựng các đền tháp mới để thờ các vị thần. Gạch là vật liệu tốt để lưu giữ ký ức của một dân tộc kỳ bí và kỹ thuật xây dựng tháp của người Chàm cho tới nay vẫn còn là một điều bí ẩn. Người ta vẫn chưa tìm ra lời giải đáp thích hợp về chất liệu gắn kết, phương thức nung gạch và xây dựng.

Những ngọn tháp và lăng mộ có niên đại từ thế kỷ 7 đến thế kỷ 14, nhưng các kết quả khai quật cho thấy các vua Chăm đã được chôn cất ở đây từ thế kỷ 4. Tổng số công trình kiến trúc là trên 70 chiếc. Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn có thể là trung tâm tôn giáo và văn hóa của nhà nước Chăm pa khi thủ đô của quốc gia này là Trà Kiệu hay Đồng Dương.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Slideshow of Hue

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Xe bi hu vi con soc - my car won't start because the squirrels

Tu hom ve den nay chiec xe hoi khong chay, hom nay fai keo den garage de sua. Ho mat ca ngay de tim ly do vi xe toan dieu khien bang computer. Cuoi cung ho cung tim ra la nhung con soc/squirrel lam to trong may vi am roi no cang dut mot soi giay dien cho air instake sensor lam xe khong du khong khi cho xang va vi vay may khong chay. Lam mat het $200 dollars vi may con soc. O fia sau nha la canh rung hoang nen co rat nhieu con soc/squirrel, nhiem va con chon. Co hom co mot con chon/fox chay vao phong khach fai duoi ra. Toi rat yeu va thich thien nhien nhat la loai thu hay de do an cho chung nen chung hay den nha xin an. Day cung la bai hoc xe hu ko fai do may hu hong ma bi nhg con soc cang dut giay dien. Hinh thu cua ke pha hoai la thu pham nhu sau, nhung nhin cung de thuong va vo hai lam. Khong giong soc o VN soc o day co nhieu mau, xung quanh thay co nhieu loai soc ma con soc den nay thi loai li pha nhat duoc goi la be Li. These are the pictures of the squirrels causing my car won't start because they chewed a cable of air intake sensor. The sensor sends the signal to CPU central processor unit for te amount of air that engine needs in a certain time. This cable is broken.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Back home !

Con 1 tieng nua de connect fly ve nha only 1 more hour I will be home at last. Thoi tiet o day thi lanh nguoc voi thoi tiet nong nuc o Saigon nhin tam hinh nay o quan cafe Tra^`m (quan cafe nay va Mien Dong Thao gan ks anh o) truoc khi ra phi truong TSN de em xa dan ngan doi hoan vang anh di ve buon chan ke toc, thoi tiet rat nong o Sg nhin tam hinh thi du biet nong the nao ma anh gan nhu ko chiu noi nua an cung ko thay ngon tet thi con mat va nong dan dan cung la anh di den dau mua do tu Saigon den Campuchia roi tro ve VN toi di dau mua do...cuoi cung sau 2 ngay cung ve den nha tuyet da tan chuan bi cho mot mua Xuan moi. Co 2 tam tranh tu Campuchia nhin cung la so voi nhg tranh khac trong nha. Lan ve nay lam nhieu thu ma chua tung bao gio lam tu truoc den gio cung nhu 2 buc tranh moi nay. Nhieu nguoi anh huong boi su giup do cua minh voi nhg email that ngac nhien I inspired them and I have been inspired by them. Anh ko quan tam hay de y nhg gi minh lam neu cam thay can thiet de giup ai do vi ho xung dang dc giup do ho can su huong dan. Con nguoi co the lam dc nhieu chuyen vi dai neu dc huong dan mot cach tan tinh. Do la dieu ma anh hoc duong trong trai nghiem cua minh. Co the minh ko de y khi minh giup ho va ton trong an can chan that, nguoi dc nhan su giup do ho se nho minh mai mai. “Only a life lived for others is worth living”. Albert Einstein. Co nguoi hoi anh rang neu minh gap ng xau, hen va tieu nhan thi lam sao d/v anh biet nguoi ko tot thi minh ko de y ko quen nua xem nhu ho ko hien dien trong doi minh. Theo anh nghi neu minh muon dieu gi va phan dau tung gio tung phut cho muc dich thi minh se duoc, neu da di hoc thi chon muc dich cai ma minh yeu thich nhat vi chinh no se la niem vui cho cuoc song cua minh du gi da hoc thi hoc that gioi ng hoc gioi se co nhg loi diem trong tuong lai do la dieu o VN sinh vien chua co dung nghi rang hoc de co 1 bang cap ma de trang bi cho minh mot kien thuc can ban cho doi cho ban than va nhat la biet dao duc song va dao duc lam viec. Chinh kien thuc do lam cho ta mot cai nhin khach quan ve nhieu van de chinh do tao ra cai nhinh cua cai toi cua minh do la dieu ma anh khac voi nhg ng khac vi minh tu tin voi nhg gi minh lam. Va chinh no cung tao va trang bi cho chung ta de biet the nao la dieu nen lam va dieu nao ko nen lam. Da lo hoc thi hoc that gioi da lo di lam 8 tieng thi lam cai gi minh yeu thich nhat vi cuoi cung do la niem vui cua minh/dam me cua minh. Con nguoi se tuyet voi va tha thu va lam nhg dieu that huyen dieu nhg dieu tot neu minh co nhieu dam me va dung thoi gian ranh cho nhg dam me ma minh yeu thich. Neu chung ta ko co dam me thi giong nhu chung ta ko biet huong di ko biet ngay mai minh se lam gi? vai phut ranh minh se lam gi? hien gio minh se lam gi? tat ca deu tuy thuoc vao dam me cua minh. Moi lan ve toi thuong di tham vuon Long Thanh de noi chuyen voi ng trong nom vuon ma moi lan nhu vay minh tro chuyen va hoi tham chi L co lan chi noi 1 cau ma toi nho mai: "Chu ve day ma tham toi thi toi rat qui chu lam vi toi chi la nguoi o do/day to cho chu vi vay chu ko can cho toi tien nua". Day la ng VN dau tien tu choi nhan tien cua toi. Toi biet rang nhg gi lam minh noi minh lam da anh huong rat nhieu nguoi ma minh ko he biet do dieu tu nhien cua minh trong moi truong minh song da truong thanh da di hoc ma minh da anh huong. Do la dieu ma du co tien ko he mua dc do la ly tuong song cua minh. Da lo sinh ra tren doi nay thi minh can co mot ly tuong song, cai dam me se tao ta mot ly tuong song that tot.
Today when I watched CNN talking about Elizabeth Taylor life who died Wednesday at age 79, Larry King summing-up her life with the word "passions/dam me". I knew Elizabeth Taylor when I was very young in the movie Cleopatra. Larry King noi rang Elizabeth Taylor bieu hien/tieu bieu cho mot con nguoi nhieu dam me/say me. Dieu do de chung minh nhg gi anh noi la dung. Song fai co dam me tren doi nay do la su khac biet cua con nguoi voi cay co.